Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 30, 1917, Image 8

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    Want and For Sale Column
5 cents per line, ('ash in advance
('ASH PAID for Junk Econo­
mize, save your HAGS, RUB­
BER, IRON* and METAL of all
kinds and bring them to Jerry
Jones, The Junk Man.
Pool Room, Estqcada.
We are the Agents for the World s
Largest Line,
saddfand paik t o S .1 nn?s y"' and our Sample Books display' a vast
(»Id horse suitable for driving and variety^
Artistic Designs and Colors
light ranch work.
Estacado 1
" Waaa1“ Kor st KanK“r
The William Dale Company Estacada
FOR SALE 1916 Dodge Car
in excellent condition, shows lit-j r i
tie wear, run only 51»/0 miles,
tires (2 new), completely equip-
ped. ('all at News office or at P.
F. Standish ranch, Garfield.
Owner going East, reasonable
terms on good paper.
to the
FOR SALE 3 Pips, 3 months
old. Come and see them.
E. E. Jenkins, Lower Garfield.
FOR SALE Riding and driv­
ing Horse, weight about 1000lbs.
Also Buggy if wanted.
M. C. Glover, Phone Estacada.
Address Barton, II 1.
Evergreen Berries
String Beans
of «11 kinds
Prunes & Green Gages
Advise us what vegetables
You have for sale.
Estacada Cannery
Friday Sept 7,1917
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
P h y sic ia n a n d S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
Dr. L. A. Wells
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
Dr. R. Morse
P h y sic ia n a n d S u r g e o n -
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd
Residence: Main and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon.
The Insurance Man
Come prepared to spend the day.
Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n
Bring your lunch.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
AutomobiTe Insurance A Specialty
cAll Night Dance
Good Music
Dover Doings
There will be all day services
at the Dover Church on Sunday,
Sept. 2nd. Basket dinner will
be enjoyed at noon and Dr. T. B.
Ford will be present, as it is the
Fourth Quarterly Conference.
Several of the Dover boys have
gone to tight fire in the vicinity
of Mt. Hood.
J. W. Exon lost one of his two
Airedale dogs lust weelj, follow­
ing an encounter with a porcu­
pine, which the dogs killed, but
they in turn sufiered from the
effects of the deadly quills.
A party of 38 enjoyed the Bon-
Fire Party last Saturday even­
ing, where weiners and marsh­
mallow's w'ere roasted and games
Walter Kitzrniller of Gresham
is harvesting the -crop on the
Walton place here.'
Dr. D. A. Waiters of Portland
occupied the pulpii of the Dover
Church Sunday and spoke on
“Liberties an d Freedoms of
America. ”
George Kitzrniller is now away,
being employed with the O. &‘C.
I^nd Grant classifiers.
Joe and Jim DeShazer of Fir-
wood visited Bob DeShazer of
Company D. at Camp Withy-
combe last Thursday.
All hands are busily harvest­
ing in this community at this
Eagle Creek Notes
i'on tribute«!
S. M. Miller, wife and four Mrs. Jean Ewing of Olathe,
Hattie Belfils of Estacada who daughters of South English, Io­ and Mrs. Mamie Edgar of Ster­
came over to spend the week wa are guests at the W. H. Hol­ ling, Kansas,* after an extended
with Miss Nettie Woodle, was der home in Estacada this week. visit at the home of their son and
brother, Frank Ewing of Viola,
called home to care for her moth­
er. who was hurt in an auto ac­ Mrs. R. M. Standish of Esta­ left this week for their homes.
cada. who is one of the commit­
cident the other evening.
in charge of the C.I.C. dance Jerry Jones’ Pool Hall in Es­
Mrs. Will Douglass very de­ tee
improved by the
lightfully entertained The Help­ next Saturday evening, favors tacada is of being
a shingled, suspended
ing Hand at her home last Wed­ making it a masquerade affair, addition
that she can a* tend, swathed awning in front, being built by
nesday afternoon. After the so
which she is now Adolph Sagner.
serving of refreshments all ad­ wearing bandages
to relieve a Mrs. Grace Green and Mrs.
journed. to meet S«*pt. Pith with severe attack of poison-oak.
Mrs. Dick Gibson, and all mem­
Frank Morris and daughter Ber­
bers and friends are invited to Mrs. Will Miller of Portland is nice
of Portland were guests at
l»e present.
Lovelace home in Es­
week visiting among her tacada on F. Sunday.
Roy Douglass made a business ¡this
relatives, C. C. Miller of Estaca-
trip to Portland last Friday.
Robert and Adolph Miller of Mrs. C. E. Dockendorf of Mor­
Miss Nettie Woodle spent Sun­ George
and Ed and Ray Miller of row Station is on the sick list
day with Estacada friends.
and under the care of a physician.
Walter Douginas hauled lumber
last week, for the school, with There will be a dance at Cogs­
which to build a new wood-shed. well's Hall, Eagle Creek. Satur­ A party consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. Rav Esehelman and Mrs. C.
After her Sunday’s visit at day evening, Sept. 8th.
Sparks of Estacada and Mrs.
home. Miss Vemo Beckett re­
of Roseburg is
turned to Portland that evening, Sunday afternoon by H. F. and now in Johnson
accompanied !»\ her sister, Miss wife and Harvey Gibson. The berry patch, where Lake
trip was a very trying one for crop of berries is reported this
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Preister old gentleman, as he has been year.
• .
were the Sunday guests of Mr. quite ill for some time.
and Mrs. Roy Douglass and went Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richards
to Snag Camp on a black-berry­ and children visited with Mr. of Echo, Oregon were guests at
ing trip.
and Mrs. N. L. Kirchem of the Harken rider home early this
James Gibson of Barton, hav­ Logan. Sunday.
week on their return from an ex­
ing expressed ihe desire to see Perry Murphev is suffering tended
his son. H. S.,. was brought up from an attack of the mumps. ifornia. auto tnp through Cal­
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
Phone 513