Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 27, 1917, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 11,
N umber 2
A. L Lasswell To Be Cashier
Irwin D. Wright Resigns
To Engage In Farming
An event of more than usual
interest in financial circles of
Eastern Clackamas County oc­
curred this week, with the resig­
nation of Irwin D. Wright as di­
rector and cashier of the Estaca­
da State Bank; Mr. Wright’s in­
terest having b^en purchased by
H. C. Stephens of George, who
will assume the management of
the institution upon Mr. Wright’s
As a further result of the
change, A. L. Lasswell, who for
the past year has made many
friends in his position as assist­
ant cashier, has been appointed
The resignation of Mr. Wright
came as a surprise to his many
friends in this community, few
of whom supposed that his dream
of someday owning and operat­
ing a Harney County, Oregon al­
falfa ranch, would so soon ma­
But while Estacada
will be the losér in business and
social ways with the removal of
Mr. and Mrs. Wright, only the
best of good wishes are extended
to them in their plans for a rural
life, on a 200 acre alfalfa ranch,
near Denio, Oregon.
Mr. Wright’s retirement will
probably not occur before No­
vember 1st, when they will go
direct to their new holdings,
which he purchased during his
late vacation trip, the property
being adjacent and subject to the
water rights of the famous Trout
Creek ranch, owned by Mrs.
Wright’s father, Edwin Hill of
The policy of the bank and its
substantial growth, which has
been current under Mr. Wright’s
administration wi11 continue and
be left in able hands, as Harold
C. Stephens of George, the new
manager has had many years ex­
pedience in similar work, prior
to his entry into farming in this
Mr. Stephens is too well known
in this community to need a de­
tailed introduction, as his work
in the last legislature and his ser­
vices as president of the East
Clackamas County Fair and in
othe civic and community organ­
izations has proven his interest
in the welfare ot this part of the
Previous to his coming here,
Mr. Stephens was for ten years
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday , S eptember 27. 1917
Canby Man Buys Estacada Property
The property at the corner of
First and Main Streets in Esta­
cada, formerly occupied by the
Wm. Dale Company, was sold
last week by its owner, A. F.
Schultz of Portland to Wm.
Kraack of Canby.
Mr. Kraak spent the week-end
in Estacada and is well satisfied
with his purchase. While he has
no definite announcement to
make, it is likely he will make
Estacada his home within a few
months, after arranging his af­
fairs at Canby, where he is a
market gardener and was at one
time in the mercantile business.
C lackam as S hare $ 1 0 8 ,0 0 0 .
When the federal governrrfent
recovered title to the Oregon &
California Railroad lands, con­
gress authorized the payment of
taxes levied against the property
while in possession of the road.
Payment of these taxes, ag­
gregating $1,504,841. to 18 coun­
ties in Oregon and 1 in Washing­
ton, was recommended by Sena­
tor Lane last week.
Clackamas Cqunty’s share will
be about $108,000., being for the
three years up to June 1916.
According to District Attorney
Hedges, this money should be
forthcoming within the next
thirty days and Judge Anderson
is quoted as having stated that
the money would be appor­
tioned among all road districts
in accordance with the special
and regular taxes governing
those districts during the years
in which this money was delin­
As for instance, in Road Dis­
trict 49 in Upper Garfield, about
$7,000. is involved, which if re­
ceived within thirty days will
probably do away with the nec­
essity of a special road tax for
1918, and other districts will be
affected likewise.
secretary and cashier of the In­
terstate Savings Bank of Denver
and later for a year was vice-
president of the American Nat­
ional Bank of Pendleton and as a
young man was assistant cashier
of the Capitol Bank of Denver.
Until the first of the year at
least, Mr. Stephens will continue
to reside in George, but later ex­
pects that his duties will make it
necessary that he make his home
in Estacada, as the trip to and
from George each day will be a
hard one.
Mr. Lasswell’s appointment is
a well deserved promotion and
under the new administration,
the Estacada State Bank should
continue its past steady growth
and more fully fulfill its mission
as a home bank, for the home
community and for the home
D evore T ies Knot
With Justice of the Peace C.
