♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ m m It U Y o u r PATRIOTIC DUTY To Bay A LIBERTY BOND ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Yield» 4% Interest and is the Best Security in the World - Uncle Sam's Promise to Pay. ♦ + + BUY A BOND and we will help you in the installments, if necessary. m E stacada State Bank * Holstein Dairy Food New Prices $2. 100 lb. Sack $38. per Ton FLOUR c/4.t Hoover’s Prices White River and Brilliant Brands The finest grade, hard wheat, Patent Flour - Quality Guaranteed. $10.80 per barrel of four sacks. ______ __ t Fletcher's Hard Wheat Flour A good, wholesome, hard wheat Flour, at a Low Priee. $10.70 per barrel of four sacks. New Prices on SHORTS $1.70 per 80 lb. sack. $1.60 per 75 lb. sack. Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. L. S. BRONSON E sta c a d a , M. D. EVANS O re g o n . Estacada and Oregon City A lte rn a te s N ot A c c e p te d Continuel! from front page Harry C. Reid of Garfield anti Ennis Townsend of Bull Run. both of whom, as alternates, had expected to enlist in last Thur- day’s call for the the third quota from this county, have returned home, as the full quotu was ob­ tained and the alternates not needed. Within a short time, a foutL. call for seven more men will be made to make up the original 52 recruits from Clackamas County. In this call, Messrs, Reid and Townsend will probably be en­ listed. as they are first in line. the right stuff and as irood or better than has appeared on the local gridiron for years. Coach Rutherford should turn out a county championship team with this material, for all men are husky and willing to learn. The line-up was as follows:* c. Somers R.G. Coop R.T. Heiple R.E. Lovelace L.G. Douglass L.T. W. Smith L.E. D. Drill R.H. Stormer L.H. Sarver L.F. R. Drill R. F. Jannsen, Capt. Subs. Hannah, E. Smith. Hill. Estacada expects to play the fast Franklin .High team of Port­ land this week, on the Franklin grounds and later on the 19th will tackle the Gresham gang. Franklin, which is one of the fastest teams in the state will probably easily defeat Estacada, as they did Gresham, hut never­ theless the local boys will get good practise going against Coach Dewey's men. The school spirit, as shown in the rooting and “serpentine” exercises, is the best ever dis­ played here, with the yePs no longer confined to the high so­ prano of the girl’s voices, al­ though led by yell-leaders, Ruby McWillis and Sadie Wilcox. If the E. H. S. team developes as expected and the continued good school spirit is shown by the student body and a few more of the town’s people make it a point to attend the games, this community will be well adver­ tised in interscholastic football this season. A p p le G ro w e rs A tte n tio n The final meeting and demon­ stration of the Garfield Spraying School, conducted by experts from the O. A. C. on the C. N. Wonacott and E. Krigbaum or­ chards in Garfield will occur next Saturday afternoon, October 13th at 2 o’clock. All growers of apples or others interested are invited to be pres­ ent, as Prof. W. S. Brown, As­ sistant Professor of Horticulture and Prof. H. P. Barss, Head of the Plant Pathology Dept, will be in charge. This spraying school has been for the control and prevention of the apple scab and codling moth, which diseases are the principle ones in this section and every orchardist should profit by this meeting. Warren Kerrigan Here Saturday Warren Kerrigan, one of the most popular of the movie actors will be seen in the feature play, “ The Measure of a Man” at O k * Family Theatre next Saturday, October 13th, with performances afternoon and evening. On this same hill will also be shown the “ Ford Weekly” and a eomedy entitled “ A Case of Beans. ” On Thursday, October 18th, Pearl White in “ May Blossom,” a five reel feature, will be shown. This is a Pat he color film and heralded as one of the beat of the season. Christian Endeavor Rally Sunday The largest Y. P. S. C. E. ral­ ly ever held in this portion of the county is scheduled for next Sunday afternoon, October 14th at the Springwater Presbyterian Church, commencing at 3 o'clock. Members and friends of all C. E. societies in Eastern Clacka­ mas County are cordially invited to attend, bringing their basket suppers, which will be enjoyed during the recess hour from 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. Among the guests will be the county C. E. officers and sev­ eral of the state officials, among them being Miss Helen Orr, State Secretary of Portland; G. Evert Baker, ex-State President of Portland; Miss Shirlie Swallow of Milwaukie, State Prayer Meet­ ing Superintendent and Dr. Roy Prudden of Oregon City, who will lead in the singing. . A baby daughter was born Sun­ day, Sept. 31st to Mr. and Mrs. John Mattoon of Viola. s The Garfield Dorcas Society will meet October 18th, at the home of Mrs. L. J. Palmateer. **------ ------------ Miss Hattie Beltilsof Estacada is now attending the O. A. (’., having left for Corvallis early in the month. G. fcj. LaFollette of Helena, Montana, formerly editor of the Estacada Progress, is now enlist­ ed as assistant commissioner of the Montana Inspection Depart­ ment. Mr. LaFollette lately re­ signed as editor of the Helena Independent and hopes to offset some of the prejudice now at­ tached to the family name, since “ Uncle Bob” has flown off on a pacificism tangent.