Dover Buy Your Christmas Presents Early from which you may select your presents at a saving of from 25% to 50% have to pay if we carried them in stock. 10th * * of be in by the James Hodson moved into his new house Wednesday, his goods having been brought from Tual- atin by auto-truck. His house was erected by Don Bodley. f out from Sandy, Thursday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Schminky. * December, 1 « to insure delivery on time. . Garfield Dorcas Society East Clackamas Supply Co. E s ta c a d a , O regon. V Contributed George Brown is one o f the ! latest auto owners in this section. Mrs. (jora Jacobs took her- son ♦ + ♦ + + ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Business IS S E L L IN G ♦ ♦ ♦ Ice Cream ♦ When you are in the market for anything in these line* See C. C. Miller in BU,kon' Soda Water • Soft Drinks - Lunches Cigars and Tobacco * Plumbing, Water Systems and Lighting Plants * + Elwood Items 1 to Estacada to have some work done. ! Susa Lankins who has' been visiting at the home o f her brother, Ed. Park o f Walton, Or- egon, has returned to the home o f her mother Mrs. Lyda Park. Ed. Park is recovering from an Mrs. E. R. Bates o f Portland injury received while working in is visiting at the home o f her a sawmill, in which he had his mot her, M i s. C. C. Miller o f leg crushed, later blood poison­ Estacada. ing set in. V, * - + The Hallowe’en Social given at the school house last week w h s largely attended and the pi oceeds which ne ted ove • $20 will he used in sinking a well for the The Garfield Dorcas Society will meet Thursday, November loth, at the home o f Mrs. Chas. Duncan. A s there is Red Cross Work, ail members and friends are inviied to be present. “ Your Satisfaction is Our Success” « Contributed , Rev. S. Pitts and family o f A young peoples social o f the Cottrell motored to Dover on bus- Y. P. S. C. E. o f the Viola church iness Thursday, purchasing some ; will be held F< iday evening, Nov- registered Berkshire hogs o f ember 9th. when all are request - Hugh Develin. led to be at the church at 7:d0 Guy Woodle o f Portland, mo­ ¡w here conveyances w . 1 > be fou id tored out to his ranch Sunday. to take them to their destination, [ which is a secret. Hugh Develin is building a The people o f this section were new house to replace the one given a good talk on “ Food Con­ that was burned. Walter Kitz- servation” last week, by Walter miller being head carpenter. ! Givens o f Estacada. Dur ing his Mrs. August KQennam&n a n d ' speach the lights went out. but Gr andma Morrison are on the he said he could talk just as well in the dark, which he did iur sick-list. some time. Ed. W olfe and fam ily motored We have The Marshall-Fields catalogues, should Contributed . . . . Harvev Mattonn. when driving into Oregon City last week, in business, Wednesday. going under a trestle, his team Mrs. A. J. Kitzm iller o f Gresh- became frightened, running into am, spent a few days with rela- ^he briU)ge and injuring both he tives in this section. and t ^e leam quit.* badly. For The Holiday Season Orders Viola Breezes Dr. E. Smith, veterinarian o f f Gresham, was through Dover on 9 • over what you would Doings 4 + Estacada R. G. Marchbank Estacada, Or. YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER FO R T H E C O L D W E T D A Y S T H A T A R E C O M IN G ? How about that New ♦ Bring in your Old Windows and Heating Stove or Range 4 4 4 4 have NEW GLASS put in them 4 4 4 4 4 W e carry everything needed to build < for this Winter. Fix up your Walls and Ceilings with our warm Wall Papers and Deadening Felts Stop the Leaks in your Roof with our Rubberoid Roofing and Elastic Roof Paint H ardwa k e I mplements H a r n e s s or replace them with New WINDOWS or DOORS H O U S E , B A R N or S H A C K (except the lumber) and can Furnish you all the Tools with which to build them BERT H. FINCH E stacada , O regon 4