EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Or. p»"*£oc* Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas V olume 11. N umber 4 ESTACAOA .AND OREGON CITY PLAY TIE GAME Coach Rutherford Should Develop Strong E. H. S. Team This Year The opening- here of the 1917 football season Saturday a fte r­ noon was an agreeable surprise to the rooters for the Estaeada High School team, who afte r ex­ pecting the Oregon City eleven to hand our unpractised and sub­ stantially green squad a bad lick­ ing. saw the game end' in a score of 6 to 6, with honors even in all departm ents. Cleaner sportsm anship w a s shown in this contest than in any similar meeting between these rival schools and the refereeing, as handled by Jake Risley of Or­ egon City, form er U. of 0 center, was fair and square. Oregon City made the first score seven minutes afte r the kick-off and for a few minutes it looked as though E. H. S. was to have a big score rolled up against it. Rut afte r the second kick­ off, the local boys gained confi­ dence and realized they were ju st as strong as the county seat- ers and tore into their plays ac­ cordingly. Estaeada scored its six points in the second half, following a series of line plunges, with Jann- sen, R. Drill and Sarver carrying the ball. Jannsen missed the goal kick, as had the opposing captain, leaving the score 6 to 6, where it remained till the end of the scrap. Oregon City depended almost entirely on the big shift form a­ tion, used by many colleges last season, but afte r the first ten minutes and especially during the second half, the home gang had little trouble breaking up the play and landing the runner. The visitors were deservedly pen­ alized several times for off-side play, with Risley showing no partiality. Jannsen, Ray Drill and Sarver were the stars of the home team, but their positions behind the line were such as to shine to best advantage. These back-fielders all have nerve and being willing to take punishment, will make crack players before the season is over. With the exception of Frank Somers, who played a fast game at center, Jannsen and Sarver are the only old players on the team, but the new material is of Concluded on page 3 E stacada , O regon . L iv e W ire s R e c o m m e n d F u n d F o r E a st C la c k a m a s F a ir At a meeting of the Live Wires of the Oregon City Commercial Club held last week, a resolution was adopted, asking the county court to appropriate in the bud­ get a sum of $1,000. to be equit­ ably distributed among the fairs of the county, including the so- called “ Estaeada F air.” The Wires fu rth er resolved to turn put in force at the next an­ nual budget meeting in fu rth er­ ance of this resolution. Givens Loses Suit Against Kerkes In the case of W alter Givens of Estaeada, seeking damages of $25,000. from M. J. Kerkes of Portland, for alleged slander, the jury in Judge Campbell’s eburt last Thursday returned a verdict of not guilty. With attorneys Dimick & Dim- iek representing the defendant, the trial took on the aspect of a Cascade County fight, with th at subject much m the lime light. Givens was represented bv a t­ torneys E. W. Bartlett of Esta- cada and George C. Brownell of Oregon City. M ill M a n T a k e s 3 0 F o o t F all Harold Horner, while at work at the plant of the Horner-Mil- lard Lumber Co. in Viola, last Friday afternoon, was knocked from a thirty foot platform to the ground, sustaining serious in tern ­ al injuries and possibly a broken arm. Mr. Horner was building a conveyor for the waste from the mill and in felling a tree near the platform was knocked to the ground, where he was picked up in an unconscious condition. Until the swelling in his arm and side had receded, Dr. Adix was unable to ascertain w hether the arm was broken, but expects the internal injuries will not prove very serious. At last reports the patient was restin g easily and hopes to be about in a few weeks. • L o v e la c e A p p o in te d M a y o r At a meeting of the Estaeada City Council held Tuesday eve­ ning, John F. Lovelace, who for the past two years has been a member of the council, was ap­ pointed mayor, to finish the un­ expired tei m of Irwin D. Wright, resigned. Owing to the resignation of 1. M. Park as City Marshal, John Page was appointed to th at posi- toin. • * The vacancy caused by the ap­ pointm ent of Councilman Love­ lace was filled by the acceptance of the office by John.G. Peterson. With these men .in office, the affairs of the city are in capable hands and the good work th at has