Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 25, 1917, Image 4

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    Have You Bought Your Liberty Bond?
Should Pass $12,000. Mark
At 11 o’clock this morning, the
sale of Liberty Bonds in this
community, as shown by the rec­
ords of the Estaeada State Bank,
had reached a total of $11,550.00
and at the present rate should
pass the $12,000 mark by night.
The quota of the Estacada dis­
trict of $14,000. should be attain­
ed or exceeded by the end of the
drive next Saturday night.
Much credit for this enthusias-
tic response is due the officials of
the home bank, who have work­
overtime in thé canvass through­
out this section.
The response has been a noble
one, coming from all sections and
from farmer and merchant, men
women and children. Even be­
fore the F. & M. Club mass meet­
ing of Wednesday evening, sub­
scriptions had been coming in at
a lively rate, but following this
meeting renewed energy is being
put into the campaign
Credit is due scores of bond
buyers, who after buying, enthu­
sed others to do likewise. The
Boy Scouts of Estacada also got
into the work and made a fine
showing among parents and
In the next issue of the News
will appear a complete list of all
bond purchasers and il is with a
feeling of pride that we will pub­
lish this further example of the
way Eastern Clackamas comes to
the front when called upon to
“do its bit.’’
Notice O f Road District Budget Meeting
11 may take your brother, your sweetheart, your son. It may take YOU.
The boys who go in the second draft will be'cared for, outfitted and pro­
vided with ammunition and protective devices by the money realized from the
Second Liberty Ix>an.
Do you want the Government to be forced to skimp in giving these boys
everything they should have, or do ypu want your Uncle Sam to have plenty
of money for them.
THING IT OVER—it concerns YOU personally.
It is better to be forearmed than to have regrets when they tell you he
was killed or wounded because of LACK OF EQUIPMENT.
Buy it whether you can afford it or not Your bank will help you.
This advertisement paid for by the
East Clackam as Supply Co.
Notice Of Road District Meeting To Vote
Special Road Tax
Notice is hereby given. pursu­
ant to Sec. 1C», ('hap. 290, Gener­
al Laws of Oregon for 1917, that
a Road District Meeting of the
l«->ral voters of Koad District No.
43, Clackamas County. Oregon,
will be held on the 24th day of
Noveml»er. A. D.. 1917, in said
Road District, at the hour of 1:00
• •’clock P. M.. in Wilbern’s Hall,
to vote an additional tax in said
road district for road purposes as
by law provided.
H. S. Anderson
County Judge
Notice Of Road District Meeting To Vote
Special Road Tax
Notice is hereby given, pursu­
ant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, Gener­
al Laws of Oregon for 1917, that
a Koad District Meeting of the
legal voters of Koad District No.
49, Clackamas County. Oregon,
will be held on the 24th day of
November. A. 1)., 1917. in said
Koad District, al the hour of 1:00
o’clock P. M., in Garfield Coun­
try Club Hall to vote an addition­
al tax in said road district for
road purposes as by law provided.
H. S. Anderson
County Judge.
Notice Of Road District Meeting To Vote
Special Road Tax
Notice is hereby given, persu-
ant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, Gener­
al Laws of Oregon for 1917, that
a Road District Meeting of the
legal voters of Estacada Road
District No. 10, Clackamas Coun­
ty. Oregon, will be held on the
24th day of November, A. D.,
1917, in said Road District, at
the hour of 1:00 o’clock P. M., in
City Hall to vote an additional
tax in said road district for road
purposes as by law provided.
H. S. Anderson.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that,
pursuant to Chapter 234, Gener­
al Law's 1913, and Chapter 222,
General Laws 1915, a meeting of
the legal voters of Estacada Road
District No. 10, Clackamas Coun­
ty, Oregon, will be held at City
Hall, in said district on the-24th
day of November, 1917, at the
hour of 10.30 o’clock A. M., for
the purpose of considering the
following e s t i m a t e s of the
amount of money to be raised by
special tax in said district for the
ensuing year:
Improvement and maintenance of
Main St. Road
Sixth St. Road
Subscribed by three resident
freeholders of said district and
by the road supervisor of said
disirict this 2<4h day of October
1917. Also subscribed by Coun­
ty Judge.
A. E. Sparks,
Win. Dale
Fred Jorg
John Page
Road Supervisor Estacada Road
Dist. No. 10
H. S. Anderson
County Judge.
A combination Hallowe’en and
pie social will be held at the Vio­
la School on Friday evening,
November 2nd.