W. Devore of Estacada officiat­
ing, Mrs. Adelaide Miller of Es­
tacada, Monday evening became
the bride of Willis O. Bumgart-
ner of Columbia City, Oregon.
The wedding took place at the
C. L. Allen home in the presence
of a few friends, with the newly­
weds leaving later for Columbia
City, where they will make their
Cheese Factory Pays Out $2400
Checks were last week mailed
to all patrons of the Estacada
Cheese Factory for the month of
August, with a total of over
$2400 being paid out to about 70
Payment for August: was made
on a basis of 47c per pound of but-
terfat and about 94,000 pounds of
milk was delivered at the plant
during that month.
With the past rains bringing
on better pastures and with more
cows coming fresh, the daily re­
ceipts of the factory are now in­
creasing, after the lean receipts
of July and August.
With the coming of thè colder
weather, the collection and de­
livery of the milk will take place
every other day, thereby materi­
ally reducing the heavy hauling
W h itcom b A nd Standish
L eave For C alifornia
On a three day notice, A. O.
Whiicomb and P. F. Standish of
Garfield, arranged their business
affairs and are leaving today, for
Palo Alto, where they have ac­
cepted positions in connection
with the erection of the military
For the time being, Mrs. Whit­
comb will remain in Garfield, ar­
ranging matters at the ranch,
preliminary to her going to Palo
Alto later. Both the Whitcomb
and Standish ranches will be ulti­
mately rented or parties hired to
harvest the present crop and at­
tend to the Spring planting, as it
is .likely both owners will be
away for several months, altho
the extent of their absence is
not known.
Mr. Whitcomb, who for years
was identified with the C. B. &
Q. Ry. in Chicago will work in
connection with the traffic work
in the cantonment building, while
Mr. Standish will take a position
in the clerical department.
Both of these men have been
anxious to do their bit and are
accepting this opportunity, where
older' and more experienced men
are needed and ultimately Mr.
Standish hopes to he able to en­
list in the aviation corps.
$1.60 P er Y ear
Unexpended Funds From County
Fair May be Given To The
East Clackamas Fair
According to Grant B. Dimick,
president of the Clackamas Coun­
ty Fair Association, a sum of
money amounting to $600. or
$700. may lie presented to the
East Clackamas County Fair, if
J the plans now suggested by the
officials of the county association
are received favorably by the
county court.
The county fair at Canby this
year was a smail one, with a
scarcity of exhibits and exhibi­
tors, consequently between six
and seven hundred dollars of the
premium funds for that fair have
not been used.
Mr. Dimick believes that legal­
ly this balance can be presente 1
to the East Clackamas County
Fair Association, instead of re
turning it into the general road
Such a sum of money if receiv­
ed by the local association would
look like a fortune and would as­
sure the permanency and future
success of the annual Estacada
Secretary Ewing of the local
! association is now following’up
the matter and hopes within a
few days to be able to report de­
finitely and expects that the
county court will follow the sug­
gestions made by the County
Fair directors.
The 1917 county fair, while
not a failure, was a dissapoint-
ment to many visitors, for exhi­
bits in all departments, except­
ing the juvenile and domestic
sciences, were way below par, in
many departments being equaled
or surpassed by the East Clacka­
mas Fair.
Many reasons are assigned for
this falling off in exhibits, being
largely due to the drought of the
past season and the confusion in­
cident to the sudden death of
George Lazelle, the late presi­
dent of the association.
With the opening of the State
Fair At Salem this week, several
of the East Clackamas County
Fair exhibits are being shown
there, including the hogs raised
by the Estacada Pig Club mem­
bers, which are all winners.
. The members of this club a t­
tended the State Fair this week,
as guests of Mr. Ewing, through
the courtesy of the P. R. L. & P.
(>). Also the members of the
Boys’ Potato Club were given a
days outing there by Messrs.
Wright and Givens of Estacada.