been going forward for the past few years will continue. T hursday , O ctober 11, 1917 S econd L ib e rty L o an L aunched With the launching last week of the Second Liberty Loan cam­ paign, the State of Oregon is startin g its drive with even more enegy than expended in the first campaign, when the state more than subscribed its quota. , Despite the call made on the governm ent by the newspapers of the country for paid advertis­ ing for this campaign, not a cent will be spent by the nation in the advertising or sale of these pat­ riotic bonds. So the newspa­ pers, as formerly, will give free advertising and do their utmost in furtherance of the cause. There is now offered to the American people $3,000,000,000. of bonds in this loan, which will bear 4% interest, with valuable tax exemptions and under cer­ tain conditions convertible into other issues of U. S. bonds. These bonds are being sold to raise money for the purpose of equipping with arms, clothing andffood our gallant soldiers who have been called to the field; m aintaining our Navy, and our valiant tars upon the high seas; providing the necessary means to pay the wages of our soldiers and sailor's and, if the bill now pending in the Congress passes, the .monthly, allowances for the support of their dependant fam­ ilies and to supply them with life insurance; constructing a fleet of m erchant vessels to maintain line of communication with our brave troops m France, and to keep our commerce afloat upon the high seas in defiance of the Ger­ man Kaiser and his submarines; creating a great fleet of aero­ planes, which will give complete supremacy in the air to the Uni­ ted States and the brave nations fighting with us against the Ger­ man military menace; and for other necessary war purposes, tyis hoped th a t Eastern Clack­ amas people will continue to do their share, as they have done in the Red Cross drive, the War Library drive and other calls for financial aid. Full particulars as to the de­ nominations of these lamds, pay­ m e n t etc. can be obtained from the Estaeada State Bank. B oxes T o T h e S o ld iers The Christian Endeavorers of the Estaeada M. E. Church are arranging to each week make up and send a box of good things to e a t and other suitable presents to some one of our soldier l>oys. Any parties desiring to include gifts in these weekly boxes may do so by advising John Ely or Miss Eva Wash of Estaeada. County Aufttypr JM.«- $1.50 P er Y ear ROAD SUPERVISOR JORS ENO JANUARY FIRST 56 Road Districts Now In County 10 City Districts To Be Formed Under the provisions of the new road code, the office of road supervisor will be abolished a fte r January 1st next. To date, the county court has not made an­ nouncement of its policy to la* pursued in the appointment of deputy road masters. It is possible a deputy may be named for each of the 5(5 dis­ tricts now in the county, but it is likely the districts will be group­ ed, with about 20 deputies hand­ ling the work. A s 'a ll road district changes had to be made, according to law. in September, the county court last week attended to such alter­ ations as will be current during 1918. Garfield district No. 10 was the only one abolished, leaving 50 districts in the county. A few others were subjected to boundary changes and it is plan­ ned to create about 10 additional districts, being the incorporated cities in the county, which will be supervised in the sume m an­ ner as the rural districts. District No. 10 was divided be­ tween (George district No. 9 and Upper Garfield 49 as follows; “ Taken from No. lo and added to 49. That part of district No. 10 north oT the section line be­ tween Sections 14, 15, 10, 21. 22 and 23 to be added to No. 9, and that part soul h of the section line to be added to No. 49. District No. 9 was altered with the following described piece added to Eagle Creek district N<>. 43. “ Beginning at the section cor­ ners 3, 4, 9, and 10, thence north three-quarters of a mile, thence east one-quarter mile, thynce south one-half mile, thence south one-quarter mile, thence west one-half mile to place of begin­ ning. X The only other change in this portion of the county was the following, effecting Barton dis­ tricts Nos. 40 and 20 “ Taken from No. 40 and add­ ed to No.*20. Beginning ai the quarter section corner Let we. ,i sections 13 and 14, thence south on the section line to intersection with Thos. H. Forrester D. L. C,, thence southw esterly on claim line to northw est corner, thence southeasterly to Clackamas river, Conrluded on Imck ,