Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 06, 1917, Image 5

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    City Water System
Improvements Again Halted
The troubles o f the Estacada
city council in obtaining the nec­
essary im provem ent at the intake
of the Estacada water supply,
have again been increased, ac­
cording to M ayor Lovelace, who
now reports that Mrs. Mary
Stubbe, whose land surrounds
the present intake, has within
the past fe w days purchased the
Davis and W ebster tract adjoin­
ing, a part o f which tract the city
had planned to buy, in order to
install the intake on land not
dominated by private parties.
For many years past, this ever­
lasting friction between the City
o f Estacada and Mrs. Stubbe has
appeared more or less a joke and
considered a part o f the penalty
o f being a member o f the city
council, but from now on the
c ity ’s attitude is changed.
There are stringent laws re­
garding municipal water rights
and the obstruction o f same and
the legal rights o f this city are
now going to be exercised.
During these times, when this
city and all others have plenty to
do in aiding the United States in
it ’ s many needs, Estacada has no
time or money to waste in quar­
reling with' a stubborn property
owner, regardless o f nationality,
and drastic action will soon be
underway. __ __
Spring water Couple Wed
The happy culmination o f a
courtship o f the past few years
took place in Portland on Thanks­
g iv in g Day, when Harold Horner
o f Dodge and Miss Mary Folsom
o f Springw ater were married.
Both o f the young folks are
well known and popular in the
younger society on that side o f
the river, the bride being the
daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
Folsom and the groom being
identitied with the Horner-Mil- !
lard Lumber Co. o f Viola, near
where the newlyweds are now
keeping house.
Capt. H arry Heylman o f Spo­
kane, son o f Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Heylman o f Estacada, spent a
few hours heredast Monday, en-
route to Ft. Sam Hou ton, Texas,
where he is entering the service
in the capacity o f Assistant to
the Quartermaster, in charge o f
Repair Shops, Unit 304.
A party was held at the J. W.
Reed home in Estacada Wednes­
day afternoon, in honor o f the
ninth birthday o f Miss Florence
June Reed, with a number o f
her school mates present.
Gift Boxes Thankfully Received
Within the past thirty days
dozens o f Christmas boxes have
been sent from this community
to the soldier boys enlisted from
this section.
The various ladies organiza­
tions o f Estacada have dispatch­
ed many well filled ones, with
the Christian Endeavor Societies
o f the Estacada M. E. and Chris­
tian Churches doing likewise.
From the letters o f tnanks,
which this office has been privi­
leged to see, which were receiv­
ed from our l»oys in all parts o f
the world, the friends back home
can feel well repaid for their
Springwater Voted Special
Road Tax
The N ew s was in error last
week, when it published the
statement that the Springwater
Road District, No. 33, had voted
no special tax at its annual meet­
Since then, a dozen or more o f
that district's loyal taxpayers
have informed us o f our mistake,
as they not only voted a five mill
special tax. but voted it by a
count o f 32 to 8.
This money is
to be expended largely in the
building o f other than the main
travelled highway in that district.
Eagle Creek Notes
Mrs. A Beckett spent Thanks­
givin g in Portland with her
daughters, the Misses Mable and
Veroo Beckett:
Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Mrs.
Udell were Portland visitors last
Walter Douglass, accompanied
by E. Naylor and H. H. Udell,
made a business trip to Oregon
City Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle
were calling at the home o f R.
B. Gibson Sunday afternoon.
Ed* Shearer o f Garfield is now
attending the Oregon Pet Stock
and Poultry Show, which is un­
derway in Portland.
As usual
Mr. Shearer will probably return
with a suit-case full o f medals,
cups, ribbons and other prizes.
O. W ._ Failing, the Garfield
nurseryfnan, last Saturday ship­
ped to Portland 5,000 youpg
prune trees, being about the last
o f his supply for this year. ' Des-,
pite the summer’ s drought these
were well up to the standard o f
• the Failing trees, which today
command top prices in the Ore­
gon market.
Viola Breezes
Do i n g »
Miss Mary Rorick, teacher o f
the Viola school, is visiting at
her home in Corvallis from W ed­
nesday to Sunday, this Thanks­
givin g week.
Mrs. J. F. Cummins o f Port­
land, s|>ent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. Cummins o f Viols.
Regular preaching services will
lie conducted in the Viola Church
at 11 A. M. the first and third
Sundays o f each month.
