Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 13, 1917, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 11,
N umber 13
E stacada .
O regon .
T hursday ,
D ecember 13.
$1.50 P e r Y e a r
0. A. C. Analysis Shows George De­
posits Of Low Grade
Albert A. Folson Succumbs To Tu­
berculosis After Long Illness
i Parent-Teachers Arranging Enter­
tainment For 24th At School
Every Taxpayer Urged To Attend
County Budget Meeting
Samples of lime stone, which
were lately obtained in the vicin­
ity o f George and which for a
time promised to furnish a cheap
supply o f this valuable mineral
for this community, have proven
to be o f inferior quality, accord­
ing to the report of County Agri­
culturalist Werner, who furnish­
es the following letter from the
Chemistry Department of the
0. A. C .:—
The dreaded “ white plague”
this week claimed another victim,
being Altiert A. Folsom o f Spring-
water, who after a two years
brave fight against tuberculosis,
passed away Tuesday morning.
December 11th, at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Folsom of Springwater.
Impressive funeral services
were conducted from the family
residence Thursda.v, by Rev.
Weld o f the Springwater Presby-
terian Church, with interment,
in charge of undertaker Chap­
man, following at the Spring-
water Cemetery.
The deceased, who was in his
26th year, was born in Sprague,
Washington, and had a host of
friends in this community, where
he had resided since a boy, ex­
cepting for a few years spent in
the regular U. S. Army service.
Besides his parents, the de­
ceased is survived by two sisters
and two brothers, being Mrs.
Mary Horner o f Viola. Mrs.
Helen Hubbard of Dayton, Wash­
ington, Ewen Folsom of Spring-
water and Ed Folsom of Dayton,
Washington, the latter now be­
ing enlisted in the Government
A regular, old fashioned com­
munity Christmas tree and enter­
tainment is now being arranged,
to take place Monday evening,
December 24th in the auditorium
o f the Estacada High School, to
which all children and parents
are invited.
The affair will be directly in
charge o f the local Parent-Teach­
er Association, with the follow­
ing committee appointed by Mrs.
Fred Robley. President o f the or­
ganization:- T. E. Wilson - Chair­
man, Mrs. Walter Givens, Mrs.
Fred Jorg, Miss Ursula Johnson
and John Ely.
A more detailed announcement
of this entertainment will lie
made later, as it is planned to
give no gifts from the Christmas
tree, but to provide plenty of
candy, nuts and fruits for the
children, the expenses o f this
latter feature to lie handled by
a separate committee.
Whether you expect to make
the trip to Oregon City to attend
the annual County Budget Meet­
ing on Decern Tier 22nd by auto or
via special car. please at once ad­
vise someone o f the committee,
namely:- John Ely, John Page,
Theo. Ahll>erg, R. H. Currin.
Fred Anderson,
Ernest Hoff-
meister. Harvev Gibson, N. M.
Tracy, Elmer Davis, Robert Mil­
ler. Sherman Kilgore or Frank
A special car should be organ­
ized, if for no other reason than
the good effects due to a bunch
o f taxpayers making the trip to­
gether and absorbing the proper
enthusiasm. Arrangements can
be made to have this car return
early enough to allow o f all farm­
ers at ending to their evening
work. If you want a seat in the
special car. notify John Ely, the
chairman o f the committee.
Corvallis, Or.
November 30, '17.
Dear Mr. W erner:—
The sample of limestt
or lime-
containing material which you left at
the laboratory a few deys ago, has
been examined by Mr. Bullis. He re­
ports the sample to contain only 4.38
percent o f lime carbonate.
The re­
mainder o f the material is o f inert na­
ture, most o f it being insoluable in
aous. Th.s analysis indicates the sam­
ple to be o f very low value for neutral­
izing sod acidity.
Yours very sincerely,
H. V. Tartar
Station Chemist.
Eagle Creek Boys Enlist
Who Will Head Th:s Drive?
The National Red Cross drive
for new members, will be made
an event of Chri tmas this year,
beginning on the 17th of this
Oregon is expecting to enroll
240,000 members, wi.h Clacka­
mas County’ s quota 12,000. This
county’s campaign is in charge
o f O. D. Eby of Oregon City, as
Letters a e being sent out to
each school district appointing
captains for the district as a unit
and a general meeting has been
called at the Oregon City Com­
mercial Club for Dec. 15th at
11 o ’clock, at which all district
captains and others interested
are urged to be present.
As to the Estacada Red Cross
organization, this is now being
auly conducted from the worn-
en’s-work standpoint by a num­
ber o f the local ladies, headed by
Mrs. .1. F. Lovelace, but aside
Within the past few days a
number o f the Eagle Creek young
men have enlisted, being Roy
Wilcox, John Fuchs, Howard
Longvvell, William and Adolph
Still and Earl Odell.
from this, the original organiza­
tion. which handled the late
drive, is without acting officers,
due to the removal from Estaca­
da of Irwin D. Wright, its presi­
dent and Mrs. A. K. Morton, its
A public meeting should he ar­
ranged at once to reorganize this
chapter and elect new officers.
As to the membership cam­
paign, the fee is $1 with each
member entitled to a certificate
of membership.
Until the Estacada Chapter can
be reorganized, inquiries as to
this drive or requests for mem­
bership can be addressed to the
News office, where they will
receive attention.
Mayor John I^ovelace of Esta­
cada has today issued a procla­
mation, calling upon the citizens
of Estacada and surrounding
country to affiliate with this
movement during the week of
December 17th to 24th.
Precinct Changes
To Be Made
The county court is now ar­
ranging the details for the crea­
tion of new voting precincts in
this county and the altering o f
the boundaries of others.
This is in accordance with the
measure passed at the last elec­
tion, w ith all incorporated cities
in the county being separate pre­
The laying out o f eqi itable
and convenient precincts in this
vicinity will be a hard one, es­
pecially in accomodating the vot­
ers in the Faraday and Cazadero
Volunteer Receives Honorable
Otis Wagner of Estacada, one
o f the first volunteers from this
county and wh(*for the past year
has been confined lo the hospital
at the Vancouver Barracks slow­
ly recovering from a severe at­
tack of pneumonia, was last week
brought to his home, having re­
ceived his honorable discharge
from the service.
Otis is now at the home o f his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Wagner, where he is able to be
about part o f the time and where
he especially welcomes calls from
his many friends.
Peterson Becomes Partner
In Garage
John C. Peterson o f Estacada
last week purchased the interests
of Dave Fleming in the Cascade
Garage o f Estacada.
Mr. Peterson lias for sometime
been looking around for an open­
ing here and is fortunate in hav­
ing obtained a partnership in this
growing business.
The garage will be conducted
as formerly, with Mr. Pesznecker
in charge of the mechanical de­
partment and the new partner
handling the sales and office end.
For the time being Mr. Flem­
ing will continue in his present
capacity with the P. R. L. &
P. Co.
Eagle Creek Forms
Red Cross Auxilliary
With an initial enrollment of
twenty enthusiastic members, an
auxiliary chapter o f the American
Red Cross was organized at Ea­
gle ( ’ reek, Wedneday, December
This organization was in charge
of Mrs. J. G. Gillingham, Field
• Secretary of the Oregon Red
Cross, with the following officers
elected: Gus Burnett, chairman
Mrs. Homer Glover, vice chair­
man Miss Jennie Smith, secre­
tary Mrs. Roy Meyer9, treasur­
er and Mrs. Emma Thomas, mili­
tary chairman.