Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 04, 1917, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests • of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 11, N umber 3
This Potion Of County Makes
Enviable Showing In
Nation’s Service
In reviewing Eastern Clacka­
mas County’s response to-the
nation’s call to arms, this com-
munity may well be proud of its
showing, for the majority of our
score or more of soldier boys en­
listed before the conscription act
became effective, although due
credit is due the man enlisting
under the selective draft.
The News is attempting to get
up a list of all from this commu­
nity who are now set ving in some
branch of the service and wishes
to add to the following, the names
and addresses of any who are not
shown, so that the News may be
sent to them each week.
Jf the boys at the front, who
are receiving the News, will ad­
vise this olfice, we will appreciate
it, for if we dont hear from them,
we take it for granted that the
paper is going astray and efforts
will be made u> obtain a fuller
add rdss.
in the event of changes of-ad­
dress, this office wishes to be ad­
vised, for we want the home pa­
per to reach the home hoys, no
matter where they may be.
The Eastern Clackamas Honor
Roll today”compri.-es:-
Ot s Wagi er, EscaoAda - Kar-
lack’s Hospital, Vancouver,
Bert Page, Estacadu - Orfieer Co.
7, 86th Reg. Marines. Guanta­
namo Bay, Cuba.
Serg. Ken Bartlett, Estacada -
14th Red Cross Ambulance Co.,
Camp Lewis, American Lake,
H. W. Kitching, Qurrinsvdle -
l anadian F o r e s tr y Corps,
Smith’s L aw n, Sunningdale,
Berks, England.
Chas. Kandie, Spring-water - U. S.
Naval Training Sta., Seattle,
Carl Kimtnel, Estacada - Co. B,
3rd Or. Inf., Wenatchee, Wash.
Clyde Inglish, Garfield - U. S. S.
Brooklyn, Asiatic Station, care
P. M., San Francisco, Caiif.
Serg. Sylvester Law r e n c e ,
Springwater- Machine Gun Co.,
3rd Or., Charlotte, N. C.
Belah Law rence, Springwater -
Machine Gun Co., 3rd Or. Char­
lotte,*N. C.
Corp. Harold Young, Barton- Co.
H. 41st Div. 162nd Inf., Char­
lotte, N. C.
E stacada , O rec . on ,
Pig Club Boys Win Honors
While none hut an expert hog
raiser or a stock show judge
could exactly understand the va­
rious awards in the Boys’ Pig
Club exhibits at the County and
State Fairs, it is anil nureed that
the Boys’ Club of this communi­
ty took its full share'of prizes.
At the County Fair, the local
boys won in the following order,
as near as can be ascertained:
fj. Shearer, 1st; F. Hale 2m;;. 1.
Coop, 3rd; T. Suling, 4th with
Clyde Denny 1st in another
At the »State Fair Denny led
in the Du roc class awards, with
Shearer and Sating pbtaining
prizes in the Poland China
J. R Linn, Currinsville - 10th
Fbrest'-y Engineers, American
Expeditionary Forces, care P.
M., New York City.
Ralph Reid, Ga» field- Co. F, 18th
Ry. Eng’rs, American Expedi­
tionary Forces iji France.
Joe Cahill, Eagle Creek - Co. L,
44th Re/., Vancouver, Wash.
Morris Cahill," Eagle Creek - Co.
A. 14th Reg., Ft. Seward,
Ralph Dahl, (formerly New’s of­
fice Estacada)- Co. H. list Div
162nd Inf., Charlotte, N. C.
Chester Womer, Estacada - Co.
M, 3rd Or. Inf., The Dalles, Or.
H. S. Scupham, Estacada - Corp.
Co. A, 1st Separate Battalion,
Or. Engineers, Charlotte, N. C.
Joe Erickson, Springwater - 06th
Aero Squadron, San Antonio,
Geo. Townsend, Estacada - Brem­
erton Navy Yard, c-o Recruit­
ing Ship.
Lester Towhsend, Bull Run - Na­
vy Yard, Puget Sound, Camp 3
Ennis Townsend, Estacada - Am­
erican Lake, Wash., Recruit,
Clackamas County, Or.
H. C. Reid. Garfield - American
Lake, Wash., Recruit, Clacka­
mas County, Or.