A mission study class meets at
the parsonage each Friday even­
On Saturday. Nov. 24 h, a fire
was discovered on the roof o f the
hom e.
A general
alarm was so u n d e d, .vhich
brought out many neighbors,
whose services were not needed
by that time, as a few buckets o f
water had put out the blaze.
It is reported that Kstacada’s
popular ami capable cheese-mak­
er O. M. Opstad, has received
several ilattering otters o f late
from other similar industries,
desiring his services and Offering
larger remuneration. I f the Es
tacada Cooperative Cheese Assn,
loses the services of Mr. Opstad,
it w ill be a serious ina.ter, but it
is hoped that the output o f the
plant can be increased and that
the farm ers will unite in furnish­
ing a sufficiently large supply o f
milk to warrant paying Mr. Op­
stad a larger salary.
City Marshal John Page o f Es­
tacada, now claims that this city-
will be a safe spot for peaceful
citizens, as he tast week caught a
few o f the tow n’s youngsters,
who have been shoot in’ Indians
and other predatory animals with
22 calibre rifles, within the c ity ’s
limits. John gave them a good
talking to and no more shots will
hereafter endanger pedestrians.
'A m o n g the marriages recently
shown in the Portland papers,
was that o f Hal L. (Jordon and
Mrs. Maud Tibbies, whose ad­
dress was given as Astoria. Up
to a few months ago, both Mrs.
Tibbies and Mr. (Jordon resided
in Estacada, where they have
many friends.
Born — Friday morning, N o­
vember 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. O.
F. Bowers o f Estacada, a daugh­
Mr. and-Mrs. Frederick W hit­
tlesey o f Portland were Thanks­
g ivin g guests at the home o f Dr.
and Mrs. L. A. Wells o f Estacada.
Dover was visited by a snow
storm Friday last and nearby at
Firwood the snow fell to the
depth o f an inch.
Pruce Schminky. who is at­
tending the 0. A. C- spent
Thanksgiving with his parents
in Portland, later all returning
to their home in Dover, where
Bruce remained until Sunday.
R. C. Frace is helping in the
erection o f a barn for A. N. Orke
o f Upper Eagle Creek.
The Missea Iva and Agnes
Udell, who are attending school
elsewhere, spent the past week
at home, ow ing to the illness o f
Miss Agnes.
'The Misses Carrie and Jennie
D eShazerof Sandy spent Thanks­
givin g with their uncle Joseph
DeShazer and fam ily o f Dover.
Don Bodley, mother and sister
are m oving to Portland, where
he will be employed in the ship­
The young people o f Dover met
Tuesday evening and arranged
for a Christmas tree and enter­
tainment for the holidays.
'The services o f a physician
were necessary Monday, at the
Beebe home in Garfield, when
Calvio Beebe received a severe
blow- on the chest from the kick
o f a horse.
At the annual meeting o f Dist­
rict No. 32 o f the Rebekahs. held
at Boring, Saturday, Mrs. Nellie
Currin o f Currinsville was elect­
ed Chairman for the ensuing
year. This annual meeting was
participated in by members o f
the Gresham, Estacada, Sandy,
Rockwood and Boring lodges,
with the meeting ending in a
banquet at which 88 delegates
were present.
Henry Dillon, V irgle Yonce,
Lewis Jones and Otto Jannsen,
who were delegates from the Es­
tacada M. E. and Christian
Churches and
Schools, at the Older Brothers’
Conference at Eugene, Friday
and Saturday last, returned home
this week, greatly enthused with
the work and having thoroughly
enjoyed the trip.
Why take chances
Our line of accessories
To the many owners
with the Motor Cycle Cops, when we
can equip your car wfith Novial Cona-
phore - No Glare or W arner lenzes, all
o f which comply with the legal require­
Remember that Motor Cycle
Squad is a big one now.
is complete, including W eed Chains,
K. B. Spot Lights, Head and Tail* Light»
ful| assortment o f Spark Plugs etc.
o f Brunswick Tire» in this vicinity
Do you need any adjustments ? None
have been asked for yet. Our service
stands back o f the Brunswick Tire, with
its 4.000 mile guarantee. You know the
tire, <we thank you for your boosting.
Cascade Garage
Expert Mechanical Service.
Service and Sales Agents for Dodge, S a x o n , Chevrolet and Cadillac autos
Republic trucks and Cleveland Caterpillar tractors.
S. P. Pesznecker
D. S. Fleming