Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 22, 1917, Image 4

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Yt‘S, we’ve gotten over our misunderstandings
and are pleased to announce that both advertiser
and publisher have awakened to a realization that
team work beats individual effort every time.
Since our temporary separation, both advertis­
er and publisher have learned the lesson of the ne­
cessity of sticking together, working together and
plugging together, for it means
profit to us both.
This same lesson holds true in an even larger
and more profitable way in the need of all interests
in this community working shoulder to shoulder
for private*and public advancement.
This is commonly called “cooperation”, but it
really means, burying the hatchets, forgetting the
petty quarrels and jealousies and joining forces.
We needed the newspaper and its publicity just
as much as the newspaper needed our advertising
and financial support so we're together again
and we dont care who knows it.
As to that BOOSTING SPIRIT page, it is com­
ing out next week in all its glory and we hope it
will be welcomed again by the readers of the News.
Sure, we’re doing business at the same old
stand and have been, but we want to do more and
we know that advertising and profits believe in co-
upet al ion.
he enlisted with the Marines.
Springwater News Items
Miss Pearl Tucker entertained
Mrs Goo. Belk ap who has a number of the young folks on
Saturday evening.
been visiting Mis. P. Erickson
for the past two weeks, left
Vernon Schmidt of Sheridan,
Thursdav for her home in Forest spent the week-end with his sis-
Grove. Cal fornia.
Mrs. G. C. Grable.
Ferd Zurcher of Macleay Or.
Miss Helen Tracy of Logan is
who has rented Mrs. .1 A Reid’s visiting her cousin Miss Pearl
place is con emplating moving ; Tucker.
there this week.
Joe Cahill of Eagle Creek, a
About 27 of the ladies met at
of Co. L. 44th Infantry,
the home of Mis. P. Erickson,
been transferred to
where they prepared Red Cross Camp Lewis,
Ametican Lake,
Work, making bandages, etc.
This good work will continue.
the News
' meeting once a week, meeting
next at Mrs. G. M Lawrence’s.
the home news * : *
0. N. Holman and so i Oscar, i appreciate
for entertainment
visited at Mt. Angel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lawrence the Y. M. C. A. is furnished
and son George spent Thursday,
dont believe in that organization
in Portland visiting with Mrs. G.
do a hitch in the Army
E. Lawrence.
the real good done.”
Mr. and Mrs. Rob’t. Guttridge
and children were Portland shop­
Miss Grace Denny of Estacada
pers on Thursday.
has taken Miss Echo Wade’s
Miss Ava Owen spent the
place as teacher of the Currins-
week-end with her parents in
ville School, continuing the work
until Miss Chiistina Graham the
regular teacher is abie to renew
A repoit is out that the Rainey
place has been sold to a Mr.. ner duties.___________
Robertson of Portland.
Russel Reed of Estacada and
Frank Millard is having an ad­ Vernie
Duus of Gartield leave
dition built to hi« house The
for Kansas City, Mo.
work being in charge of Earl
where both will learn the auto­
Forrest Erickson left Monday
mobile business at the Sweeney
morning, for Mare Island where Automobile School.
'T'hanksgiving Night
Hardtimes Dance
You and your friends are cordially invited to attend the an­
nual dance, given by the Civic Improvement Club, at the
Estacada Pavilion, Thanksgiving night, November 29th.
Dancing will be from nine o’clock until three with supper
at midnight.
Artistic decorations, floor in fine shape, the best of music
by Lew Hubbard’s Real Jazz Band of Portland, and many
novel attractions will lend to the evening’s enjoyment.
Wear your old clothes. Come and have a good time.
. Tickets $1 - Students 50c - Ladies free.
So, watch for the BOOSTING SPIRIT, with a
little more Boost and a little more Spirit in it next
Gladys Hulette
In The
The Walter Givens Company
Estacada, Oregon
Parent - Teacher Association taeada division of the Red Cross
to meet with the domestic art
The Estacuda Parent-Teacher class, for mutual benefit.
Association convened at the high An interesting talk on the
sehind auditorium Friday even­ “Movies” was given by Prof.
ing. with Mrs. Fred Robley, the Kilpatrick of the Extention Dept,
president, presiding.
of the U. of O.. the speaker thor­
The social committee had spar­ oughly covering the subject from
ed no pains to extend an invita­ the first appearance of moving
tion to all interested in the pictures to the present, showing
schools, with a result that num­ the educational advantages to
bers of visitors were present from l»oth students and the general
all nearby district*.
Refreshments and a social hour The subject for the next meet-
" ere enjoyed. Miss Schrepel |ng will be “Good Literature for
extended an invitation to the Es- Children.”
Thanksgiving Night - November
29 th.
This is a famous five reel feature of comedy, drama, pathos,
joy, tears and laughter all in one.
And remember, Gladys is the same star who ¡-o pleased all in
“Pots and Pans Peggy” and “The Shine Girl” .
(Show starts at 7 o’clock sharp, ending at 8:30. in time for the dance.)
November 24th
The beautiful Dorothy Phillips will be shown in
“'W e
7 o’ clock
Piper s Price”
Miss Phillips was the heroine in “ Hell Morgan’s C.irl.’’
Also a good Comedy.