Dr. W_. M. Dale, Estacada - Am­
erican Lake, Wash., Recruit,
Clackamas County, Or.
This Honor Roll will remain in
the News for sometime, subject
to additional names and change
of addresses. -
As a suggestion let the home
people w rite letters to our boys,
who, w hile possibly not exactly
homesick, would welcome such
letters in a wav that few of us
T hursday , O ctober 4. 1917
| Qf
-• Soc. Auditorium
$1.50 I’ kr Y ear
More Local Boys Enlist
The third call from Clackamas
County for more recruits, under
the provisions of the Conscript­
Websterians Beat Acfclpltics
Act. this week resulted in
Girls’ Chorus Formed.
the enlistment from this commu­
( Contributed)
nity of Harry C. Reid of Gar*
The Estacada High School foot­ field.
.Dr. William, M. Dale^of
ball season will begin on Friday
Estaeada and Ennis Townsend
afternoon. October 5th, when
of Bull Run, formerly of i\s;a-
the home eleven will tangle with
their old rivals from the county
reported at Oregon
seat, on the Estacada grounds, j City The on boys
Thmsday the 4th. ex­
A big crowd of local rooters
pecting to leave Friday morning
should be on hand, for this battle
for American Lake.
will be a royal one. commencing
Dr. Dale hopes later to reieive
where the 1915 season left off,
an appointment in the Dpntal
when Oregon < ity and Estacada
Corps, where his services as a
played a tie game until darkness
dentist are needed. Harry Reid
stopped the contest,
was named as first alternate and
li is unusual for the local team
expects to be enlisted, as it is
to hegbi its se t ion with such a
not likely all of the twenty-one
h ird an.agonist i u. O.C F.S. will
in this call w ill respond.
be in the saint* condition and as
a return g tnie is to bo phye-l
W ar Library Fund
November 30th in Oregon City,
the question of county supremacy
i\ •a?'/ Doubles Quota
will remain until snow falls.
As usual. Eastern Clackamas
Under the direction of 'Coach
County came U> the front in re­
sponse in the* raising of funds
Rutherford, who is heralded as a
for tin* War Library Fund, with
football wizard, having learned
quota- of $25 surpassed by
the game under Uezdeck, the ( $20.77,
-inaluug a UiLiL contribu­
home team is already in gootT” tion of $45.77,
fighting shake, despite tin* loss
Credit for this response is
of a number of the varsity men
largely due Mrs. A. W. Botkin
of iast year, who either graduat­ of Garfield, chairman of the lo­
cal committee and tin* ladies
ed or have enlisted.
who aided her in the work.
In accordance with the sched­
In the George district alone
ule published in the Bulletin the
was subscribed, with $5
first session of the Student Body
from the George S. ».<• C.
organization was held the first
Friday afternoon of the school
month. Parliamentary drib and
Garfield Road District Absorbed
good natured fun at the expense
At the meeting of tin* county
of the Freshmen was indulged
last week, action was tak­
in. The Freshmen showed abili­ en doing
away with Road Dis­
ty to come back and with their
trict No. 10 in Garfield, dividing
that district between districts 49
numbers equal to about half the
9, being Upper Garfield and
entire student body the upper
classmen will not have the edge
This was the only district in
on them.
county to be absorbed and
The second Friday afternoon,
the court’s action was a surprise
was given over to the Adelphic
to 99"'» of the’ tax payers, none
whom expected such a move
Literary Society. A short pro­
to know who asked for
gram was given consisting of
such consolidalion.
musical and literary numbers.
The new arrangement extends
Following the literary program
George district along the
Friday, in on»* of the snappiest
section line near the Tracy
games played for years, tbe
School to the Currinsville district
line; with the balance of district
Websterian Literary Society de­
10 taken into the Upper Garfield
feated the Adelphic» 7 to 6.
This game was the annual con­
No one seems to be able to ex­
test and settles the affair for
the court’s action in this
this football season.
instance, as it has been proven
The teams were evenly match­
that the larger I he r f iv t n e ls , the
harder it is to have special road
ed and Isith sides put up a scrap­
py game. Jannsen’s sure toe
At present, few can see where
finally brought victory to the
benefit will come from
“ Webs.”
arrangement, although
The lineup was as follows:
the court probably had 'good
reasons for its actions.
Uom'lu'Uil on buck |>uv<‘