Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 27, 1917, Image 2

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    To our friends
and others
We wish all
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year
We not only wish it hut
Will Assist You
if you will only give us the opportunity.
“Your Satisfaction is Our Success”
East Clackamas Supply Co.
Estacada, Oregon.
Epidemic Among
Local Horses Again
The annual sickness and deaths
among the horses of this com­
munity is again in evidence, with
reports received of the death of
several horses in Garfield this
week and the illness of many
Apparently the disease is the
same as in former years, taking
on the aspects of staggers or so-
called “fern staggers”, with a
few new symptoms, possibly due
to the abnormal condition of the
hay now being fed to the animals.
Nearly every mow is this sea­
son fille'd with hay which devel­
oped under extreme drought con-
] ditions, being cut and stored
when unusually dry. Since the
rains, this hay has in many in­
stances become musty and very
di.sty and taken on a light green­
ish color. It is more than possi­
ble this recurrence of the stag­
gers in an aggravated form this
year is directly due to this ab­
normal feed.
I'he 51st annual edition of the
Oregon Citv Enterprise was re-
' ceived in this community last
Saturday, copies having been
sent into all parts of the county.
This issue is a handsome one and
its supplement devoted to Esta­
cada and surrounding country
reminds us of the days of the old
real estate booklets, with Esta-
cada’s population considerably
inflated and lots of compliments
heaped upon our industries, town
merchants, schools, farms and
even the newspaper.
Ken Bartlett of Estacada, who
is a member of the crack Camp
Lewis football team is now at
Pasadena, where with his team
mates he will tackle the fast
Mare Island eleven on New Years
Pay. For the past two years
Ken has made this southern trip,
playing on the winning U. of 0.
Officers Installed
On Friday evening, Lodge No.
146 A. F. and A. M. and Mount­
ain Chapter No. 108 Order of the
Eastern Star of Estacada held a
joint installation of officers. Fol­
lowing the installation a delecta­
ble banquet was served at Hotel
Estacada by ladies of the C. I. C.
With Toast-master Lauryy in
command an interesting program
of impromptu speeches and mus­
ic was called forth.
The following are the officers
of Mountain Chapter for the en­
suing year —
Worthy Matron—Mrs. Snzannah
Greenwood of Bull Run, Worthy
Patron—Mr. N. L. S. Lauryy.
Associate Matron — Mrs. Alice
Laurry, Conductress—Mrs. Eliz­
abeth Womer, Secretary- Miss
Eva Wash, Treasurer Mrs. Hel­
en Wash, Adah Mrs. Eda Woods,
Ruth — Mrs. Abbie Armstrong,
Esther—Mrs. Merle Ewing, Mar­
tha—Mrs. Ida Norris, Electa
Miss Maude Sturgeon, Warder -
Mrs. Bessie Wagner, Sentinel
P. M. Wagner, Chaplain Mrs.
Mae Reed, Organist —Mrs. Car­
rie L. Adix.
The Officers of the Estacada
Lodge No. 146 A. F. and A. M.
installed being—
Cornelius S. Allen - W. M., John
Greenwood - S. W., Thomas Wat­
son - J. W., Owen E. Smith Treas.
Wm. Dale - Secy., Edwin D. Al­
len - S. D., Frank Ewing - J. D.,
Charles A. Norris - S. D., Philip
M. Wagner - J. N., Beach R.
Kimmel, Tyler.
Mr. and Mrs. Doudy of Port­
land were Christmas guests at
the home of her sister, Mrs. An­
na Mikuleky of Estacada, where
a family dinner was enjoyed,
with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Somer
and son Frank of Estacada
Heights, making up the party.
Miss Helen Bartlett of Estaca­
da is spending a few days this
week as the guest of Dr. and
Mrs. F. E. Moore of Portland.
We Wis h Yo u All A 1lapipy N e w Ye a r
c/4nd in order to make your New Years the more happy w e are quoting
you a few prices that will make you smile.
T h e s e p r ic e s a r e a l l o n I m p l e m e n t s t h a t y o u w i l l n e e d b e f o r e s p r i n g .
1Jn rtla n d prie*
1 - Litchfield 60 hu. Spreader
1 - 1»! in. Disc with 8 discs
1 - 16 in. ” " 10 “
s a oo
1 - 16 in. „ ” 12 ”
2 - 15 Tooth Spring tooth Harrows 30.75
2 -50 ” Drag Harrows
2-60 ”
6 - 6 Shovel Wheel Cultivator
H A R l) W A R K
I mplkmi £ N T S
H A K N E 8 S
O u r p ric e .
$168 50
P o rtla n d P ric e s
O u r P ric e
1 - 5 Tooth Cultivator
(Second Hand)
1 -5 ”
1 -
1 - Fuller & Johnson Pump Engine 86.50
3 - Sets Heavy Farm Harness
Logging Harness
1 - Set
4 •
Lines. Collars and Strap Work at greatly reduced prices.
s t a c a d a ,
O r e g o n