Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 20, 1917, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern
V olume 11,
N umber 1
Organization To Xeep In Close
Touch With All County And
Road Work
Monday e v e n i n g ’ s dinner­
m eeting o f the Farm ers’ & M er­
chants’ Club, at the Hotel Adams
in Estacada, marked the resump­
tion o f the activities o f that local
commercial and development or­
ganization, a fter a summer's va­
I f the energy and enjoyment
expended in consuming the sump-
tious dinner served by Mrs.
Adams is indicative o f the ener­
gy that w ill be put into the work
o f the club during the coming
season, Eastern Clackamas Coun­
ty will be the gainer. *
A portion o f the meeting was
taken up in discussing the finan­
cial affairs o f the club, with all
members present paying up their
25c per month back dues, thus
placing the organization in shape
to meet some o f its obligations.
A committee comprising Dr.
Wells, Dr. A d i i , ’ P. F. Standish,
E. W. Bartlett and I. D. W right
was appointed to stage a series
o f entertainments fo r the purpose
o f raising funds lo r trie club's
work, the first o f which enter­
tainments will take place within
a few weeks.
Questions relating to road im­
provements and the opening up
o f new trade arteries in this por­
tion o f the county were discussed
from all angles, including an out­
line o f work to be taken up with
the county court and county road-
O w ing to the absence o f cer­
tain Barton taxpayers, who are
asking the cooperation o f this
club in obtaining a change in the
road district boundaries in that
community, no definite action
could be taken at this meeting.
The advantages and benefits
to be derived from the continued
work and ^growth o f this com­
mercial organization were pres­
ented and every effort will be
made to . obtain more members
from ail rural sections in this
part o f the county and especially
to obtairt that added tjptapcial
help, which will,-come tirith the
25c per month dues.
The perpetuation and contin­
uance o f the good work o f the
Farm ers’ & Merchants’ Club is
apparent to all, for little devel­
opment can come to this portion
o f the county, unless the taxpay­
ers and residents work together
in some such organization.
Monday’ s m eeting was attend­
ed by only a score o f members,
but the next m eeting which is
scheduled to take place Monday
evening, October 15th should
bring out a representative crowd
and all are asked to make a spec­
ial effort to be present and if the
E stacada ,
O regon ,
Clackamas County
T hursday , S eptember 2 o . 1917
High School Courtship
Ends in Wedding
Restaurant And Hotel
To Change Hands
Sam Barr, one o f Estacada’s
most popular young men, one
noted as a mechanical genius and
able to forge, braze or rivet to­
gether the most obstinate pieces
o f metal, was forced to seek the
assistance Saturday, o f Guy
Drill, who presides over the
mechanical destinies o f the Esta­
cada Garage and the spiritual
destinies o f the Estacada Christ­
ian Church; — for Sam wanted
the bonds o f matrimony forged,
riveted and fastened in such a
manner, that neither time nor
wrear could rend them asunder.
This action was preliminary to
the final scene in the courtship
o f Sam and Miss Lena Cahill o f
Eagle Creek, both o f whom were
popular Estacada High School
students up to last year, when
Sam graduated.
The wedding was held Satur­
day evening, Sept. 15th. at the
home o f the bride’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Cahill o f Eagle
Creek, in the presence o f the
immediate family, Pastor Drill
The newlyweds returned to
Estacada Monday, where they
will make their home and where
the groom is^ngaged in business
with his father J. V. Barr, al­
though subject to call at any time,
having early in the war enlisted
in the U. S. Artisans’ Corps.
The heartiest congratulations
and best wishes o f all are being
extended the happy couple for a
prosperous and sucessful future.
Within a short time the res­
taurant and hotel business, which
fo r the past two years has been
successfully conducted in Esta­
cada by Mrs. Mary Adams, will
be taken over by Mr. and Mrs.
W ill Delap o f Estacada.
For a time, follow ing the an­
nouncement o f the withdrawal
o f Mrs. Adams from the busi­
ness, it looked as though Estaca­
da would be the loser, for Mis.
