Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 29, 1917, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas
V olume 11.
N umber 11
O regon ,
T hursday ,
N ovember 29.
$1.50 P er
Y ear
Consideration Of County Budget
And Election Of Officers
On Program
Nearly All Districts Recommend
Retainment Of Present
Every taxpayer in Eastern
Clackamas County is invited,
urged and specially requested to
attend the meeting of the Farm­
ers’ & Merchants’ Club, which
takes place Monday evening,
December 3rd. at the Hotel Esta­
cada, beginning sharp at 7
o ’clock.
This will take the form of the
popular dinner-meetings, with
the Ladies Aid of the Estacada
Christian Church serving. The
ladies promise a fine dinner, with
the usual charge of 40c per plate
being made.
The principal subject to be
considered at that meeting will
be the annual County Budget,
with the discussions dealing with
all phases and items of same, es­
pecially as they concern Eastern
Clackamas County. At this time
arrangements will also be made
for a big delegation of taxpayers
from this community to attend
the annual County Budget Meet­
ing, which will occur December
There is no need of emphasis­
ing the value o f a strong repre­
sentation o f local taxpayers at
this latter important county-seat
meeting, for numerous appropri­
ations are shown in the budget
which materially effect the wel­
fare o f this section and as ever\
taxpayer is a voter, these appro­
priations must be passed.
The committee in charge of
this gathering consists of J. W.
Heed and R. M Standish o f Es­
tacada. and Frank Ewing of Vio­
la. It evolves upon these men to
see to it that not less than one
hundred taxpayers attend, al­
though those not able to attend
the dinner are urged' to be pres­
ent for the di-missions.
In order to make sure that
every person making a dinner
reservation be present and pay
for his or her meal, tickets have
been issued, which will be sold
in advance, and parties not hav­
ing tickets or having arranged
for special reservations will have
to run the risk of missing a first
class dinner.
Experience has shown that o f­
ten a deficit remains after these
dinners, due to reservations be­
ing made and not used or paid
for, consequently the ticket plan.
This meeting is not confined to
the male taxpayers as the ladies
are cordially invited, although
the committee cannot promise
for sure that smoking on the
part of the men will, be dispens­
ed with. For it is a known fact
that a taxpayer exercises much
more brain energy and enjoys
his meal 100\ more, if allowed a
few puffs of the vile weed.
Make vour reservation right
E stacada .
Eagle Creek Mother Dies
After suffering from chronic
heart disease for the past six
years, Mrs. Rosinni Solomani of
Eagle Creek died Saturday, No­
vember 24th, at the private hos­
pital in Estacada, conducted by
Mrs Emily Lady.
Funeral services for the deceas­
ed, who is survived by her hus­
band and two small children, were
held Monday, with interment at
the Gresham cemetery.
More Estacada Boys Enlist
A. L. Lasswell, Warren Barr
and Fred Bannister of Estacada
left Monday noon in E. W. Bart­
lett’s car for Portland, where
they will enlist for service.
Mr. Lasswell, Cashier of the
Estacada State Bank is applying
for enlistment in the Officers’ Re­
serve, with Warren Barr and
Fred Bannister enlisting in the
newly orgartited Forestry Corps.
From the talk now going on in
Estacada many more of the eli­
gible, single and married men are.
contemplating early enlistment,
volunteering before the Decem­
ber 15th draft.
County Budget Meeting Dec. 22nd
Announcement is made that
the annual Clackamas County
Budget meeting will occur at the
court house in Oregon City on
December 22nd, when the tax­
payers are expected to accept or
reject the various appropriations.
The budget for 1918, as far as
can be learned at this time pro­
vides for expenditures of $18,000.
more than was spent during the
current year, including the salary
of an agricultural agent o f $1500.
The total budget for 1918 is esti­
mated at $544.998.69.
The budget includes $28,735.
for general road woi k with siate
aid and $14.368. for county hard-
surface paving.
Included in the budget are
items for a new suspension
bridge, the purchase of an auto­
mobile for the school superintend­
ent’s office, etc. Owing to the
increased cost of all necessities,
inc. eased appropriations a r e
made for fuel, care o f county
widow’s pensions and
other expenses.
no.v from anyone of the commit­
tee, phone in and have your tick­
et reserved if necessary, but in
any event dont fail to attend this
important and enjoyable affair.
