Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 29, 1917, Image 4

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    W a lle r G iv en s
E d ito r In C h ief
F re d B a rth o lo m e w
O u tsid e M an
Devoted to the stimulation of civic
The Weekly
and community pride • the patroniz­
ing of home industries • and the
boosting of the Walter Givens Co.
V ol. 1
N o v em b e r 2 9 , 1 9 1 7
No. 4 5
And Here We Are!
We told you last week that we
were coming hack again with the
B o o stin g Spirit “ and here we
are. " And now really dont you
think the Eastern C l a c k a m a s
News is a better looking paper
when we are a part of it?
Here’s Your
To Buy
One good h o u s e k e e p e r was
kind enough to say to us this
morning, “ Well 1 an» so glad to
know that the Boosting Spirit is
coming hack, for since it has
been missing, it has just seemed
as though each week something
was wrong in our home that
could’nt he explained."
Well, we are glad folks have
missed us for we like to.be miss­
ed and we hope to make the
Boosting Spirit more of a l>ooster
in the future than it has ever
been in the past.
Spuds, Murphys or Potatoes
( all them w hat you w ill
market has gone entirely to piec­
es. because of the enormous pro­
duction throughout the country
and no one can tell just w4len it
will come hack.
We are still buying and will
continue throughout the season,
hut tin* market has gone so ridic­
ulously low that we are ashamed
to quote any price but you may
rest assured that no matter how
high or how low the market goes
we will always In* paying top
Our Store Closed Thursday
Our store will be closed all day
on Thanksgiving.
For Less Than The
Wholesale Prices
We have decided to discontinue
the handling of the INTERNA­
and SENECA lines of stock and
poultry foods and offer yon these
staple articles at the following
prices, while the stock lasts: —
All $1. Packages 65c
• »
f *
Dont let your friends take ad­
vantage of this and leave you en­
tirely out. It is the best buy
that you ever made. First come
first served.
E sta c a d a , O re g o n
Livestock Business Booming
Lately we have been shipping
a car of mixed livestock every
week but on account of this be­
ing Thanksgiving, Fred thought
it best to postpone this weeks
shipment until next Monday.
So if you have any cattle or
hogs for sale, let us know upon
receipt of this Boosting Spirit
and we will come out and give
.hem the once over.
What Have You To Sell?
We want a ton or two of small
white beans and we are also in
the market for empty beet-pulp
and alfalfa-meal sacks.
We are still paying highest
market prices for poultry and
No matter what you have to
sell it will pjyr you to get our
prices before selling elsewhere.
Dried Beet Pulp
We still have a few tons of
molasses dried beet pulp, which
we are selling at $40. per ton
and allowing 10c each for the
empty sacks returned. Making
the price very reasonable.
Now is the time to feed beet
pulp and you had better get your
order in early, for in a short time
there will be no getting.
Remember Our 2 %
Discount for Cash. We believe .
" A Satisfied Customer Is The
Best Advertisement."