THE Strength Of This Institution depends upon many factors, not the least of which is the nature of its policy and control. This bank is examined twice each year by the State Bank Examiners. Five times a year, upon the call of the Bank Examiner we issue sworn statements of condition. Capital and Surplus $17,000. Deposits $120,000. Estacada State Bank .. » «!* . « -V • • • *> * -' : • . ’ Use Your Land For A Reservoir ? If you’ re raising Ducks or Trout its all right But if you want to Raise Crops, then DRAIN IT! • x ' * Speaking of DRAIN TILE — that is one of our specialties, and we always carry a stock of 4 and 6 inch tiling. Thè price on this is right, but greatly lowered in quantity lots, especially where several thousand feet is ordered. Now is the time for draining, so let us figure on your order i ’ • for tile. t Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. L. S. BRONSON Estacada, M. D. KVANS Oregon. The Whistle Dual The daily whistle dual between the engineers of the Estacada c a n n e r y and cheese-factory, threatens to bankrupt the supply of steam for one or both indus­ tries. When it comes time for the one o’clock tool, first one plant blows a blast, then the other and for from two to five minutes after­ wards. each tries to see which can let out the last rhriek and still have sufficient steam in the boiler to run the machinery. If some kind of a steam calli­ ope arrangement could be install­ ed, similar to that used in a cir­ cus parade, it would add to the harmony, but anyway Estacada can be thankful that it has two good live industries, whose daily toots remind us that we are alive and sustaining a home pay roll. Here’s hoping that they will have plenty of competition soon. News Assistant Leaving Sam J. Howe of South Estaca­ da, who has been in charge of the mechanical destinies of the News since June 1914. has re­ signed, his resignation taking ef­ fect December 15th Mr. Howe’s leaving is a source of serious regret to the publish­ er, with whom he has worked hard for the last four years in building up the home newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. Howe will move shortly to Portland, where they will make their home for the winter at least and w here he w ill give his attention to outside interests, which he represents. As usual, Estacada’s reputa­ tion as the home of athletes is being upheld this year, with pho­ tos lately appearing in the Port­ land papers of Ken Bartlett of the crack 91st Division football team of Camp Lewis and Henry Spiess, who is playing center for the Willamette University team. Ken expects to go to Pasadena again this year to take part in the big New Years game, be­ tween the 91st Div. team and the Mare Island Marines. Attorney C. W. Devore of Es- taeada announces that beginning Monday, December 17th, he will be at his office every day from 9 A. M. until 5 P. M., excepting Wednesdays and Sundays. Dur­ ing these hours Mr. Devore will give any aid or assistance |>ossi- ble to the men called upon to till out their Questionnaires, for which service no charge w ill be made. Walter Whitbeck of Estacada spent a few days at home early this week, prior to leaving for Newport, News, Va. where he is a member of Supply Train, Co. 4. BOB’S P LA C E ROLL OF Of Eastern Clackamas County The following represents a list of those patriotic young men of this community, who are now en­ listed in the Country’s Service. In order to make this list com­ prehensive, we request that the names of any enlisted men, not shown herewith, be furnished this office, so that the Roll of Honor may 1 hi kept complete. Otis Wagner, Estacada. Bert Page, Estacada. Serg. Ken Bartlett, Estacada. H W. Kitching, Ourrinsville. Chas. Kandle, Springwater. Clyde lnglish, Oartield. Lieut. Sylvester L a w r e n c e , Springwater. Corp. Belah Lawrence, Spring- water. Harold Young, Barton. .). R. Linn, Currinsville. Ralph Reid, Oartield. Joe Cahill, Eagle Creek. Morris Cahill, Eagle Creek. Raiph Dahl, (formerly New’s of­ fice Estacada). Corp. H. S. Scupham, Estacada. Joe Erickson, Springwater. Oeo. Townsend. Estacada. Lester Townsend, Bull Run. Lieut. W. M. Dale, Estacada. Corp. Sam H. Barr, Estacada. Frank Fuchs, Eagle Creek. C. C. Cockerline, Viola. Carl Kinunel, Estacada. Chester Womer, Estacada. Robt. Ewalt, Springwater. Leroy- Card, Highland. Ennis Tow nserui, Estacada. R. C. Masson. Eagle (’reek. Forrest Erickson, Springwater. Lieut. A. C. Demorest, Oartield. Frank Whitbeck. Estacada. Virgil Wagner, Estacada. Warren Barr, Estacada. Fred Bannister, Estacada. L. E. Folsom, Springwater. Guy Graham, Estacada. Walter Whitbeck, Estacada The W. J. Moore property on Main Street, Estacada is lieing greatly improved by the con­ struction of a cement sidewalk, the work being done by Charles Kitching of Currinsville. Announcement is made this week of the marriage Monday, in Portland of Miss Fay Barthol­ omew and Henry Isaacs of that city. Miss Bartholomew is well known in Estacada, where she has conducted classes in music for several years. The Estacada Post Office last week erected a Mag-|»ole, from which now Mies “Old Glory” in all its beaut/. Charley Duncan of Garfield is reported to now be able to be aliout part of the time, following a several weeks illness, which confined him to his lied. Headquarters For Soda Water • Soft Drinks - Lunches "•' y Cigars and Tobacco Estacada, Or. R. G. M archbank