What’s the use of paying such a high price for Butter when you can get Oleomargarine at 75c The 2 pound roll which will do just as well for cooking. . Every Tuesday, from now on we will have on hand a fresh supply o' FISH 0 . M IS T E R G O A T-YO U CAN £ ' EXCUSED FOR C H EW IN G ANY , OLD THING BECAUSE TOU CAN* GRAVELY S lira C B L B B K A I1 D in ing a P H lu lu * g R eal SUigtL C K Sir e A w V >OU*f I ssne (Wj? | READ THAT BILL BOARD. J iefore the Invention Be Of owe Potent Air Proof Pouch Many Declare Could Not Keep the Flavor and freshness In REAL GRAVELY PLUG TOBACCO. Now the Patent Pouch Ksags It Frooh and Cleon and Good. A Little Chow of Gravely lo Enough Sind Loots Longer than o big show of ordinary plug, s/, 9rutrely J u A u w Ui Outiui.il» " ’W f " \CH* V/. PALACE MEAT MARKET AT THE - V - IO O K FOR THE rR O T iC T IO N S E A L 17 IS NOT r e a l W ITHOUT T H IS S E A L . GAAVfiY /S'* Frank Ewing of Viol i. and General Superintendent O. B. Cold well of tne P R. L. & P. Co., left Friday for a few days horseback trip into the in * ui- Fresh Vegetables In Season tains, w h e r e t h e y visited Three Links, Oak Grove and rred Jorg. Proprietor Estacada, Or. Timothy Meadows camps. Phone Main S3. Broadway Mrs, B. R. Kiinmel of Estaca­ da, who has been on the sick of C o U N T E 11 F EI T P A R T S. 11 your car list for the past week, is report­ needs adjusting, bring it horn whore you will ed to be about again. HUNTING LICENCES find reliable service, with complete mechanical Mrs. Frank Stenzel and sons, Fishing Tackle Tennis Balls equipment to give tin* highest quality of Ford Robert and Paul of Portland wére Fishing and Hunting Licenses workmanship obtainable. guests for a few days this week Cigars, Tobaccos. Confectionery at the A. E. Sparks home in Es- Soda Water and Soft Drinks All Ford parts used by us are supplied by the tacaua. Ice Cream Headquarters for i . , Ford Motor Co. Kodaks Supplies Printing I. Creason’s Mill of Viola has and Finishing. been moved further down Clear ; Cteek, so as to be nearer the Carver Line, to cut timbers for Have you seen those Httle folding, pocket the extension ot that new line to Vioia. is at y *our service. At the meeting of the taxpay­ at the . ers of the Estacada School dis­ trict, held Monday evening, the The Estacada Pharmacy? budget, as advertised, was pass­ They make a very acceptable and appropriate gift ed with but one dissenting vote. to send to your soldier friend. Price 50 Cents. 01 lie Gerber of Estacada re­ "The Bridge that will carry you Safely over Auto Troubles." cently purchased a 73 acre ranch, near the home property in Logan J. W. Reed, Prop and contemplates moving onto Estacada, Oregon same next week, expecting to build a small house and make other improvements. r_A Money* Saver Mr. and Mrs. W. E. End o f1 Timbermen Ranchers Wood Cutters l Camas were guests for a couple of days this week at the R. G. F O R W A T C H R E P A IR IN G Palmateer home in Garfield. See H. D. Okver For Owners of Ford Cars BEWARE B o n e r ’s for Dent forget our Vulcanizing Dept. Estacada Garage Checker Boards Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry. Second S t . Portland. Where you **< off the Esracada car a: Washlneto St. Special value* now In Wrist Watches $7.50 up. also complete line of Men s Watchea. i 22 Owing to the change of resi­ dence of Mrs. M. L. Sevier, who is now residing at River Mill, Rev. B. A. Bristol of Viola, pas­ tor of the M . E. Churches at Viola. Redlands, Highland and Clarkes, will act as the corres­ pondent for the News from that section. Thu*is ih* «ritinti msrhmr Pel D ri­ ft, IW1& T hi) K m « b n n in uM »*ff lour y f i t tnd sir pas' d>r « «j tn irfr.u l 8 ta te o f Ohio, C ity o f T oledo. L u cas C o u n ty, ss. F ra n k J. C h en ey m a k e s o a th th a t he Is se n io r p a rtn e r o f th e firm of F. J. C heney & Co., d o in g b u sin e ss in the C ity of T oledo. C o u n ty an d S ta te a fo re ­ said. an d th a t said firm w ill p ay th e sum of O N E H U N D R E D DOLI*ARH fo r each an d ev e ry case of C a ta rrh th a t c a n n o t be cu red bv th e use of H A LL'S catarrh cu re frank j cheney S w o rn to b efo re m e an d su b scrib ed in m y p resen ce, th is Cth d ay of D ecem ­ b er A. D. IS««. A. W. GLEASON. (S eal) N o ta ry P ublic. H a ll's C a ta rrh C u re Is ta k e n In te rn ­ a lly an d a c ts th ro u g h th e B lood on tho M ucous S u rfa c e s of th e S y stem . Send fo r te stim o n ia ls, frse. F J. C H E N E Y A C O . T oledo. O. Sold by s it d ru g g is ts . 75c. H all s F a m ily P ills fo r co n stip a tio n . Msgr Ths uni) prwttn prat lit «I ms chine wf Hi hind on lh« m s'k rl « •H ip s , iA s i'» kind fif i w t i i v i » Is U I. «HJ i" «h« hsinksi snd i v t » « A lfe r f I »,«*« m«<. hin ts ho*• ts r f t «a us« *•»•! •<'**« »*•»• The Vaughan Drag Saw. The Proven, Practical Machine. W e w ill call an d te ll you w h a t this* saw w ill do, by letti» K uh kn ow you a re in th e m a rk e t fo r o n e. Cazadero Mercantile Co. W. F. Cary, Manager