/ Corvallis Butter WHY. THAT W,v> PRESIDENT i JAO'SON b F m V oki TE \ CHEW , l $ 1.05 For 2 Pound Roll • 3 OLD HICKORY WAS MIGHTY PARTICULAR AÖCJT HIS TO8ACCC J B E F O R E T H E IN V E N T IO N C F O U R PATENT A IR -P R O O F P O U C H G RAV E LY P L U G TOBACCO M X D E S T R IC T L Y FOR IT S C H E W IN G Q U A L IT Y W O U LD NOT K E E P F R E S H IN T H IS S E C T IO N . N 3 W T H E P A T E N T P O U C H K E E P S IT F R E S H AND C LE A N AND G O O D L IT T L E C H E W O F G R A V E L Y IS E N O U O M m N D l a s t s l o n g e r t h a n a b ig c h e w O F O R D IN A R Y P L U G . AT THE A PALACE MEAT MARKET The only Siinitary, Refrigerated Market in Eastern Clackamas. Fresh Vegetables In Season rre d Jorg. Proprietor Phone Main 83. B o n e r ’s F.stacada, Or. ’ Broadway fo r HUNTING LICENCES Fishing Tackle Tennis Balls Fishing and Hunting Licenses Cigars, Tobaccos. Confectionery Soda Water and ^ Soft Drinks Ice Cream * Headquarters for Kodaks Supplies' Printing and Finishing. S P E C IA L O F F E R Good until Nov. 10th only COSMOPOLITAN - HEARSPS GOOD HOUSEKEEPING any one of the. three Two Years for $2. Also money saved on other Magazines if you will renew your subscription before Nov. 10th at The Estacada Pharmacy G R A V E L Y *3 C ELEB R A TED C h e w in g P lu§ •P.ft.f/raveiySbAacccCa. Oktntui.VA. nr" BEFORE BILLY POSTER GETS THROUGH, A LOT OTHER PEOPLE W ILL GETTING PARTICULAR TOO ¿¿m *. m. m m . - The Misses Evelyn Bigger, Jean Paterson and Anna Young of Portland were week end Cwners of Ford Cars guests at the home of Mrs. A. L. ! L a s s w e ll o f Estacada. Manager F. D. Hunt of the! Traffic Department of the P. it. ' L. & P. Co. and his assistant, I). C. Zink were Estacada business visitors Monday. needs adjusting, bring it here where you will Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Miller of j : Estacada returned Monday from*] find reliable service, with complete mechanical a three days pleasure trip to Sal­ equipment to give the highest quulity of Ford em, where they viewed the Sta.e workmanship obtainable. | Penitentiary, State Asylum and j otner attractions. All Ford parts used by us art* supplied by the Ford Motor (’o. Mrs. J. M. Hayden of Viola and her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Peterson, of Estacada are recov­ ering from a severe attack of the grippe, which for a time last | week threatened to develope in-i to pneumonia in the case of the I ' former. is a t y ' o u r s e rv ic e . Born Sunday, October ‘21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones ol Currinsvi.le, a son. S. P. Waterbury of Hood Riv­ er. spen. Monday in Estacada a t; the home of his daughter, Mrs. j “The Bridge that will carry gnu L. A. Chapman. Safely over Auto Troubles/’ I Mr. and Mrs. E. VV. Bartlett J. W. Reed, Prop | and daughter Helen of Estacada last Saturuay evening delight- ‘ Estacada, Oregon fully entertained at a linen-show- \ er in honor oi Miss Rachel Reed j of Estacada. whose marriage to Notice Of Road District Mettimi To Vote R. C. Deming is to take place Special Road Tax November 3rd next. Cards, music and dainty refreshments Notice is hereby given, pursu­ A bstracts oxaruinvO. Coi poraii«/ k ...-w constituted the evenings enjoy ant to Sec. 15, (’hap. 291), Gener­ Financial Agents. T ra rts, Kscrows and Accounts. Estates probated. Collec­ ment. Deeds, Mortgages. Oemliai al Laws of Oregon for 1917, that tions, practice courts. O orrtspondtuc* a Road District Meeting of the solicited. In oil Prom pt attention. Bank $100 Reward, $100 references. FvuiUenlh «»«» legal voters of Road District No. T h e read er» of thi» p a p e r will be pleased to learn t h a t t h e re 1» a t leant 55, Clackamas County, Oregon, 10W . PIACfD ON PONflANO PROWS IY one d reu d ed d isease t h a t science ha» been able to c u re in all It» sta ge s, a n d t h a t is c a t a r r h . C a t a r r h b eing g r e a t l y will be held on the 24th day of Wosessohn & Nlosessohn Influenced by c o n s ti t u t i o n a l co nditions November, A. D., 1917, in said h l - / I l . n i C n u n t b v r f t B lip req u ire s c o n s ti t u t i o n a l tre a t m e n t . PCRTLANO, U K lU O N 0 H a l l ’s C a t a r r h C u re Is t a k e n in te rn a lly Road District, at the hour of 1:00 i and acts t h r u the Blood on th e U u c s u s S u rfaces of the S y s te m th e r e b y d e ­ o’clock P. M.. in the Viola School s tr o y i n g the f o u n d a tio n of the disease, Among the ap|roiritnierits re­ g iv in g the p atie n t s t r e n g t h by b u ilding House to vote an additional tax up the c o n s ti t u t i o n a n d a s s i s t i n g n a ­ cently made in the army was the t u r e In d o in g its w o r k T h e p r o p r i e ­ in said road district for road pur­ tors h av e so m u ch f a ith In th e c u r a t i v e advancement of Sergeant Syl­ p o w ers of H all's C a t a r r h C u re t h a t poses as by law provided. vester Law rence of Springwatei the y offer One H u n d r e d D o llars for an y case t h a t It falls to curs. Send fo r list H. S. Anderson of the Machine Gun Company o; of testim onials. Address: r CHENET * CO. Toledo. County Jusge the 102nd Infantry, to a second Ohio. Mold by all Druggists. 71« lieutenancy. » BEW ARE Dont forget our Vulcanizing Dept. • ------------------------------------------------ Estacada Garage 0 J LÂWY