These are Some of the Bargains to be Found at Our CLOSINC OUT SALE School Supplies Soaps Miscellaneous High School Pads 5 for 25c Regular 5c Tablets 3 ” 10c ” 10c ” 2 ” 15c ” 15c ” 10c 10c Crayons 5c All school supplies reduced in the same proportion. Crystal White. per bar 5c Bob White 5c Diamond W 5e Easy Day 5e 3 for 10c 5c Toilet Soaps These are selling fast. first come. first served. Men’s $2.50 Hats $1.50 All Underwear Reduced 25'» Knives Forks Spoons cut 50‘\* Patent Medicines Reduced 50"» Xmas Toys Reduced 10 to 50"» A Complete Stock of Fancy and Plain Handkerchiefs, 5c to 25c. p p p f p p Dishes Lam p Chim neys Fancy Xmas Gift Plates 10c - 15c 4<>o Salad Howls 2&C Olive and Pickle Dishes 10c Cut Glass Water Pitcher and Set of 0 Glasses $2. 6 Glasses without Pitcher 75c 7c and 10c Glasses 5c Similar Reduction on Entire Line 5c A lum inum an d G ranite W are Selling Below Portland Prices. Set of Grass T able M ats 20 c Our Entire H ardw are Stock To Be Sold At Barguin Prices. PARK & CLOSNER 2 n d & B roadw ay The fact that a full page ad­ vertisement for Park & Closner did not appear in this issue as announced last week, is not the fault of the advertiser but of the publisher, who could not spare that amount of space in this is­ sue, being forced to confine their sale notice to a half page. Under the direction of Super­ visor Fred Lins, that portion of the Mt. Zion Road in Lower Gar­ field from the Archie Yocum cor­ ner to the George Armstrong place is being planked. While this stretch of road does not re­ ceive heavy traffic, it is ordinari­ ly impassable lor other than teams during the rainy season. Parties desirous of obtaining Liberty Loan buttons and who are entitled to same, are asked to call at the E tacada State Bank, where a supply of these patriotic emblems has been re­ ceived. Dover Doings Contributed George Kitzmiller, who has been employed in the O. & C. Classification Service has return­ ed home, the work being stopped on account of snow. H. Fitzgerald is reported to have sold his forty acre farm to an Oregon City buyer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahnert were Vancouver visitors recent­ ly, where their daughter Mollie is teaching school. The Susan Updegrave home is being remodled and redecorated in preparation for the holidays. An aeroplane is reported to have neen seen Thursday even­ ing last in the vicinity of Sandy and Bull Run. H. H. Udell and Walter Kitz- ■ miller are hauling plank for the work on the Upper Eagle Creek road. Miss Eleanor Bewes, who is in charge of the Dover School, re- J. R. Intensifiers FOR FORD CARS With this intensifier you can adjust your lights or dim them to conform to the traffic regnlations. Come in and see it and you will buy one. FIREPROOF Ed Shearer of Garfield return­ ed from a few days spent at the annual show of the Oregon Poul­ try & Pet Stock Association in Portland, where he was in charge of part of the exhibits. This year, Ed entered hut few birds, but his Light Brahma fowls, as usual, were awarded the prizes. Ed also was one of the cool head­ ed men who helped handle the excited crowd the night of the bomb scare at the show. Estacada, O regon S pringw ater New* Item s Contribute! Clyde Sating of Currinsville, who for the past sixty days has been working near Heppner, hav­ ing leased and planted to wheat a 120 acre piece of land, is ex­ pected home within the next ten .days, where he will remain dur­ ing the holidays at least. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bard are visiting friends and relatives in Portland this week. The Christian Endeavor Society held its annual business and so­ cial meeting Wednesday evening, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Weld, where an enjoyable even­ ing was spent. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Grahle have lately moved to Portland, having rented their place to a Portland party. The Red Cross met this week at the W. W. Christensen home and next week will meet with Mrs. George Guttridge. Fred Closner suffered a severe sprain of his ankle recently, caused by a fall from his horse. cently visited her brother John, who is enlisted and stationed at American Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lasswell of Philomath, Oregon spent Sunday at the home of their son, A. L. Lasswell of Estacada i Batteries Charged Here No longer will you be delayed in having batteries charged at a distant point for we have added to our mechanical depart­ ment a WESTERN ELECTRIC MOTOR GENERATOR, at great expense, but our increasing business demands it. Cascade Garage Expert Mechanical Service. Service and Sales A gents for Dodge, S a x o n , C hevrolet and Cadillac autos Republic trucks and C leveland C aterpillar tractors. S. P. Pesznecker J. C. Peterson m i