More Industrial Clubs
To Be Organized
State Organizer o f Industrial
Clubs. Prof. N. C. Maris of Sa­
lem. County School Superintend­
ent Calavan and County Agri­
culturalist. R. J. Werner, are
this week starting a campaign
for the organizing o f more in­
dustrial clubs in Eastern Clacka­
mas County.
In each school will be formed
a club, in order to obtain better
practical agricultural knowledge
and to keep in closer touch with
the Oregon Agricultural College
and its work. These clubs will
hold regular meetings during the
farming season, when success­
ful farmers, representatives o f
the O. A. C. and others will give
County Agricultural Agent will
also visit the members in their
individual farm work.
This campaign will be carried
on under the regulations and
funds allowed for displaying e x ­
hibits at the various fairs and
anyone entering this work will
be entitled to compete for prizes
offered at these fairs.
Clackamas County, with 860
members now ranks second in the
state in this club work, with
Marion County, with 1400 mem­
bers leading.
County Agriculturalist Werner
was in Estacada last Friday and
announced that a 40 ton carload
of lime, testing 95 % will be in
Estacada within a few days,
which will be sold to the farmers
at a price o f $6.25 per ton; in­
quiries regarding this lime should
be addressed to Frank Ewing,
P. R. L. & P. Company's Agri­
culturalist at Estacada.
County Championship
To Be Settled
On Wednesday afternoon, No-
vemlier 28. the teams represent­
ing the Estacada High School and
the Oregon City High School
will meet for the county football
championship at Oregon City.
It is planned to have one or two
special cars, containing the Es­
tacada team and rooters make
the trip to the county seat.
This important game was an­
nounced in these columns as
taking place Friday, the 30th as
the News had not been informed
o f the change o f date, made a
couple o f weeks ago.
As was expected, interest in
the Budget and Special Tax Levy
meetings held in the various road
districts in Eastern C'ackamas
County last Saturday was keen,
with a good attendance reported
at nearly all meetings.
The newly consolidated George
smd Garfield district. No. 9 and
the Dover district, No. 41, led
the procession with a special tax
o f 10 mills voted.
In both districts, the supervis­
ors, Fred Lins and H. H. Udell
were unanimously recommended
for reappointment and in the
former district a strong resolu­
tion was drawn up and sent to
the county court, asking that as
soon as possible, in compliance
with the legal requirements, the
changes recently made in the Gar­
field and G eor/e road districts he
done away with, again creating
the separate districts, Numbers
9. 16 and 49.
One o f the most satisfying re­
ports was that o f the Eag le Creek
district, which voted a five mill
specia tax. being the first in sev­
eral years. This vote carried by
an overwhelming majority, as did
the recommendation for the re­
appointment of Walter Douglass,
whose popularity was in a meas­
ure responsible for the special tax.
Currinsville district No. 4. this
year voted no special tax. as the
largest part o f that district’s
main roads are now built and sev­
eral hundred dollars o f the last
special tax is still unworked,
which with the big regular tax
from that section, will take care
o f the 1918 road program. Su­
pervisor Albert Hitching stead­
fastly refused to consider the
road supervisorship another year
and the meeting finally recom­
mended the ap|>ointment o f his
brother, Charles Hitching.
Supervisor Frank Millard’s dis­
trict No. 33 of Springwater, also
failed to vote a special tax, as dill
Viola district No. 55, with Super­
visor George I lively recommend­
ed for reappointment.
Supervisor Dan Erdman’s dis­
trict, No. 41, lying between Bar­
ton and Boring, in the Swede
Hill section, voted a four mill
special tax, being four mills m ore
than was voted by its neighboring
district No. 20 o f Barton, both
districts recommending the re­
tainment o f its supervisors.
The City of Estacada voted a
1 mill special tax. which with the
general fund moneys will allow
of carrying on a good road build­
ing and upkeep program during
1918 The meeting alsd voted to
use such money as remains from
last year’s special tax o f 10 mills,
for continued road building, with
Coiu'lu<ltf<l on bark paye