Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 25, 1917, Image 5

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    Speci al !
One only
All Fruit Jar Rubbers
• Ladies Vests
$18. Florence Oil Stove $12.
Regular 10c —while they last— 5c
Regular 25c Mason Lids
Speci al !
All 25c values . . . .
at the old price while it lasts.
Underwear at last years price.
Broadway at Second St.
Notice O f Road District Meeting To Vote
Special Road Tax
Notice is hereby given, pur­
suant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, Gen­
eral Laws of Oregon for 1917,
that a Road District Meeting of
the legal voters of Road District
No. 4, Clackamas County, Ore­
gon, will be held on the 24th day
of November, A. D,, 1917, in
said Road District, at the hour of
1:00 o’clock P. M., in Currins-
ville School House to vote an ad­
ditional tax in said road district
for road purposes as by law pro­
H. S. Anderson,
<■ County Judge.
M. J. Kerkes
Buyer for the
Beef Co.
Of Portland
of all descriptions
If you have any for sale - phone
Eagle Creek Notes
Notice O f Road District Budget Meeting
Notice is hereby • iven tl at.
pursuant to Chapter 234, Gener­
al Laws 1913, and Chapter 212,
General Laws 1915, a me ting of
the legal voters of Road District
No. 49. Clackamas County, Ore­
gon. will he held a Garfield
Country £iub Hall, in said dis­
trict on the 21th day of Novem­
ber, 1917, a1 the hour of 10:: 0
o’clock A. M., tor the purpose of
considering the following esti­
mates of the amount of money
to be raised by special tax in said
district for the ensuing year.
Improvement and maintenance of
Main Road
Davis-Divers and Fall
Creek Roads
Kemp-Lemon Road
Rawlins Road
Mail Route
f 400.
Subscribed by three resident
freeholders of said district and
by the road supervisor of said
district this 20th day of October
1917. Also subscribed by County
L. J. Palmateer, Freeholder
L. M. Yocum
G. Q. Dart
E. T. Davis
Road Supervisor Road District
No. 49.
H. S. Anderson
County Judge.
Mrs. Martha Dauehy is visit- |
ing with relatives over this way.
On Saturday, Eagle Creek
Grange held its regular meeting
with about forty members pres­
ent. A short session was held
before noon, when, after partak­
ing of a fine chicken dinner,
work was resumed. R. J. Wer­
ner, of Fairview, was present
and gave a talk on the lime sit­
uation, Mrs. Phillips, the lectur­
er, presented a very interesting
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas,
Mrs. Annie Littlepageand James
Bell, of S a n d y , and Frank
Ewing, of Springwater, were
Grange visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass
motored to Oregon City and Port­
land Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holder
and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Morgan
of Estacada, were entertained at
dinner Sunday, by Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Woodle.
Mrs. Viola Douglass made her
sister, Mrs. A. W. Cooke, of Da­
mascus, a visit Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sersan-
ous of Portland, motored out to
E. Naylor’s on Sunday.
Mrs. M. E. Judd is now stay­
ing with her daughter, Airs.
John Douglass.
Mr. Marston sold H. S. Gibson
some cattle last week.
S. A. Douglass was in Eagle
Creek recently, the guest of rel­
John C. Peterson of Estacada
is this week building a plank
sidewalk surrounding his prem­
ises. This walk in the Spring
will be replaced with a cement
one, after the ground is perfect­
ly settled.
Postmaster W. A. Heylman
of Estacada has been having
great luck lately with the speck­
led beauties of the Clackamas,
having last week landed one
trout 18 inches long and 9 inches
around the waist line, and sever­
al others slightly smaller.
Jersey Heifer, 2 year old.
Phone Walter Lemon, Garfield.
Estacada, Oregon
Complaint has b e e n made
against the running-at-large of
a vicious ram in the vicinity of
Estacada and Faraday. This
ram last week attacked several
children and was only driven off
by the united efforts of Albert
Adlon and a companion, who
were compelled to use clubs and
James Craft of Viola, who en­
listed in the Hospital Corps lust
• June, returned to the Mare Is­
land Navy Yards last week, fol­
lowing a 40 days leave of absence
on account of illness, most of
which time was spent at the par­
ental home in Viola.
Miss Virginia Scott of Estaca­
da. entertained a number of her
friends last Saturday afternoon,
1 at a matinee party at the Family
Theatre, in honor of Iter birthday
j the 19th. In the evening the
• young folks repaired to her home,
where they enjoyed games and
Al J. Darling of Eugene, who
formerly was in business in Es­
tacada, spent a few days here
this week, renewing old friend­
The Estacada Garage report
that their mechanical department
is now in charge of W. J. Kelly,
formerly of Portland. Mr. Kelly
is an expert in all phases of the
work, having had twelve years
practical experience in the Ford
and Buick factories.
Guy Graham of Seattle was in
Estacada for a few days this
week, prior to his return to Seat­
tle. where he has enlisted as
draughtsman in th e aviation
corps and expects to leave for
San Antonio, Texas.
Dont Throw It Away!
We have received our O X Y -A C E T Y L E N E welding machinery and are prepared to weld your broken farm machines, gears and castings and save you not on­
ly the expense of new parts but can save you time as well.
Bring in your broken parts, no matter what they are; copper, aluminum, steel, iron, brass or castings, big or little.
We are exclusive agents for the P A U L SYSTEM , one of the best on the market.
ery day.
So let us show you.
The demand for BRUNSWICK TIRES is growing ev­
They give 4.000 mile service.
Cascade Garage
Service and Sales Agents for Dodge, S a x o n ,
S. P. Pesznecker
Chevrolet and Cadillac autos and Republic trucks.
Expert Mechanical Service.
f t
D. S. Fleming