Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 25, 1917, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackamas News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada. Oregon
K. M. Standiah,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the poatoffioe in Estacada,
Oregon, aa aecond-claaa mail.
S ubscription R atrs
One year
Six months
Thursday, Oct
As is right and proper, the
N ew s office is the place where
matters o f public interest are
freely discussed and in some in­
stances as freely cussed. This
cussing and discussing is not all
on the part o f the N e w s ’ start’,
as taxpayers from all parts o f
this community have gotten in­
to the good habit o f calling and
talking their community and c iv ­
ic troubles over with the editor.
Consequently the N ew s is in a
position to voice the sentiments
o f many taxpayers from many
districts on important questions
and the most important one now
confronting the local taxpayers
is the coming budget and special
tax levy meetings in their re­
spective road districts.
The Eastern Clackamas road
districts, as a whole, have in the
past v o t e d special taxes in
amounts ranging from 3 to 10%
each year. This willingness to
spend their own mony for better
roads is well evidenced in the
good highways now prevailing in
this community generally, and
has made this district famous
even beyond the borders o f Clack­
amas County and incidentally
was “ exhibit A ” in the past Cas­
cade County tights and will he in
similar future campaigns.
The outlook for a continuance
o f this special voting o f taxes
this year is not overly bright, for
many reasons.
in several districts,
where much (). & C. Land (¡rant
back tuxes are due and which
money should b e forthcoming
shortly in full, it is felt the vot­
ing o f additional special funds
t his year is unnecessary and the
money could not be worked out
i «> good advantage.
Second owing to the changes
in the road laws, becoming effec­
tive January 1st, relative to the
appointment o f deputy road sup­
ervisors, (whichappointment will
be made by the county court the
latter part o f »lie year,) the ten­
dency o f the taxpayers seems to
be unfavorable to voting special
taxes unless they know before or
at [ be special tax levy meeting,
just who vn ill be the supervisor
in their district or districts.
This feeling is probably due to
the factional differences, current
in every neigh lx >rhood and which
through a competent supervisor
ot the taxpayers’ choice, has re­
sulted in speciaUtaxes, with the
opportunity for the working off
o f part or all o f the money by
the taxpayers themselves.
Third In us much as the tax­
payers do not know yet whether
such deputy supervisor, as may
he appointed later, will tie in
charge o f only the home district
or of two or nuire districts, (in
the event of bill twenty deputies
being appointed in the county,
instead.ok-ilif present fifty-six, i
they may hesitate to vote special
I f one supervisor is appointed
to handle several road districts,
it will have a tendency to in­
crease the ever present factional
jealousies and consequently work
to a disadvantage.
O f course, the expression o f
many o f the taxpayers in the
lately abolished iioad District
No. 10 o f Garfield may not be a
fair index o f the sentiment o f
ail local districts, but many o f
those taxpayers are lamenting
the loss o f the home district and
fail to understand the court’ s ac­
tion in abolishing it; especially
a fter Supervisors Fred Lins and
Elmer Davis o f the George and
Upper Garfield districts had re­
ceived letters from the couruy
court stating that no changes
were contemplated.
Another hindrance-to special
tax voting lies in the new road
code laws, which it is understood
allow the County Hoad Boss to
say where the special tax money
shall he expended, as long as it
is expended within the district
from which it originated.
there are grounds for this con­
tention, it looks like a conrtiction
in the road law's and offsetting
the power o f the budget m e t in g .
Despite the -ather gloomv out­
look for special taxes in this sec­
tion this year, it is hoped the
taxpayers will continue to main­
tain that high standard o f road
building, which has made East­
ern Clackamas famous.
Notice Of Road District Budget Meeting
Notice is hereby given that,
pursuant to Chapter 234, Gener­
al Laws 1913, and Chapter 222,
General Laws 1915, a meeting o f
the legal voters o f Road District
No. 4, Clackamas County. Ore­
gon, will he held at Currinsville
School House, in said district on
the 24th day o f November, 1917.
at the hour o f 10:30 o ’clock A. M.,
for i he purpose o f considering
the following estimates of the a-
mount o f money to be raised by
special tax in said district for the
ensuing vear:
RO AD S and H IG H W A Y S
Improvement and maintenance o f
Main Road
Saling Road
Stein man Road
Heiple Road
Taylor Road
Morrow Station Road
P R L I A B L E R E C E I P T S - None.
B A L A N C E S None
Subscribed by three resident
freeholders o f said district and
by the road supervisor o f said
district this 20th day o f October.
1917. A lsosu 1 scribed by County
R. S. Coop.
W H. Kellendonk
G. A. Invert
J. A. Kitching
Road Siqiervisor Road Dist. No. 4
H. S. Anderson
County Judge.
W e Strive To Please
prices are kept as low as
can he made and our service the
to give.
We can get cheaper merchan­
sacrificing quality
to live up to our motto
“ The Best Is None Too Good For You"
L. A. Chapman
in Dish, Cone
or Bulk.
Ice Cream
Soda Water • Soft Drinks • Lunches
Cigars and Tobacco
Estacada, Or.
R. G. Marchbank
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦
+ * + + ♦ ♦
Undertaking and Embalming
L A. Chapman
Licensed Embalmer
Hearse and Morgue
Store or Residence
+ ♦ ♦ ♦
+ ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + ♦ ♦ ++
s' V
V. v
a- b a cn u ce
,s •
v s ^
% .. .
Every man who «boulders
a gun risk£ his all for
his country What are YOU
sacnilcir J to back,him up?
:r DVnv
y c u b u y h e lp s w in t h e W a : 7
■ .
< 4 .
* -
Owing to the continued illness
o f his father. W. Domm o f Eagle
Creek, who is now confined to
his bed. his son Victor Domm
has given up his position with
the Bittner Plug & Lumber Co.
o f Bull Run and returned home
to operate the home farm.
The W. C. T. U. will meet
Thursday, Nov. 1st, at the home
o f Mrs. D. M. Marshall of Esta­
cada, where .he afternoon will
he spent in the making o f surgi­
cal bandages.
All ladies are in­
James Abbott o f Estacada re­
turned home Saturday, after an
extended absence in other parts
o f the state.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hutton o f
Portland were guests last week
for a day at the home o f her
brother. Walter Givens o f Esta­
The fall jury venire for Clack­
amas County was called to report
at the court house on November
5th, to consider the cases that
may be returned from the grand
jury. On this list are the follow ­
ing from this community:—J. J.
Marchbank, Estacada; A.
Whitcomb, Garfield; John J. Cole­
man. Estacada and Joseph De-
Shazer o f Dover.