Adam s’ restaurant has been a
popular place for the tow n’ s visi­
tors, as well as for many o f the
townspeople, but with the an­
nouncement that the business
will be continued and by capable
and experienced parties, the city
may rest easy on the question o f
where to continue to get good
“ eats” .
Sandy News Discontinues
With the suspension o f publi­
cation last week o f the Sandy
N ew s o f Sandy, Oregon, the
Eastern Clackamas N ew s re­
mains the only newspaper in
Eastern Clackamas County.
The high cost o f materials and
labor is responsible for the action
o f th e Sandy publication, similar
action having been taken ' by
many other small newspapers in
the country during the past few
dinner cannot be enjoyed, to at­
tend the meeting afterwards.
An invitation to spend an e v e ­
ning as the guests o f the Oregon
City Live Wires within a few
weeks is in prospeet for the club
and a big local delegation is
needed at that time, further an­
nouncement o f which will be
uiade later.
Judge Anderson Heads Council
For Defense
. A county council o f defense,
in accordance with the govern­
ment demand, was organized in
Oregon City last week, with
County Judge, H. S. Anderson
as president and C. H. Dye o f
Oregon City as secretary.
The Judge will soon appoint a
corps o f assistants and the work
o f the council will begin in
War Library Council Founded
Mrs Kate Botkin o f Garfield,
was last week appointed chair­
man o f the local branch o f the
W ar Library Council, which nat- .
ional organization is behind.a
campaign for the raising o f
$1,000,000. for the establishment
o f libraries among the soldiers at
the front, to be maintained for
three years if necessary.
The State o f Oregon is expected
to furnish $25,000. for this fund
and the Estacada country is
scheduled for a donation o f $25.
Mrs. Botkin, with the aid o f
such assistants as she may select,
will soon make a canvass o f this
community, similar to the recent
successful Red Cross drive, but
any parties being overlooked in
this drive are requested to leave
their contributions at the Esta­
cada State Bank.
Grand Conductor To Visit Lodge
Dr A. H. Johnson, Grand Con­
ductor o f the Oregon Grand
Lodge I. O. O. F. will be the
guest o f honor at an open m eet­
ing o f the Estacada lodge and
the Rebeccas, to be held the
evening o f Sept. 22nd, w hen all
members are urged to be present.
$1.50 P er Y ear
Cash Awards To Be Made Soon
Fair Board Submits Financial
St a t e me nt
Further credit is due the offic­
ers and directors o f the East
Clackamas County Fair, for not
only having done a major portion
o f the w’ork in staging the suc­
cessful 1917 exhibition, but for
having done so with almost no
outside financial help and ending
with* a substantial balance on
hand, a fter paying all expenses
and awards.
The follow ing rejiort o f Secre­
tary Frank Ew ing is subject to
slight changes, as in a few in­
stances the exact amounts o f the
bills due have not been ascer­
tained :-
Balance from 1916
Donation from P. R. L.
& P. Co.
Donation from W. Givens 20.00
Donation from Portland
A dvertising in premium
Gate receipts Sept. 12,
’ ’
. ’
Printing and advertising
Supplies lumber, nails,
paper, etc.
Lal>or and watchman
Speakers and judges
Rental arid freigh t on tents
Prize awards
Labor in cleaning grounds
The al>ove statement is an es­
pecially creditable one, when con­
sideration is made for the size o f
the fair staged and the amount
o f advertising and other benefits
derived, and all for less than
$350. and furtherm ore in com­
parison w i t h t h e Clackamas
County Fair, which each year e x ­
pends close to $4,000 and receives
over $2,000 from the state funds.
Another year the East Clacka^
mas County iFair should receive
aid from the regular funds pro­
vided for the staging o f a county
fair or fairs and every effort will
1 m * made at the December Budget
Meeting to obtain such an appro­
The follow ing is a list o f the
cash awards made at this year’ s
fair, the division and class num-
Concludei! on back page