Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 13, 1917, Image 5

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    W. W. Dillon spent Friday, at
D o v e r Doi ngs
his home in Garfield, returning
S turday to Vancouver, where he
The Misses Iva and Agnes
is in charge of the extensive Y.
Udell are attending the Union
M C. A. work in connection with
High School at Sandy.
the soldiers stationed there.
M. J. Kerkes of Portland, the
A. H. Standish, after a three genial livestock buyer, was a vis­
months sojourn in Garfield and itor in this section Monday.
Estacada, at the homes of his
Don Bod ley. who has been
sons P. F. and R. M. Standish,
fighting fire in the nearby mount­
left Saturday for his home at ains
returned home Saturday.
Ouk Park, Illinois. Mr. Standish '
Many from this section are
expected to remain until the
huckleberrying or contem­
crops were harvested, hut as said
crop bids fair to be a minus quan­ plating going. From reports re­
tity this season, he returned to ceived here, the best berries are
to be found in the vicinity of the
more productive fields.
headwaters of S o u t h Eagle
Fr ed Jorg of Estacada is home Creek, about five miles beyond
again, after a week’s outing in Wild Cat Mt.
the mountains. He reports hav­
August Koennaman, who has
ing caught more than his share been-
away for sometime work­
of trout in the Clackamas and ing, has
and is engaged
South Fork, having made head­ in clearing returned
land on his own place.
quarters with Fred Bannister at
the Roaring River Ranger Station.
Morris Cahill of Eagle Creek,
who left recently for Ft. Seward,
Mrs. E. D. Allen of Estacada Alaska,
as a member of Co. F.—
returned home last week, for a 14th Regiment,
a letter to his
short visit after a three months parents received in this
week, re­
absence at Tacoma, where Mr.
ports having arrived safely, and
Allen is employed.
thoroughly enjoyed .the scenic
trip. Since his arrival he has
been transferred to Company A.
same regiment and hopes
M. J. Kerkes of to the
return to Oregon with that
company next Spring. He re­
ports no frosts yet in that sec­
tion, with potatoes and clover in
bloom and raspberries ripe.
There will be a novel and en­
joyable Ladies Aid Society Social
held at the Estacada M. E.
Church next Friday evening,
Sept. 14th beginning at 7:30
The affair will be a Parcel’s
Of Portland
Post Social and everyone is urg­
ed to be present. •
Buyer for the
Beef Co.
Razors & Razor Blades
Honed and Ground
Razor honing 35c Grinding 50o
Safety Razor Blades 30c dozen
Orders may be left and called for at
Estacada Pharmacy or delivered to
If you have any for sale - phonè
124 Broadwaa T Portland
of all descriptions
Conducted by R. W. Cary and
A. N. Johnson, formerly of Estacada.
The rain found us ready
with a complete stock of
Anti-Skid Chain*, Ca*ing* (built for country roads)
and Tube* (that give you service)
Viola Breezes
The Viola School opened for
the 1917-18 season on Monday
last, with Miss Mary Rorick of
Corvallis in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes
last week purchased a valuable
team of colts from A. F. White.
A. F. White lately purchased
the Ford car of W. H. Mattoon..
Mrs. Harvey Mattoon has re­
turned home, following a few
weeks absence at an Oregon City
hospital, where she underwent a
serious operation.
Mrs. John Hamilton is expect­
ed home in a few days, having
this week left a Portland sanita­
rium, where she has been under­
going treatments.
Many of the women and chil­
dren of Viola have been earning
easy money the past week in the
picking of evergreen berries,
which are plentiful this season
and which are commanding a
good price.
At a meeting of the executive
committee of the Estacada C. 1. C.
held Monday afternoon, Mrs. N.
B. Ecker of Estacada was engag­
ed as librai ian, succeeding Mis.
A. K. Morton, who e lurned.
Mrs. Ecker will make her home
at the club’s cottage and attend
to the library during the usual
The next meeting of the Dor­
cas Society will take place Thurs­
day afternoon. Sept. 20th at the
home of Mrs. L. J. Palmateer.
All ladies of the community are
invited to attend and to bring
Hour sacks, old muslin or old ta­
ble linen, for use in the sewing
for the Red Cross work.
See or Phone
at the Cazadero Mercantile Co.
before selling your
is a very im portant day
for the m otorists of this
city and vicinity. It is
It is the tim e w hen w e
shall receive th e benefit
of expert inform ation
w hich is b ein g given in
all parts of the country in
the great national m ove­
m ent for the reduction o f
lire expense.
1 he d em on stratio n is
fr e e . M a n y im p ortan t
exhibits for you to see,
besides expert advice
and inspection — better
than you could get any
other tim e or in any
other w ay.
You are invited — no
m atter w hat kind of tires
you use. R em em b er the
d ate an d the place.
Estacada Garage
J. W. Reed, Prop.
Highest Market Prices
Will Be Paid.
You will always find us ready
with a complete stock of
Accessories, and a Mechanical Force
We make Auto Owners an attractive proposition
For Care and Storage of Cars
Friday. Sept. 14th
that will make motoring a pleasure
Cascade Garage
Service and Sales Agents for
Dodge, S a x o n , Chevrolet and
Cadillac autos and Republic trucks.
that will be worth your investigation.
D. S. Fleming
S. P. Pesznecker