What’s the use of paying such a high price for Butter when you can get Oleomargarine at 75c The 2 pound roll YOU* GRANDFATHER WAS A| YOUNGSTER, WHEN PEYTON GRAVELY MADE THE FIRST/ PLUG OF TOBACCO TH A T EVER WAS MADE. THERE N U S T BE SOMETHING! 3ACK OF A REPUTATION THAT UVES AND LASTS LIKE THAT./ which will do just as well for cooking. Every Friday, from now on we will have on hand a fresh supply of FISH W ELLY & CELEBRATED C h e w in g P lu j i a. »’• ' >'* V GU \ M ► B E F O R E T H K IN V E N T IO N O F O U R P A TEN T A IR -P R O O F P O U C H G R A V E L Y P L U G TO B A C C O M A D E S T R IC T L Y FOR ITS C H E W IN G Q U A L IT Y W O ULD NOT K E E P F R E S H IN T H IS S E C T I O N . N O W T H E P A T E N T P O U C H K E E P S IT FR E S H AND C L E A N AND G O O D A L I T T L E C H E W O F G R A V E L Y IS E N O U O H A N D L A S T S L O N G E R T H A N A B IO C H E W O F O R D IN A R Y P L U G . Jl'Au'cr Ca Huwue.VA. ' ’ ’ W *"*0 AT THE PALACE MEAT MARKET Fresh Vegetables In Season rredJortt, Proprietor Phone Main 83. Estacada, Or. Broadway B o n e r ’s for HUNTING LICENCES Fishing Tackle Tennis Balls Fishing and Hunting Licenses Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectionery Soda Water and Soft Drinks Ice Cream Headquarters for Kodaks Supplies Printing and Finishing. Have you seen those little folding, pocket Checker Boards at the The Estacada Pharmacy? They make a very acceptable and appropriate gift to send to your soldier friend. Price 50 Cents. FOR WATCH REPAIRING See H. D. Oliver For Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry. l 22 Second St. Portland, Where you get off the Eatacada car ai WithinetOi St. Special values now in WrUt Watches. $7.50 up. alio complete line of Men * Watchea. The value of the "wanted and for sale" column of the News was demonstrated recently, when Harvey Gibson of Baiton, suc­ ceeded in locating a strayed pony down near Rus^elville, the adver­ tisement hiving led to its identi­ fication. "0 . LOOK AT THE GOOD WORK I BILL POSTER S BILLBOARDS — I HA VE STARTED Wm. Irvin of Fori land, a brother of John Irvin of Estaca- * da, called at the News oilice last week, and informed us lliai he had enlisted and obtained tin* ap­ pointment of Second Lieutenant and expected to leave within a few days for New York and from there go directly to France. An oratorical and debating so-, ciety has recently been organized in Barton, and much interest is being taken in the meetings scheduled for the coming winter- months. Mrs. A1 Havens and son Leo, who are now residing in Portland, spent the week-end in Estacada. Leo, who is learning the railway mail clerk business, expects to be appointed to a permanent run sometime next month. A number of the Estacada peo- ! pie have lately been making week­ ly auto trips to Portland, where they have enjoyed the thrilling series of war pictures being shown at the Orphenm Theatre. C. W. Devore and son Raymond ¡left Friday for Drain, Oregon, ¡where Raymond will remain for a few months at the home of his grandmother. Mrs. Gladys Lloyd of the Ho­ tel Estacada entertained a com­ pany of young ladies from Port­ land over the week-end. Charles Duncan is on the sick list, having for the past two ! weeks been ill, as a result of complications arising from an ab­ dominal strain. Mr. Duncan i several years ago underwent an j operation for appendicitis and his present trouble is due to the i earlier operation. S ta te o f Ohio. C ity o f T oledo, L u cas C o u n ty, as. F ra n k J. C h en ey m a k e s o a th th a t he Is s e n io r p a rtn e r o f th e firm of K. J. C heney A Co., dolnff b u sin e ss In flu- C lty of T oledo. C o u n ty an d S ta te a f o r e ­ said. an d th a t sa id firm w ill pay th e i aum o f O N E H U N D R E D D O LLA R S for each an d e v e ry cu se o f C a ta rrh th a t c a n n o t be cu red by th e use of H A L L ’S CA TA R R H C U R E FR A N K J. C H E N E Y S w o rn to b efo re m e an d su b sc rib e d In m y p resen ce, th is «th d ay of D ecem ­ b er. A D. 1886. A. W GLEASON. (S eal) N o ta ry P ublic. H a ll's C a ta rrh C a re is ta k e n I n te rn ­ a lly an d acta th ro u g h th e B lood on th e M ucous S u rfa c e s o f th e S y stem . Send fo r te stim o n ia ls, frse . F. J. C H E N E T A CO.. T o ltd o . O. Sold by a ll d ru fffflsts. 75c. H all s F a m ily P ills fo r c o n stip a tio n . Owners of Ford Cars BEWARE of C 0 LI N T E R E E IT FA R T S. I f your car needs adjusting, bring it here where you will find reliable service, with complete mechanical equipment to give the highest quality of Ford workmanship obtainable. All Foi;d parts used by us are supplied by the Ford Motor Co. Dont forget our Vulcanizing Dept. is at y^our* service. Estacada Garage “The Bridge that will carry you Safety over Auto Troubles W. Reed, Prop. Estacada, Oregon J. THE WOODSTOCK Typewriter Numbers 4 and 5 An Absolutely Up-to-date Machine Combining The Be»t Feature» Of All Leading Machine* Call at the News O ffice and let us show you. Price Right and Terms Easy Sam J. Howe - Local Agent - Estacada, Or.