What’s the use of paying such a high price for Butter when you can get Oleomargarine at 75c The 2 pound roll which will do just as well for cooking. Every Tuesday, from now on we will have on hand a fresh supply ol FISH AT THE PALACE MEAT Ennis Townsend, one of Esta- -cada’s latest recruits is now sta­ at Camp Mills, N. Y.. be­ MARKET tioned ing assigned to Co. L, 132nd Inf. Fresh Vegetables In Season The successful dance given by i the ladies of the C. I. C. Thanks-1 giving night at the Estacada Pa­ vilion was well attended, netting the club $32.25, one half of which will go towards the local Red Cross fund. of C OII N T E R F E 1 T P A R T S. 1 f your car Dwight Walters of Currins- needs adjusting, bring it here where you will ville, a brother of George Wal­ ters, is reported to have lately find reliable service, with complete mechanical enlisted. equipment to give the highest quality of Ford Virgil Wagner, son of Mr. and workmanship obtainable. Mrs. P. M. Wagner of Estacada. j who for the past two years has All Ford parts used by us are supplied by the been away from home, is report­ Ford Motor Co. ed to now be enlisted in Co. I. 338th Inf’y, stationed at Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan. j Tom Morton, w ! k > for the past two years has been located at Yes Bay, Alaska, where he is working for the U. S. Depart­ ment of Fisheries, returned to ’ is at 'our service. Portland last week and visited bis old home and friends in Esta- , cada. Thursday. Tom is now on i a leave of absence, until January 1st and unless he enlists, expects to return to Alaska at the expi­ ration of his leawe. “The tiridye that will carry you Safely over Auto Troubles." Warren Barr and Fred Bann­ ister, Estadtda’s latest enlisted J. W. Reed, Prop men, being with the Forestry Corps stationed at Vancouver, • Estacada, Oregon spent Sdnday at home and are enthusiastic in their praises of the service. Sam Barr, Corporal at the Re­ Mary Pickford Coming mount at Camp Lewis Ken Bartlett, Sergeant of the The local film fans are looking spenf the Depot week 14th Red Cross Ambulance Corps ahead with anticipation to the in Estacada. end at his home at American Lake, spent the presentation on Thursday even­ week-end at the parental home ing. Dec. 13th at the Estacada Mrs. Julius Krieger of Esta­ in Estacada. ____________ Family Theatre of the feature cada, who has been ill for the play, “The Foundling”, with past week, is reported to he in Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured Mary Pickford. America’s most by locul a p p . Ita lic ''» , a» lh< y ca n n o t r ta c u popular movie actress, in the an improve! condition. the d liea a eil p o rt.„ a o f l b « T h ere la only one w ay to cu re ca ta rrh a l drafneaa. leading roll. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCall and and th a t la by a co n a tltu tio n a l rem ed y C a t a r r h a l D eafneaa 1» cauaed by an In­ On Saturday afternoon and ¡two children of Portland are flam ed co n d itio n o f th e m ucoua lin in g o f th e E u atach lan T ube. W h en tb ia tube la evening. December 8th, will be guests at the Fred Jorg home in inflam ed you h ave a ru m b lin g sou n d or Im p erfect h ea rin g , a n d w h en It la en tirely shown “The Boy Girl” with Vio- Estacada this jveek. Cloned U eafneaa la th e reault. U nlea» th e ! let in the lead. A Inflam m ation ca n be red uced a n d tb ia tube restored to Its n orm al co n d ition , h ea rin g good comedy will also appear on The Annual Apron Sale of the w ill be d