Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 11, 1917, Image 5

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    Special • Saturday Only!
Special ■ Friday, the 12th.
Special * Saturday Only!
All White Soaps
High School Pads
Big 10c Rol! Toilet Paper
5c per Bar
4 for 25c
Broadway at Second St.
The readers will hereafter
miss the “ Boosting Spirit” pa*re,
which for the past year has been
an interesting, entertaining and
instructive advertising feature
of the News. But its loss will
not be felt any more keenly by
the readers than by the publish­
e r -h u t advertiser and publisher
cannot always agree, which is
one of the penalties and joys of
being ‘‘A Editor.”
M . J. K e rk e s
Buyer for the
Beef Co.
O f P o rtla n d
of all descriptions
If you have any for sale - phone
E xonerated
At a meeting of the Estacada
Christian Church on Sunday, Oc­
tober 7th, after a free discussion
of the slander case of Givens vs
Kerkes, the following resolutions
were adopted by a unanimous
Whereas in times past there
has been circulated in this com­
munity certain statements of a
serious nature pertaining to Wal­
ter Givens, and reflecting dis­
credit upon his standing in this
community, and
Whereas, because of his close
association with the Church Life
of this community it becomes
necessary for the church to take
knowledge of these reports, and
cause his labors in the church to
be restricted while these charges
were pending, and
Whereas, there was recently
held in the Circuit Court of this
County a trial for the purpose of
causing these derogatory state­
ments to be substantiated by the
party making them, and
Whereas, instead of proving a
single one of these statements,
the party making same, denied
under oath having made the
statements which we know were
circulated, and by such denial
thereby exonerated the accused
(Walter Givens), now therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Estaca­
da Christian Church in mass
meeting assembled that we do
hereby condemn the malicious
circulating, without apparent
cause, of false and incriminating
statements regarding one of our
number, and in order to give ex­
pression to our disapproval of
such a course of blackmail and
slander and to further show to
the community and county at
large that we consider the ac­
cused as having been completely
exonerated, and to give our ex­
pression all the publicity that is
Be It Further Resolved that we
hereby authorize the Pastor and
Officers of this Church to sign
and to furnish other Christian
Churches of this county, and to
cause to be published in the vari­
ous papers of this county and
shch other papers as they may
deem wise, and to furnish to one
Walter A. Dimick and one M. J.
KerkeS, a copy of these resolu­
tions, we do also invite Walter
Givens to return to the full fel­
lowship of the Estaeada Chris-
tion Church the same as before
the false statements were cir­
Guy L. Drill,
W. H. Holder,
Chairman df Church Board.
Odd M arriag e Belief.
unm aiTital m an o r w o m a n of
uiH iT iag t'u id c u£e 1« som ethin»! Unit la
rarely aeen in tin* * l-'iji islan d s
I'eaHon o f tlih* Is not fa r to seek
d a t i v e s helleve th a t if a |n -ison dies
while In an u n m a rr ie d s l a t e his or
her Motil is doom ed to w a n d e r u lsm t
th ro u g h e n d le s s a g e s of e te rn ity in an
I n t e r m e d i a t e region b e tw e e n heaveu
a n d hades. At th e end of ea ch moon
they a r e a llo w e d to look in to heaven,
but a r e n e v e r p e r m itte d to en te r.
Estaeada, Oregon
C onference R eappoints
Rev. Spies»
As a result of the Annual Con­
ference of the M. E. Churches,
Rev. Henry Spiess will continue
in charge of the Methodist inter­
ests in Estaeada and nearby.
Mr. Spiess’s son, G. A. Spiess
will be in charge of the church’s
interests at Sandy and Boring.
Rally Day services will be held
at the Estaeada M. E. Church
next Sunday.
P a r e n t s and
friends are invited to join in the
Bible study classes. The Rally
Day program will follow the les­
son and will continue through
the eleven o’clock service, occu­
pying the entire morning.
• Owing to the C. E. Rally at
the Spi ingwater Church that af­
ternoon and evening, no Endeav­
or or preaching services will lie
held here.
E n g lan d and Ruiaia.
A k u o w l d t v <>l KtitfilHh I* w ld e -
Hp.-w.d h lining tin* «‘diii-Ntod class*»!« ni
R ussia Th«,ri‘ I k not h nniHhlo play or
novel pnalui'oil ill l.«nid«m which In Dot
hi u-d or re ad m Uiiaala
T h e R ussian
liilelllgeii/.la k n o w n uol only F re n c h
H i n t Iio rm aii. lull ala«» E ng lish history
nn«l l ite ra tu re , th o ro u g h ly
Gylhii. th«» «laughter «if K ing H a ro ld ,
who w ns «lain a t H u n tin g s (UHKIi,
th ro u g h h«»r m a r r ia g e w ith t h e Itus
slitii P rin c e of Tehem lgolT luld th e first
fo u n d a tio n to th e close re la tio n s h ip h**-
tw e e n l i m i t B rita in a n d th e ItUHstan
em pire. T h e real E n g lish “d is c o v e r e r"
of R ussia I h . of c o u rse. R ic h a rd C h a n ­
cellor, w ho, th ro u g h his v o y ag e t o Moa-
eow In 1 5 5 3. e s ta b lis h e d solid c o m m e r ­
cial c o n n e c tio n s lietw een t h e t w o c o u n ­
tries. I 'e te r th e G r e a t ’s m o t h e r w a s
b r o u g h t u p In a S c o ttis h h o u s e h o ld .—
Dont Throw It A w ay!
We have received our O X Y -A C ET Y LEN E welding machinery and are prepared to weld your broken farm machines, gears and castings and save you not on­
ly the expense of new parts but can save you time as well.
Bring in your broken parts, no matter what they are: copper, aluminum, steel, iron, brass or castings, big or little.
We are exclusive agents for the PAUL SYSTEM, one of the best on the market.
ery day.
So let us show you.
The demand for BRUNSWICK TIRIS is growing ev­
They give 4,000 mile service.
Cascade Garage.
Service and Sales A gents for Dodge, S a x o n ,
C hevrolet and C adillac autos and Republic trucks.
E x p ert M ech an ical Service.
S. P. Pesznecker
D. S. Fleming