Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 13, 1917, Image 4

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    Waller Givens
Editor In Chief
The Weekly
Fred Bartholomew
Outside Man
Devoted to the stimulation of civic
oosti ng
December 13, 1917
Vol. 1 No. 47
and community pride • the patroniz­
ing of home industries • and the
hooding of the Walter Given> Co.
Estacada, Oregon
Our government has said that
profiteering is unpatriotic and
should not he indulged in. Hence
these RED H O T B A R G A IN S
on a few articles, on which the
market has advanced since we
bought, until to sell at todays
prices, would he counted as profi­
teering. Here is a chance for
you to save some money. These
prices are for C A S H O N L Y and
we reserve the right to cancel
these prices without notice when
the present stocks are exhausted.
Carnation Milk
Her Dozen $1.65 .
('use o f 4 Dozen $6.40
Regular 16c ('an
Lard almost sky high
bargain in a substitute.
here» a
t'ottolene, medium size pails i)0c
Regular price $1.15
Klakewhite, medium size $1.00
Regular price $1.115
Klakewhite, large size
Regular price $2.65
Extracts have advanced almost KX)
Vanilla or Lemon, 2 oz. Royal
Ouh Brand, regular .'15c for 20c
Vanilla. 2 oz. Wadco Brand,
regular 25c for 15c
All Flavors. 4 oz. Rex X Brand.
regular 35c for 20c.
Rice, the cheapest food on the market
Broken Head,
20 pound* $1.
Regular price $1.40
16 pounds $1.
Regular price $1.40
Southern Head.
12 pounds $1.
Regular price $1.45
Canvas Gloves
Searchlight (best on market)
regular 2 for 15c, 12 boxes 72c
Regular 10c sellers, per dozen $1
____ >
Syrups, the best buy on the list
Stock and Poultry Foods
Karo, Red 5s 55c Red 10s 95c
Regular prices 65c and $1.05
Karo, Blue 5s 50c Blue 10s 90c
Regular prices 60c and $1.00
A lg a r(a good brand)
5s 60c
10s $1.
Regular prices 70c and $1.20
As announced in last weeks
Boosting Spirit, we are discon­
tinuing International. Seneca and
Dr. Korineks lines, and these are
exceptional values.
All $1 packages 65c, all 50c pack­
ages 35c, all 25c packages 15c.
Baking Powder,
in large cans
Royal 5N>, regular $2.10 for $1.90
Cleveland 50>, reg. $2.10 for $1.90
Rum fords 31 b, reg. 80e for 70c
K C 50 oz., reg. 50c for 45c
K C SO oz., reg. 80c for 70c
Crescent 51b, regular $1. for 80c
Heinz Celebrated Xmas Puddings
Plum Pudding,
Plum Pudding.
Fig Pudding,
large size
price 40c
small size 15c
price 20c
large size 30c
price 40c
Aluminum Ware
Just the thin* for Xmas Presents
New assortment just arrived
Regular 25c and 35c values
Your Choice for 15c
Give Granite Ware for Xmas Presents
Regular 60c, 75c and 90c values
Your Choice for 50c.
See us for Xmas Candies and
Nuts before buying elsewhere.
Special reduced prices to Schools
Clubs and Churches.
Dairymen Attention
W e are confronted with a most
serious shortage o f dairy feeds
and no piospect o f any immed­
iate relief, we therefore take this
means o f advising all our friends
having dairy herds, not to pass
up any opportunity which you
may have for gettin g hold o f
anything which may be used to
tide you over until mill feeds can
be procured again. The situation
is really serious.
Regarding Collections
Because o f the unusual condi­
tions confronting us we are com­
pelled to enforce our rules to the
letter “ A ll Accounts due 10th o f
month following purchase” . I f
your Novem ber account has not
been paid you are now delinquent
and can only reinstate your credit
by immediate attention. I f you
do not have the Cash you may
avail yourself o f the Trade A c ­
ceptance. upon application.
“ A Satisfied Customer
is the best A dvertisem ent.”
The Walter Givens Company, Inc.