Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 20, 1917, Image 6

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Eastern Clackamas News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
K. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the poMtoffice in Eatacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
One year
S ubscription R ates
Six months
$ 1.60
Thursday, Sept. 20. 1917
It has been suggested that
next y ea r’s East Clackamas
County Fair start on the second
day, instead o f the first, thereby
elim inating the usual light at­
tendance on the opening day.
Nevertheless, the suggestion
o f holding a two day fair, instead
o f the customary three days, is
being considered, as the gate re­
ceipts fo r tw o days ought to
amount to as much as the pres­
ent three, with a saving in the
expense o f obtaining speakers
and attractions for three pro­
As to whether the modern
shower-bath in the new Estacada
High School building will be used
as a form o f punishment or a re­
ward o f merit, has not been an­
nounced yet and probably will
depend to some extent on the
tastes o f the students.
Hut unless some addition is
made to the monthly report cards,
indicating the -number o f show­
ers sprinkled Upon the student,
the new baths may be used as an
alibi in escaping the proverbial
Saturday night ablution at home.
The city o f Gladstone is now
considering abandoning its pres­
ent water supply from the C lack­
amas R iver and obtaining pure
water from the Oregon C ity~-
bouth Fork project.
It is no wonder the good people
o f Gladstone are finding fault
with their present water, for if
they could make u trip up the
Clackamas now and see the num­
bers o f dead salmon, eels and
other fish, decaying otj the banks
and in the stream, they would
think twice before even caring
to water their gardens from that
Estacada is also dissatisfied
with the purity o f its water and
is now planning to build a filter •
system. • but experience in other
places has shown that in,few in­
stances have filters proven a suc­
cess ami probab.y in-the-Iong run
it woiild be cheaper and better to
look around for an entirely fresh
supply o f water.
A visit to the Estacada Can-
nery in the past few weeks has
been a revelation to many local
people, who while knowing that
th e ^ a n t was operating, far from
the volume o f business
don«^ or stopped to consider the
drawing power o f the industry,
a> it effects the City o f Estacada.
Tltj1 summer’s drought serious-
ly handicapped the total output,
but despite the loss o f fully sev­
enty-five percent o f its raw ma­
terial, many carloads o f fruit and
vegetables will be canned and
shipped this season.
It is surprising to note the
numbers o f producers from other
sections o f Clackamas County,
who are delivering or shipping
produce to the Estacada plant; —
for instance, during the past two
weeks, besides evergreen berries
from all parts o f Eastern Clack­
amas, shipments were received
from the Molalla. Liberal, Moni­
tor, Mulino, Heaver Creek, Ore­
gon City, Clarks and Highland
Some pickers have believed
they were receiving bigger re­
turns for their fruit in other
mai kets, but most o f them failed
to take into account the cost o f
the boxes and crates, which the
Estacada plant furnishes free,
besides either collecting the
fruits or 'paying the shipping
take off time and visit the Esta­
cada Cannery, then they will re­
turn home feeling that Estacada
and this community is fortunate
in having such a thriving and
permanent industry and resolved
to help in obtaining other indus­
tries for the home country.
W e Strive To Please
Our prices are kept as low as
can be made and our* service the
to give.
We can get cheaper merchan­
sacrificing quality
to live up to our motto
L. A. Chapman
“ The Best Is None Too Good For You”
in “ tJZ T
Ice Cream
Soda Water • Soft Drinks - Lunches
Cigars and Tobacco
• .
O. A. C. Man Appointed
County Agriculturalist
The appointment o f R. J. W er­
ner, assistant county agricultural
agent o f Multnomah County, as
agricultural agent fo r Clackamas
County was announced last week
by Paul V. Maris, state leader o f
county agents, Mr. W erner re­
porting for duty last Saturday.
The new agent is a man well
qualified for the work, being a
graduate o f the Oregon A gricu l­
tural College, having specialized
in agricultural chemistry, with
particular reference to the chem­
istry o f feeds and fertilizers; be­
sides having had good practical
This appointment is the result
o f a conference held tw o weeks
ago betweeu members o f the
county court and representatives
o f the O. A. C. and Dept, o f
Agriculture. The expense will
this year be forthcom ing from
the government, a fter which, if
the agent
is retained, the e x -
» * *
pense will be divided between
the government, state and county.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Wallace o f Estacada. Sept. 15th,
a son.
Ed Ailen returned to Estaeada
early this week, a fter a few
months absence at Tacoma, where
he was employed with hjs Denby
Mr. Allen has now dis­
posed o f his truck and contem­
plates remaining in Estacada.
R. G. Marchbank
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
v. ‘
Estacada, Or.
+ ♦ ♦ ♦
+ ♦ + + + + + + +♦
* Undertaking and Embalming
L. A. Chapman
Licensed Em balm er
Store or Residence
Hearse and Morgue
' '
School Supplies
W e saved you money'
on you r School Supplies last y ear and
can do so again this season.
Get our prices before buying, the following are samples:-
High School Pads
8c - 2 for 15c-
Legal Cap Tablets
Last Year’s Scribbler
Other Values as Good.
Broadway at Second St.
Mr. and Mrs. Coon Boyer have
returned to Estacada. a fter a
few months residence on Route
2, Mr. Boyer now being employ-
ed by the Cromer mill in Garfield,
Estacada, Oregon
Lewis Jones o f Estacada re-
turned from a dim m er spent in
the forestry work in the moun-
tains, in time tor the opening o f
school on Monday.