We are the Agents for the World s Largest Line Want and For Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance CASH PAID for .Junk Econo­ mize, save your RAGS, RUB­ BER, IKON, and METAL of all kinds and bring them to Jerry Jones, The Junk Man. Pool Room, Estacada. FOR SALE Several head of saddle and pack horses, one 5 yr. old horse suitable for driving and light ranch work. II. Wallace, Forest Ranker. WALL PAPERS and our Sample Books displajr a vast variety Artistic Designs and Colors E s ta c n d a FOR SALE 1916 Dodge Car in excellent condition, shows lit­ tle wear, run only 5160 miles, 5 tires (2 new), completely equip- ped. Call at News office or at P. j F. Standish ranch, Garfield. ! Owner going East, reasonable1 terms on good paper. FOUND That no man has ever practiced the art in this town, who can beat me when it comes to horseshoeing! If you claim Missouri as your old home state, see my exhibits at the Fair. Sam Barr of Barr & Barr Estacada Blacksmiths FOR SALE Loose oat straw, $11.00 per ton, on the Dr. King place at Eagle Creek. WANTED The William Dale Company Estacada 1.90 Is it worth $ to you to have 100 Letter* Heads YOUR Evergreen Berries and String Beans o f a ll kiiiils 100 Envelopes Prunes & Green Gages Advise us what vegetables You have for sale. Estacada Cannery Frank Ewing of Viola. Agri­ cultural Agent of the P. R. L. & P. Co. is leaving Thursday, of this week for a three days moun­ tain trip, in company with 0 . B. Coldwell and A. C. McMicken of the railway company. The par- tv expect to take saddle and pack horses and make a loop back to Esiacaoa via Three Links. Timo­ thy Meadows and Squaw Moun­ tain. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wells of Kansas City, after an extend­ ed visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. W. Bartlett of Estacada, j are leaving: this week for their home, returning by way of Cal­ ifornia. K. W. Bartlett of Estacada is now the proud owner of a fine Velie seven passenger car, hav intr purchased same through the agency of the Estacada Garage. Like other new car owners, Mr. Bartlett is giving free dem­ onstrations and jitney service along the main streets. printed with name and the name of y'our farm or business on them? If you would profit by this offer, call at -1 NEWS OFFICE « « I I I CMOS Henry V. Adix, M. D. P h ysician a n d S urgeon Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can he connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A. Wells Dentist Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix Dr. R. Morse P h ysician a n d S urg eo n Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Claude W. Devore Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. JO HN B RO W N The Insurance Man Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n Of McMinnville, Oregon. Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty Phone 513 - Gresham East Clackamas County Fair Continued from Front Page The tair will be open each day from 9 A. M. until 6 P. M. and all exhibits will be carefully guarded and cared for nights, when a watchman and caretaker will be employed. Unusual interest is this year being shown in the competition among the boys and girls of the community, especially in the Boys and Girls’ Clubs, where pigs, potatoes, canned products and articles of domestic science will vie for prizes. As the office of the State Vet­ erinarian is too rushed with out­ side work, the ruling, making it necessary that all animals exhib­ ited be fisst inspected by a vet­ erinarian, will not be in force, thereby eliminating some of the confusion that has been present on the opening days of former fairs. The public is cordially invited to not only attend the fair each day, but to help make it a bigger success by their individual ex­ hibits. It is likely the best of the ex­ hibits from this fair will be sent to the Clackamas County Fair which occurs at Can by on Sept, loth to 21st inclusive and from there to the State Fair at Salem, which occurs soon after.