Wrights Leave Far Ranch Home i With the departure this week oi Mr. and Mrs. I. 1). Wright o f Estacada. for their new ranch home near Denio, Oregon, this entire community will be the los- er, lw)th socially and in a busi- ness way. 1 he Wright household goods were last Sunday, shipped via the Millard-Horner auto truck to Troutdale, fro n wh eh p >int they will go by rail to Crane, thence by truck or team KM) miles to their destination. During the three or four years Fourth Call Takes Local Recruits Good Price For I*runes Htre Last wtek saw the shipment from Estaeada o f a good many thousand pounds o f prunes, rep- resenting parts o f the Garfield and Springwater crops, As near as can t>e ascertained, about a 40"o crop was harvested jn this country, with a price o f from 8 to 9 cents prevailing, Among the la gest local grow- ers wereKrigbaums, Dart, Davis, Snutfin, Trapp and Crawfords o f Garfield and the Guttridges and Howells o f Springwater. x ' Hallowe’en Danes Saturday Night o f their residence in Estaeada, The N ew s was incorrectly in- the Wrights have made many formed last week o f the date o f close friendships, which will re- the C. 1. C. Hallowe’en Dance, main long a fter the city complex- which was shown in these col­ ions and apparel of tffeir urban umns as being scheduled for residence will have been sup- Tuesday evening, the 28rd, in- planted by tho dust,'tan, sunburn 8tead o f Saturday evening, the and toil o f ranch fife in that 27th. country of wide expanses, sage Remember the date is next brush, rattlers, alfalfa and coy- Saturday evening. October 27ih, ° t es- and everyone is invited to lie The present status o f the Es- present, tacada State Bank is largely due to the ability and hard work o f • A V is it I o C o b l i n v d l e Mr. Wright, its former cashier; The novel jitney supper to be and much o f the benefits that served by the ladies o f the Esta- have come to Estaeada and this cada Christian Church will corn- vicinity in the past few years bine the H allowe’en spirit, coni- have, been in part due to his prhing "‘A Trip id Goblinville” . work as mayor o f the city and This will occur Friuay evening, his interest in all civic and com- Ociouer 26th, with the first stop munity development. o f the free jitney service being The best of wishes are extend- at the D. S. Meming home, at ed the embryo ranchers in their 6.80 P. M. new life and it is only hoped '1 he affair will w ind lip at the 1 they may return often with the church and all are invited to filthy lucre gained from the sue- mage no other arrangements for cess fill nattle id' making two the evening meal on that night, stools o f alfalfa grow, where now Jitneys will start at Estaeada only exists one sage bush. Slate Bank corner, at 6:80o ’ clock. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M y~ Business IS S E L L IN G ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Plumbing, Water Systems and Lighting Plants * ♦ . , . . . W h e n you a r e in the m a rk e t for a n y th in g in these line» See C. C. Miller * + Estaeada Harry C. Reid o f Garfield and Ennis Townsend, formerly o f Estaeada but now o f Bull Run will undoubtedly see activé en­ listment after November 5th next, when these two, along with a few other county boys, will make un the fourth and last en- j listment in the Clackamas Coun­ ty quota o f fifty-two recruits. Both o f the local men were al­ ternates on the third call, bull their services were not needed at that time, but both are now in readiness to respond and hope to enter the training at American Lake by November 6th. Mr. Reid’ s absence will be felt in many ways in this community, Bank To Finance Guernsey Buying where he has been engaged in In conjunction with the Clack- business as secretary and treas- urer oT the Walter Givens Com- amas County Guernsey Club, the pany and he wishes to advise his Bank o f Commerce of Oregon many friends here that his en- City is now taking a radical and listment in no ways interferes welcome action in setting aside with his business interests, which 4$11.000 for the purchase o f 85 he still retains and hopes to as head o f Guernsey cows to be dis­ tributed to the farmers surround­ same actively on his return. ing Oregon City. D o v e r Doings These animals will be sold to Contributed the farmers, with the bank charg­ On Monday o f last week, the ing a special interest rate o f 6% house of Hugh Devlin was'com ­ until the animals are paid for. This is a move in the i ight di­ pletely destroyed by fire, which started from a defective terra- rection and represents practical cotta flue. Most o f the furniture banking for a rural community was saved by the herioc work > f and it is hoped moie such work the neighbors and school children. 1 may be done in other nearby Mrs. N. Schminkev and Joseph j sections. DeShazer met with the George' Crochet Club last T h u rs d a y a t L l h e N ew s owes an apology to the home o f Mrs. Frank A h n e rt.: Ben Berl Bve,'s Mafehbank o f Estaeada, the\ former being Miss Susie Miller started Mon­ the late owner o f a fine little day to attend school at Sandy. | Chevrolet car and the latter be- The Fir wood Saw Mill, run by .las. Dixon, began operations on j ing the present owner o f said ' car. This omission was uninten­ Monday last. Previously Mr tional, but B<.rt has been chang­ Dixon, had been logging with ing makes o f cars so often this his donkey engine. summer, that our automobile edi­ Don Bob lev installed a tele- tor became confused. Anyw ay f r phone for Marion Miller last Bob owns it now and can drive it week on the Firwood Dover line. J forwards, backwards and side- The Misses Iva and Agnes " with the skill ot a chautteur. Udell, who are attending school! awav from home, spent Sundav I ( ar* Kimmel o f Company B. with their parents. ' ! * • » f week-end visitor at the I parental home m Estaeada. Carl reports that Chester Womer o f W. R. Reid o f Garfield is now Company H. and Leroy Card o f a member o f the Federal Grand i the same company are now sta- Jurv in Portland. i tioned at Clackamas too. YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER FOR T H E C O L D W E T D A Y S T H A T A R E C O M IN G ? Fix up your Walls and Ceilings with our warm 4 4 4 4 4 Wall Papers and Deadening Felts 4 W e carry everything needed to build« Stop the Leaks in your Roof with our ♦ H O U S E , B A R N or S H A C K Rubbtroid Roofing and Elastic Roof Paint 4 , (except the lumber) 4 and can Furnish you all the Tools 4[ with which to build them How a b o u t th a t New Heating Stove or Range for this Winter. H A K n w A R E I m p l e m e n t s H a r n e s / s Bring in your Old Windows and have NEW GLASS put in them or replace them with New WINDOWS or DOORS __________ BERT H. FINCH E s t a c a d a . O r e gon