Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 13, 1917, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackamas News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
K. M. Standish,
Editor and .Manager
Entered at the postoffice in Eutacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S ubscription R ates
Six months
. . .
Thursday, Sepfc 13. 1917
Now that Clackamas County
has decided to employ a County
Agricultural Agent, the taxpay­
ers will wait to see who receives
the appointment and only hope it
will be someone highly recom­
mended and Vve.l qualified for
the work.
If this important office is allow­
ed to become a political reward,
or ham e 1 to some one of the
dozens o f chronic office seekers
in and about Oregon City, the
effectiveness o f the contemplated
work will be killed and the tax­
payers will think twice 1 efore
authorizing the $lf>00. expense
in the next annual budget.
There is a natural and more or
le s s grounded dislike among
Clackamas County farmers to so-
called agricultura experts and
the only way to offset this feel­
ing is by obtaining a high-grade,
recognized expert to serve this
county and even with all qualifi­
cations being equal, a stranger
will meet- with better success
among the farmers than one of
their own number.
$145,731.00 is the amount o f
the contract let last week by the
State Highway Commission for
the paving o f the new stretch of
the Pacific Highway, known as
the Canby Oregon City road.
Clackamas C< unty is to spend
several thousand dollars in the
preparation o f the grade, prior
to the paving.
While Eastern Clackamas tax­
payers do not begrudge the ex­
penditure of such sums by the
county, they do envy the county-
seat and tl a more favored por­
tion of the county and would be
truly thankful if the Boring Hill
Road or a few other nearby bad
places could receive even the
$731., not to m e n t i o n the
And still some people wonder
why Eastern Clackamas would
like to form a little county of
its own?
When we think o f a man being
an officer or a director of a coun -'
ty fair association, we naturally
have a mental picture of a silk-
hatted, pompous individual, wear­
ing his best clothes and smoking
a banded cigar, while guiding dis­
tinguished visitors about the
grounds, with an occasional board
meeting to attend and a few
checks to sign.
S6ch may lie the life of ease
ami luxury led by some officers
and some directors of some coun­
ty fair associations, but such is
not the honor thrust upon the o f­
ficers and directors o f the East
Clackamas County Fair.
As to apparel, our officers and
directors have to wear their
everyday w o r k i n g uniforms,
hardly finding lime to change a
hat, after leaving the fields to at­
tend a board meeting and instead
of signing checks and merely
spending money, they have to
get out and rustle the^ money,
stir up enthusiasm among the
exhibitors, hustle to arrange pro­
grams and speakers and instead
o f hobnobbing arour.d with dis­
tinguished guests, have only to
unload the tents from the car,
carry them to the grounds, dig
the holes for the posts, cut and
drive pegs for the lopes and in
between time act as carrier-boys
in distributing the fair posters.
It is the acceptance of such
honors by such men as Stephens,
Botkin, Ewing, Bard, Cahill, Giv­
ens and Lovell of the East Clack­
amas County Fair Board, with
their willingness to don the over­
alls, do the work and enthuse us
to do our part by exhibiting and
attending, which is responsible
for the continued success o f the
annual exhibit in this community
and the least we can do is to join
in thanking them for accepting
the honor.
While the home newspaper, as
usual, receives no share o f the
city’s advertising, it wishes to
to herewith compliment the Es
tacada City Council for the deci­
sive steps which were taken at
its August meeting as shown in
its subsequent advertising, which
is or was, prior to the rain, post­
ed on the telephone poles in a
few spots in town.
This advertising is to the effect
that certain sidewalks in Estaca­
da must be repaired or rebuilt
within a given length of time or
the city will do the work itself
and charge the property owner.
Another semi-legible, rainsoaked,
hidden advertisement discloses
the fact that a concrete pavement
for Main Street, between 2nd and
3rd Sts. is now passing through
the legal stages.
Givens To Address Bankers
Walter Givens o f the Walter
Givens Company of Estacada,
who has been a pioneer along
radical lines o f merchandizing
jpid especially the system o re­
tail credits, has been honored
this week by an invitation to be
one of the speakers at a meeting
of the Bankers, Wholesalers and
Retailers, oocuring in Portland,
September 19th.
Mr. Givens has l»een asked to
speak on the subject o f "Trade
Acceptances as Applied to the
Retail Trade."
We Strive To Please
Our prices are kept as low as
can be made and our service the
best we know
to give.
We can get cheaper merchan­
do not believe in
sacrificing quality
for quantity—
but try to live up to our motto
L. A. Chapman
“ The
Best Is None Too Good For You”
Ice Cream
in Dish, Cone
or Bulk.
Soda Water • Soft Drinks • Lunches
Cigars and Tobacco
R. G. Marchbank
Estacada, Or.
♦ Undertaking and Embalming
L. A. Chapman
Licensed Embalmer
Store or Residence
Hearse and Morgue
School Supplies
W e saved you moneys
on y o u r School Supplies last y e a r and
can do so again this season.
Get our prices before buying, the following are samples:-
High School Pads
8c - 2 for 15c
Legal Cap Tablets
Last Year’s Scribbler
Other Values as G ood.
Broadway at Second St.
Estacada, Oregon
Ex County Commissioner W.
With the harvesting in Gar­
H. Mattoon o f Viola is reported
to be very ill, as the result of a field completed last week, the
nervous breakdown, necessitat­ Yocum outfit is this week baling
ing the services o f a physician.'
hay in that district.