P DOMESTIC GAS MAKER MONEY SAVER Fits any stove. Burns 96u« oxygen, 4* coal oil. Simple to operate. Costs lc per hour to burn. Now On Exhibition In Our Show Window* Broadway at Second St. F. & M. Club To Meet A meeting of the Farmers & Merchants Club is announced for Monday evening, December 3rd. A detailed announcement of this important gathering will appear in these columns next week. At this dinner-meeting will be the annual election of officers and the more important consideration of the annual county budget., Make your plans to be present and your reservations thru any of the following committee, J.W. Heed, Frank Ewing or R. M. Standish. Warren Barr and Fred Bannis­ ter of Estacada, made a trip to Po tland Wednesday, with the in.ention of enlisting in the For­ e-try Corps, now being organiz­ ed l here. ______ Miss Helen Hoss of Gresham was a guest at the Currin home in Currinsville for a few days recently.____ The latest addition to the fac­ ulty of the E. H. S. is Prof. Fred Jorg, instructor in Cuts. Chops, Steaks and Stews. Fred on Wednesday gave an interesting lecture in his market to the mem bers of the Domestic S c ie n c e class of the high school, who un­ der the direction of Miss Shrep- el, are familiarizing themselves in the art of meat buying, learn­ ing when and where the 30c cuts come from and how to make an imitation filet-mignon steak from a 10c soup bone. Lee Bronson of Estacada is leaving shortly for a business trip to Montana, where he has been called in connection with the settlement of the estate of his sister, Mrs. Jack Bourbonia of Missoula. PARK & CLOSNER W. A. Jones and Hugh Men­ denhall, formerly of Estacada but now of Portland, spent a day last week in this community. One of the pleasant features, incident to the Estaeaua Van­ couver football game last Friday,' was the presence at the game of Otis Wagner of Estacada, who for the past six months has been an inmate of the Vancouver Bar­ racks Hospital and who is now well along towards receivery. Albert C. Demurest, who made his home in Garfield during the past year, and who enlisted in Troop B. early in the season, was married November 19th to Miss Lillian Phillips of New York, the ceremony being per­ formed at Camp Mills, where the groom, who is a lieutenant, is stationed. _____ B. F. Cogswell of Eagle Creek wishes to make announcement that at the Thanksgiving Eve dance, to take place at his hall, Thompson’s orchestra of Port­ land will furnish the music, the engagement with the Lew Hub­ bard orchestra having been can­ celled. Henry Trapp of Garfield last week lost a valuable horse, being one of his handsome gray team, with the other animal now sick. J. W. Edwards, Miss Mamie Edwards and Mrs. Elizabeth Dav­ is of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher ami family of Fair- view, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Duus in Garfield. Mrs. Charles Hitching of Cur­ rinsville spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hitching in Portland. Eagle Creek Notes Contribute«! Eagle Creek Grange met last Saturday, but, owing to the busy season a very small number of the members was present. Af­ ter partaking of a fine dinner, a short but interesting meeting w s held, with Worthy Master, F. W. Bates, in the chair. It was decided by the Grange to enjoy a Christinas pie at the next meet­ ing December Id. Each member is to bring an inexpensive pres­ ent, tied in a parcel, a string about two feet long attached, • and all are placed in a pan with a browui paper cover. The pan put on the altar, and to a march, ail pass by and pull a string, return to seats and in answer to roll-call show their present. This with a Christmas story and Christmas quotatioi s awakens good cheer in the heart and makes it do all the good pos­ sible in the Christmas month. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson were calling at the home of Mrs. Viola Douglass last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle and son Joe, motored to Trouidale on Saturday, being the guests of Claude ami Malcolm Woodle while there. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass were Logan visitors Sunday. Geo. Douglass came out from Portland Saturday, and helped his nephew, Car« Douglass, dig iiis potatoes. Mr. Affolter sold seven head of beef cattle to M. J. Herkes the other day. Several of the farmers in this vicinity sold some hogs to W. Givens on Monday. Mrs. McKay was an Estacada visitor on Monday. « Estacada, Oregon Mrs. Sam H. Barr of Estacada visited Mrs. J. L. Freeman of Huber over tlu week-end. Miss Eva Edwards of Port lain! attended the Red Cross dance Saturday night at Eagle Creek and spent Sunday at the Herman Dims home in Garfield. Miss Bessie Wallace, who for the past year has been at Chico, California, is now visiting at the home of her brother, Herman Wallace of Currinsville. Trie Estacada CJarage reports the sale this week or Ford cars to Win, Bletch and Win. Myers of Springwaier and Dodge and a two ion Den by truck to J. (’. Young of Logan. Mrs. H. M. Duus of Garfield went to Portland Tuesday to hid good-bye to her brother Henry Edwards, who left Wednesday, having enlisted in the aviation service. FOR SALE — Motorcycle in first-class condition and $750 parlor grand piano. These are bargains and on easiest of terms. Call at News office. FOR SALE -Full-blood Duroe- Jersey pigs from a litter of 10. each weighing over 30 lbs. To those wishing a good pig they will look better than $8. Have a look. W. H. Corbin, R. 1, Estacada. J. P. Woodle is working for U. S. Morgan of Estacada this week. Walter Douglass made a trip to Portland on Tuesday. There is such a thing as losing time in saving it, and the same holds true of money. You save at the start but lose out in the long run. IT IS OUR BUSINESS | to save our clients time and money, and execute repairs as quickly as careful workmanship will permit. For Repair Work Of Any Nature — motor supplies and U»e Monogram Oil—it is the best for your engine, accessories, and general garage service, you will find and is the cheapest in the long run. complete satisfaction with us. Our BRUNSWICK TIRES Give Excellent Service. WE DO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING f ir e p r o o f Cascade Garage Service and Sales Agents for Dodge, S a x o n , Chevrolet and Cadillac autos Republic trucks and Cleveland Caterpillar tractors. S. P. Pesznecker i D. S. Fleming I m