Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 22, 1917, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackam as News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada. Oregon
K. M. StandiHh,
Editor and Manager
Entered at thp poatoffiee in Estacada,
O regon, as second-cluas mail.
S ubscription H ates
Six montha
One year
— ■
■■■■ i .
Thursday, Nov. 22, 1917
Next Saturday, November 24th,
will be a day of oratory through­
o u t'th is community, for on that
flay, in every road district in this
jmrtion of the county will occur
the annual Budget and Special
lax Levy Meetings, the former
convening at 10:.‘i0 A. M. and the
latter at 1:30 P. M., in order to
comply with the legal require-
At those meeting there will
probably be more speeches deliv­
ered, Iwith of the prepared and
impromptu variety, than during
any other six months of the year,
for the average taxpayer, no mat­
te*- how unassuming and quiet or­
dinarily, has something to say on
the question of special road taxes
arul seldom is backward about
saying it.
At these gatherings, more than
one man, who may not dare talk
back to his own wife, will jump
to his feet and hand out an im­
passioned appeal to his brother
taxpayers in favor of voting the
limit for road building.
The best part of these orator­
ical Mights is that the majority of
speakers favor the voting of
special taxes and the continued
building of good ro a d s.
It is unnecessary to urge upon
the average rural taxpayer the
necessity of attending these
meetings, for ninety percent of
them are there before the bell
rings and remain long after ad­
journment. But in the City of
Estacada in the past, attendance
h a s been below par, but since this
district is now christened with
the number 10, formerly attached
to the lately Hbolished but pro­
gressive (iartield district, better
a tendance is expected.
We hope that as usual, Eastern
Clackamas road districts will con­
tinue to vote special taxes, there­
by keeping up the high standard
that has for years distinguished
this part of the county.
Eastern Clackamas thoroughly
realizes the \a*ue id’ good roads,
for the development of this com-
round . and the lead it has taken
in all lines of industrial arul agri­
cultural development has directly
followed the building of its good
and better roads.
Miss lau ene Parker, Clackamas
County's able Home Demonstra­
tion Agent presents the follow­
ing data in conjunction with the
Campaign now oeing. pushed
'throughout the country, by the
l-\>tvd Conservation Council:
“ A sugar famine is threatening
us. Our present sugar supply is
sufficient for our own consump­
tion only until the first of Janu­
ary. We have been using at the
rate of ninety pounds per capita
per year. The French have for
some time been on a ration of
less than two tablespoons per day,
and unless the American Nation
can send them a hundred thous­
and (100,000) tons during the
next two months this ration will
be reduced to nothing. Cut
down the amount of sugar to six
tablespoons a day for each person
and our task is done. £very con­
servation committee in each com­
munity should begin a campaign
against the use of cane and beet
sugar for holiday confectionery,
and using glucose, molasses, corn
syrup and dried fruits instead.
A family of five should limit
the sugar used in all cooking and
served on the table in any torm,
including candy, to one pound (2
cups) a day lor me remainder of
the year. Alter January the
new West Indian crop will be
available and the sugar situation
w ill probauly be less tense.
Recipes for holiday confection­
ery will be sent to anyone in the
county by the Home Demonstra­
tion Agent, upon request.”
We Strive To Please
can he made and our service the
i » > ■
: t
best we know how to give.
We can get cheaper merchan­
dise hut we do not believe in
sacrificing quality for quantity—
hut try to live up to our motto
“ The Best Is None Too Good For You”
L. A. Chapman
E sta c a d a ,
O regon
S \\
♦ Undertaking and Embalming
L. A. Chapman
Licensed Embalmer
* Store or Residence
Hearse and Morgue ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ +
F ro m S o m e w h e re In F ra n c e
Among the letters received by
the editor this week, from the en­
listed boys, was the following
from Ralph Reid of Garfield, be­
ing short and to the point, ow ing
to the rigid censorship. This
letter contained no post marks
indicating wdiere it came from,
excepting the insignia "Ameri­
can Y. M. C. A. —On Active Ser­
With The American Ex­
peditionary Force.”
Buyer For The
O ct. 29, 1917.
D e a r Hud:
1 j u s t g u t t h r e e copies
o f y o u r p a p e r in th e la s t m ail and d o n ’t
know how 1 can th a n k you e n o u g h f o r
sam e.
I a m well and q u ite com I o r t a ­
ble a n d ho|>e 1 c a n tell you m o re a b o u t
c o n d itio n s b e fo re very long.
W ith b e s t w is h e s to all.
K. W. Keid, P r i v a t e .
Albina Dressed Beef Co.
of Portland
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kenny of
Estacada left Sunday for Port­
land where they will make their
home for a time. Mr. Kenny
lias lately been in charge of the
Cascade Lumber Company and
hopes shortly to continue in the
lumber business in another sec­
tion ol Eastern Clackamas, as ar­
rangements are now underway
with eastern capitalists to start
milling operations.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eschleman
and son last .veek returned to
Estacada, following a residence
ot several months at Scobey,
Montana. Dave says "Scobey
is all right as a business town,
but with the thermometer head­
ing towards the 40 below mark,
EsiacuUa and the Oregon climate
looked good to us.”
Our prices are kept as low’ as
of all descriptions
If you have any for sale - phone
Henry Githens,