Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 29, 1917, Image 5

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F its an y stove.
Sim ple to operate.
B u rn s 96*« oxygen, 4 u« coal oil.
Costs lc per hour to burn.
Now On Exhibition In Our Show Windows
Broadway at Second St.
Gladys Hulette
In T he
Thanksgiving «Night • November 29 th.
This is a famous five reel feature of comedy, drama, pathos,
joy, tears and laughter—all in one.
And remember, Gladys is the same star who so pleased all in
‘Tots and Pans Peggy” and “The Shine Girl”.
(Show sta rts at 7 o’clock sharp, ending at 8:30, in time for the dance.)
Thursday Evening - December 6th
“ Recoil” with Wm. Courteney in the star role. .
Saturday, Afternoon and Evening - December 8th
Program includes “ The Saintly Sinner" and a
good two reel Comedy.
HThanksgiving Night
Hardtimes Dance
You and your friends are cordially invited to attend the an­
nual dance, given by the Civic Improvement Club, at the
Estacada Pavilion, Thanksgiving night, November 29th.
Dancing will be from nine o’clock until three with supper
at midnight.
Artistic decorations, floor in fine shape, the best of music
by Lew Hubbard’s Real Jazz Band. of Portland, and many
novel attractions will lend to the evening’s enjoyment.
Wear your old clothes. Come and have a good time.
Tickets $1 - Students 50c - Ladies free.
D o v e r Doings
John AfTolter and wife “ Ford­
ed” to Portland Friday and at­
tended the Livestock Show.
John Kreiger is installing added
fire protection, by deepening his
well, erecving a wa er tank and
coupling up with a gasoline pump,
run from bis drag-saw engine.
Joe DeShazer and wife. Walter
K iiZ iiu lle r and wife, A. J. Mor­
rison and Don Bodley all motored
to Portland last week.
K. G. Frace put in a few days
carpentry work last week for
Robert Smith of Sandy.
H. S. Eddy and Joseph Loun-
dree of Sandy called at the
Schininky home Sunday.
Virgle Yonce and Lewis Jones
of Estacada are this week attend­
ing a conference of the “Older
Brothers” taking place at Eu­
gene, with Virgle a delegate from
the Estacada M. E. Chureh and
Lewis from the Estacada Christ­
ian Church.
The Misses Ida and Minnie
Schrepel of Estaeada were called
to Corvallis the latter part of
last week owing to the illness and
st bsequent death of their father.
Bert Page of Estacada, of the
8fith Co., 7th Regiment Marines,
is now stationed at Santiago, Cu­
ba, instead of Guantanamo Bay.
Mrs. Mary Adams of Estacada
is now employed in the Estacada
post-office as assistant to Post­
master Heylman.
J. A. Somer of Estacada is
working at the Estacada State
Bank for a couple of days this
week, during the absence of
Cashier Lasswell.
Estacada, Oregon
Harve/ Gibson of Barton in
explanation of the defeat of the
special road tax in his district
last Saturday, writes:
“ The Special Tax was defeated at
Hartón on the 24th day of November
17 to 10, although the following per­
sons were very enthusiastic for the tax:
H arvey Gibson, J. 0. Miller, Tom
Brown, H. F. Gibson, E. N. Bates,
Ralph Gibson, Geo. W. T urner and
Clyde MeMurry.
“ Some opjHised it on4he way that the
Devil’s Wash Hoard hail been woi k d;
others because the road supers íh rs
were to be disposed of; others beci m e
they had no public spirit w hatsoever.”
Rev. C. F. Aue, former pastor
of the Spring water Presbyterian
Church, now stationed at Hunter.
N. Y., in a note to the News
says: “Greetings! After a hard
day and right campaign. Hun­
ter, Tannersville anti Haines
Falls inclusive have gone “dry”
by 102 majority. Greetings to
all friends.” As ye e d ito r
knows the Hunter. Tannersville
and Haines Falls country, tie
appreciates the good work done
in making that old Rip Van Win­
kle county a dry one.
Fred Jorg of the Palace Meat
Market in Estacada announces
that from now on he will have
fish for sale on Tuesdays of each
week, instead of Fridays, as the
former is now the”meatless day. ”
Dr. Wm. M. Dale, now Lieu­
tenant of the 160th Depot Bri­
gade, spent Sunday at the paren­
tal home in Estacada.
Hurley Fellows of Highland,
who is a graduate of E. H. S. this
week received his commission as
2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery.
Phil Adams of Portland spent
the week-end at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Mary Adams of
Why take chances
Our line of accessories
To the many owners
with the Motor Cycle Cops, when we
can equip your car with Novial Cona-
phore - No Glare or Warner lenzes, all
of which comply with the legal require­
ments? Remember that Motor Cycle
Squad is a big one now.
is complete, including Weed Chains,
K. B. Spot Lights, Head and Tail Lights
full assortment of Spark Plugs etc.
of Brunswick Tires in this vicinity:-
Do you need any adjustments ? None
have been asked for yet. Our service
stands back of the Brunswick Tire, with
its 4,000 mile guarantee. You know the
tire, we thank you for your boosting.
Expert Mechanical Service.
Cascade Garage
Service and Sales Agents for Dodge, S a x o n ; Chevrolet and Cadillac autos
Republic trucks and Cleveland C aterpillar tractors.
S. P. P esznecker
D. S. F lem ing