Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 15, 1917, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackamas News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada. Oregon
K. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the itoHtoffice in Eatarada,
Oregon, aa aecond-elasa mail.
One year
Six montha
K atbs
As to gettin g this news to those
boys, we are going to do o1 r best
and i f Uncle Sam and the postal
authorities will follow directions
and forward the N ew s to “ Some­
where in France” or elsewhere,
w e ’ ll do our share. And i f the
laiys do receive the paper, if they
will send us their latest address”?
it will sim plify matters.
W e Strive To Please
j i
A few weeks ago, when we
conceived the idea o f presenting
the home newspaper to our sol­
dier and sailor hovs. we did it
merely feeling it would help .in a
small way to cheer up some o f
our homesick boys, and expect­
ing that a dozen copies per week
would fulfil the mission.
Now we have come to a reali­
zation that we have tackled a
real job, that is, in seeing to it
that the News really reaches each
and everyone o f our tw enty-five
to thirty enlisted men, scattered
in all parts o f the world.
Without intending to compli­
ment ourselves in the least, we
had fa r from realized the value
o f the home newspaper to those
boys, until we liegan receiving
letters galore from all parts o f
the country, thanking us many
times over for the paper. For
instance, at Charlotte, N. C., one
soldier boy carried h is c o p y o fth e
News several miles to a distant
part o f the camp, so that another
Estacada boy could read it, but
now both boys are gettin g a sep­
arate copy.
Hut now we are up against it,
for we intend that our boys shall
receive the N ew s regularly, but
we dont know their present ud-
dresses in many instances, for
the recent troop movements have
scattered them to distant camps
and countries.
Chester Womer o f Estacada, in
a letter from Camp Mills. N. V..
under date o f Nov. (>th, writes
that by Thanksgiving time, he
expects lo be either in France or
enrollte across the ocean. He al­
so mentions Hob Ewalt o f Esta-
cada ami Lerov Caul and says he
expects other home boys will
reach there in time for trans­
From the expressions o f thunks
\\ Inch we have received for our
small donations, we feel ashamed
to think that more home news
was not published in every issue,
if for no other reason than to
cheer up our lioys. So we are
now appealing to everyone o f our
people to help make the home pa­
p e r * little more newsy, by seeing
to it that it contains all o f the
home doings. Phone, w rite or in
son**way notify this office o f your
hoop* and neighborhood news, if
fo r-n o other reason than to do
another little hit for our boys who
are lighting our tight and a lo n g
ways away from home, friends
ami lm %*d ones.«-
The follow ing clipping is in re
butial to the N e w s ’ recent com­
ment on the w ay some o f the
county seat papers “ handle all o f
the news o f Clackamas County” .
■*t'h«* Eastern Clackamas News, Esta-
cada, last week wasted space in bab-
bl.ng about mistakes in The Courier’s
report ol an automobile accident. Edi­
tor Standish knows as well as we do
why newspapers sometimes fail to print
proper names correctly. We wanted
to comment U| k > ii the Standish effusion,
but alter a thorough seareh of our ex­
change table have resolved that his lit­
tle paper must be buried somewhere
beneath a copy of the late lamented
Sandy N ew s.”
W e have to laugh at the way
Editor Robey comes back at us.
for it reminds us o f the kid who
couldn’t lick the school bully,
but was w illing to bet him two
marbles that their cat had more
kittens than his.
Corporal Sam Harr, o f the
Quartermaster s Corps at A m eri­
can Lake, spent the week-end at
his home in Estacada.
* >
prices are kept as low as
can he made and our service the
« » j
Thursday, Nov. 15, lfilT
A movement, now underway
in a distant part o f this county,
to oust our County Agricultural­
ist and do away with that office
entirely should not receive any
support from fair minded farm ­
ers and taxpayers.
I f for no other reason than
the fact that the value o f the
work cannot be ascertained at
this early date, Mr. Werner
should be retained, for the re­
sults o f work o f this sort cannot
he determined or hardly realized
short o f a year.
Up to a couple o f weeks ago,
lime for off e,tin g soil acidity,
was being sold to the farmers o f
this portion o f the county, by un­
scrupulous salesmen, at a p t ice
o f from $12. to $liJ. per ton and
many farmers were buying at
those prices. Since then, Coun­
ty Agriculturalist Werner, with
the assistance o f Frank E w ing
o f Estacada,- Agriculturalist fo r
the P. K. L. & P. Co., has shown
the farmers that lime for this
purpose can he obtained at a
price o f less than one-half that
asked by the private concerns.
Already many farmers have
placed their orders through these
agriculturalists and are thankful
to effect such a saving.
Now, if at the end o f the first
sixty days o f County A gricu ltu r­
alist regime, a saving o f many
hundreds o f dollars has been e f ­
fected, why listen to talk o f do­
ing away with that office and o f ­
ficer, until a thorough trial has
been given them?
• if
to give.
* >
We can get cheaper merchan­
sacrificing quality
q u a n tity -
hut try
to live up to our motto
) 5
L. A. Chapman
“The Best Is None Too Good For You”
E s ta c a d a ,
O re g o n
Undertaking and Embalming
L. A. Chapman
Licensed Embalmer
Hearse and Morgue
Store or Residence
Buyer For The
Albina Dressed Beef Co.
of Portland
of all descriptions
If you have any for sale - phone
Henry Githens, Currinsville.