Eastern C lackam as News Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon K. M. Standish, Editor and Manager Entered at the poHtoffiee in Etitacada, Oregon, aa aecond-cdass mail. SlJHHTKimoN R a TKS One year Six montha $1.50 Thursday, Dec. 27, 1917 Its an ill wind and an ill rain that brings forth no good, and last weeks heavy rainfall and flood did one good job when il tore out the fish rack in Eagle ('reek and we hope it did the same for the salmon rack at Clackamas. We truly hope that those racks are now well afloat and headed towards the Pacific and that no successors will be builded in their places. For a time it was rumored that the River Mill Hatchery would be engulfed and no large amount of effort would have been made by the residents of this section to save it, for between the hatchery and the racks, salmon fishing in the nearby streams is almost a thing of the past. We suggest that the honorable fish authorities, both federal and state, try the experiment of leaving the Clackamas River and Eagle Creek open for a year, thereby, during this season of high cost of fish products, allow­ ing the home angler a chance to catch his home supply of salmon and steel head. Dili iug the course of the del­ uge and flood of last week, rum­ ors had reached Oregon City and Clad atone that the Cazadero and River Mill dams were breaking consequently several phone calls were received by the News, ask­ ing if any danger existed, as the lower end of the county might sutler luavily incase of such breaks. We only w ished conditions had been the same as related in the story books of the brave boy who held his finger in a hole in the dike, until help came, thereby saving the country. Had such a condition been present here, we would have either created Cas­ c a d e County then and there, with the consent of Oregon City, or w e would have threatened to pull out our finger. Several times of late the city water in Estacada has been turned off without warning, but aside from the inconvenience, no harm has resulted. Hut now. that we have two in­ dustries in Estacada that are using (toilers and steam, when­ ever possible a warning should be given those industries, for serious explosions have resulted from just such conditions. If you’re doing your bit. do another b i t . That’s two bits, for .vhich you can buy a War Savings Thrift Stamp and that’s still a n o t h e r I it. ✓ D anger on Springw ater- Logan Road The attention of the county court or county road boss should be called to a dangerous condi­ tion which exists on the Spring- water Logan main road, at the point where that highway passes the so-called “ Rig Slide.” At this point, not farther than 40 feet from the road, yawns a dangerous precipice, with a straight drop of several hundred feet down to the Clackamas River. This slide occured sever­ al years ago and represents one of the thrilling scenic attractions of the county, but its present unguarded condition is a constant danger, especially to strangers, few of whom would ever suspect that such a canyon existed along an otherwise level and straight road. Since the deluge of last week, apparently this slide is continu­ ing, and that it may take the roail w ith it, is not an impossibil­ ity, in fact the slide has been slowly working toward the road for several years. A fence of some kind or warn­ ing signs should be posted along this highly dangerous spot and it should be attended to at once. Also on this same highway, at the junction with the Traehsel Cut-off Road, appears an attrac­ tive road marker, reading ‘‘Esta­ cada - 2 Miles” . A stranger would naturally suppose that Cut-off to be the main highway to Estacada but woe unto him and bis machine if be ever attempted that impassable road, especially during the rainy season. For the time being this marker should be removed or instructions print­ ed, showing the main road to be a mile or so further on. W e Strive To Please |L Our prices are kept as low as can be made and our service the best we know how to give. > ) We can get cheaper merchan­ dise but vve do not believe in sacrificing quality for quantity but try to live up to our mol to “ The Best Is None Too Good For You” L. A. Chapman Estacada, O regon ✓ T\ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦ + + + + ♦ + + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ Undertaking and Embalming ♦ L. A. Chapman ♦ L ic e n se d ♦ * Phone * Store or Residence ♦ ♦ + + ♦ + + + + + + ♦ Estacada E m bal trier Operating Hearse ^nd Morgue + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + ++ M. J. KERKES Us m ■m Soldier Boys Want home Paper The News some time ago start­ ed a lit tie donation in the form of free subscriptions to the en­ listed I h >> s from this community, witn t o e expectation that not to exceed a couple dozen copies per week would fill the requirements. Hut now we are in a quandry, for the local enlistments are near­ ing the half hundred mark, with double that number in sight and our pocket book wont stand the added demand. Last week one of the new re­ cruits wrote to remind us of our original offer and we are going to see that he vets the home pa­ per, if it bankrupts us. but that is aitout as far as our pocket-book can I k * stretched. We will however, make a spec­ ial rate of $1.00 per year on subscriptions sent to enlisted men only, in case relatives or friends wish to have them get the home news regularly. Miss Roberta Reid of Portland spent Christmas day at the par­ ental home in Garfield. ft Buyer For The Albina Dresxed Beef Company Of Portland. LIVESTOCK of all descriptions PURCHASED If you have any for sale - phone H en ry G ithens, C urrinsville.