/ Eastern Clackamas News Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon K. M. Standinh, Editor and Manager Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Honorable Grant is now going in­ to distant fields for his goats, for this community kind o f feels that Mr. Dimick and some o f his political p a l s have had our “ goats” for several years past. W e Strive To Please S ubscription K atfs One year Six montha - - - • - • $1.50 .75 Thursday, O t. 11, 1917 The majority of the taxpayers o f the late Garfield road district No. 10 are wondering who, of the home people, asked for the abolishment of the home district? The county court is quoted as stating that two important tax­ payers were behind the move, but refused to give their name?. If two taxpayers in Garfield have sufficient influence with the court to obtain such an impor­ tant bequest, we, the people of Eastern Clackamas County would like to find out who those men are; for the Farmers' & Mer­ chants* * Club and the other com­ munity organizations need them, for it is seldom that all of these organizations combined can ob­ tain such attention from the county court. It seems odd that district 10, which has always been one of the most up-to-date and enterprising in the county, should be abolish­ ed. If the spirit o f progressive­ ness in voting special tax and building good roads was needed in districts 9 and 49, the consoli­ dation could be understood, but those two districts already have those qualities and the good roads to prove it Many taxpayers feel that the creating o f the larger districts will hinder the voting o f special road taxes; for where more than one main artery of travel lies in a district, factional and neigh- I mrhood jealousies arise and special taxes are voted down. For some reason or other, no mention o f the proposed abolish­ ment of the district was made prior to the September meeting and the first that the taxpayers knew of the court’s action was after it was too late to enter ob­ jections, for the road code stipu­ lates that road district changes »•an only be made during the month of September. Eastern Clackamas will watch with interest*the coming budget and special levy meetings in the districts effected ami only hopes that the court made no mistake w hen it abolished one of the most up-to-date rural districts in the county. Wtt now hear that Grant B. Dimick, Oregon City’s famous hog-raiser a n d agriculturalist, has imported a herd o f foreign goats, which he is advocating as money-makers f o r Clackamas ( ounty farmers. We are glad to hear that the And now the Oregon City Courier is getting into line with the News in complaining against some of the present fish and game laws; for editor Robey also likes to eat salmon and enjoy the right of a Clackamas County cit­ izen of catching his own. In this connection, we also un­ derstand that our county agricul­ turalist, R. J. Werner is interest­ ing himself in having the barriers in the Clackamas and Sandy riv­ ers removed. If we will keep at it long enough and stick together, the time may yet come when the res­ idents of this “ home o f the sal­ mon” won’t have to go to the coast to catch our fish or depend upon the canners for their high priced, prepared output. I One of the biggest and most noticeable improvements that has appeared in Estacada in several years, is the present work o f re­ moving the fences from around' the city’s homes and public schools. Nothing so adds to the attrac­ tiveness of a city as the absence of fences and when the time comes when all such reminders of the days of the open-range in Estacada are gone, the city will look 100 "o better. Furthermore, every fence that is removed now means a further assurance that the herd-law will never be abolished. • Our prices are kept as low as can be made and our service the . best we know Son Killed In Railroad Accident • But few o f the close friends of Matt Anderson o f Garfield know of his recent bereavement, when his son Eric Anderson o f Cas­ per, Wyoming, was killed in a railroad accident about two weeks ago. Eric Anderson, w ho was about 38 years old and a brother of Miss Rica Anderson o f the fac­ ulty o f the Estacada Schools, was an engineer on the C. & N. W. Ry. and with his locomotive fell through a burning bridge, being instantly killed. to give. We can get cheaper merchan­ dise but wre do not believe in sacrificing quality for quantity— but try to live up to our motto L. A. Chapman “ The Best Is None Too Good For You** Estacada, Ice Cream Oregon in Dish, Cone or Bulk. Soda Water • Soft Drinks • Lunches Cigars and Tobacco R. G. Marchbank Estacada, Or. ♦ : Undertaking and Embalming ♦ ♦ Hood River is reported to be issuing a call for 1,000 men and women to save that district's fruit crop. As to the fruit crop here, it has l>ecn suggested that the Gar­ field Spraying School, lately con­ ducted by the O. A. C. experts, be changed to the Garfield Fray­ ing School, for more than human aid is needed in the local apple orchards. how L. A. Chapman * * Phone Store or Residence Free Jitney Service ♦ Estacada Licensed Embaltner ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Operating Hearse and Morgue ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. S .’ E. Wooster and daughter, o f Estacada are moving early next week to their farm home in Garfield and not to their Springwater farm, as re­ ported in these columns last week. Mr. Wooster’s removal from the city will necessitate the appointment o f another member o f the council, in which body he has alwa* s been a hard and con­ scientious worker. Free jitney service will be one o f the features o f the “ Visit to Goblin ville” on Friday evening, the 26th. The routing o f this free jitney service is as follows:— Brownie- ville - Mrs. D. S. Fleming’s; Witches' Camp - Mrs. Guy Drill's; Halfway Inn - Mrs. D. M. Mar­ shall’s; Spookes’ Den - Mrs. W. H. Holder’s a n d Homeward The new; home, being erected Bound at Mrs. Walter Given’s. Buy your ticket and make by Wa ter Bartholomew o f Port­ land, for his brother Fred o f Es­ your reservation now. tacada, is now nearing comple­ tion and when finished will be Church Notice another attraction on the Boule- qard overlooking the business Evangelist, R. P. Williams will district. _____ preach at Church o f Christ, next Frof. and Mrs. F. B. Guthrie, Lord’s day at 11 A. M. formerly o f Estacada but now re­ Baptismal services in afternoon siding at Salem, motored to Es­ about 2:30 o ’clock near Cazadero. tacada last Saturday, spending the week-end among friends.