Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 13, 1917, Image 9

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    Supplem ent To
Eastern Clackamas News
D ec. 13, 1917
Does This Community Need
An Auction And Clearing H rase?
This Clearing House would al- instances the distance to be trav-
low o f the attractive display o f i elled by the prospective buyer
hundreds o f articles, from a sec-1 ruins all chances o f a sale. This
A ft e r a careful study of the
ond hand w ringer to a plow, har- ¡Clearing House will do away with
supply and demand for second
row or bedstead, with price tags I any such obstacles.
hand or used articles in this c im­
First o f all, this office wi lies
attached; meaning the resurrec­
munity, as indicateti by the past
find out about how much o f
tion and converting into money
two year’s advertisements in the
o f hundreds o f articles now dust such second hand material is on
N e w s ’ “ Wanted and For Sale’ ’
and cob-web covered and o f little! hand in this community, so as to
columns and from the activities
plan and advertise accordingly.
or no value to the owners.
attending every public auction in
We also wish to ascertain the
The editor is not anticipating!
this section, the editor has come
attitude o f the people as to the
to the conclusion that there is an making any fortune from the e s - !
demand for such a Clearing
opening in Estacada, as the trad­ tablishment o f such a business,
ing center o f this district, for a but a fter ta'king with several o f
You can help in this matter
the local merchants and farmers,
so-called “ Clearing House.”
and get the benefit o f the free
With this idea in view, the ed- it seems a feasible and legitimate
advertising o f your goods, if you
itor (R. M. Standish) is content-1 business and a needed adjunct to
will make out a list at once of
plating the opening up o f such a the commercial life o f this dis-
trict and in no ways competing sUc^ second hand articles as are
business with headquarters in the
big store building adjoining the against any of the present forms now stored about your home
of merchandizing.
place and which you want.to sell.
N e w s ’ office.
It is also planned to hold No matter whether you only
But whether the contemplated
or quarterly public huc - have one good wheel from al
plans will materialize depends to
a large extent on the attitude of tiors, when horses, cows, sheep, laim wagon 01 a no-longer-occn
the public towards such an enter- pigs or second hand articles may pied baby buggy, someone in this
pr ise, as shown in the response i be put up for sale, under condi-1 community has the othei thiee
tions similar to any such affair. wheels o f a wagon and wants
to this appeal for information.
The News will, if plans mater­ ! your one and there is always a
The intention is to offer a con­
fluctuating market for baby bug­
venient clearing house for the ialize, carry a space devoted en­
gies. And it is just as important
sale or trade o f the hundreds and tirely to this Clearing House,
that we be advised o f what you
thousands of dollars worth of showing a printed list o f articles
may want in these lines, whether
second hand articles; now stored for sale and also containing a
used stove or range, a washing
about every house, attie, barn list o f articles wanted. In this
machine or a slightly dented
and granary, such as implements, way, the question o f supply and
milk can.
furniture, ranges, stoves, farm i demand can be handled and the
The response to this statement
and household goods or parts of buyer and the goods brought to-
o f conditions and this appeal to
same, which are no longer o f use geiher.
the public foi a few preliminary
or much value to the owner, but
As it now stands, the average
figures and lists o f articles, will
which can be sold to someone public auction in this country
govern whether or not the Clear­
who needs them.
draws a crowd, with the public
ing House idea is a feasible one -
The Clearing House would act . usually
the editor believes so, do you?
or naicn
for fered, ’ from broken harness to 0 So please
. * » bun
• know
an the
me display ui
luum mi
what you
such goods, the owners b rin g in g I single trees, washing machines,
think o f it right now.
in their articles, setting an equit- bee-hives etc.
able price on same, the Clearing
As a result o f our “ For Side”
House to charge a reasonable j a ’ vertisements, this office often
percentage for negotiating the | receives inquiries asking where
the advertiser lives and in many