Want and For Sale Column + » cents per line. Cash in advance + CASH P A ID for .Junk Econo- + mise, save your RAGS, R U B ­ i ♦ BER, IKO N and M E T A L o f all ! ♦ kinds and bring them to Jerry Jones, The Junk Man. Pool Room, Estacada. FOR S A L K .3 fine brood sows, w eighing about 250b» each also 25 th rifty pigs. The whole bunch for $.300. L. C. Lawrence, li. 3. Sprinprwater. Undertaking and Embalming L. A. Chapman Henry V. Adix, M. D. Estacada P h y s ic i a n S urgeon Office Adjoining Residence Licensed Em balm er Local and Long Distance Telephone Operating Hearse and Morgue Phone Store nr Residence and * The doctor’s phone can he connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring 0 tja WaKm.r o f Kstacada is re- The Annual “ Cramp P a rty ” , as Bob Currin calls it, was stay­ LOST 2 year old brindle h ei-! I“ 'rted now to l»e considerably fer with horns. Reward. improved in health, follow ing a ed at the Currin home in Currins- Jack Saunders. Currinsvillo. relapse which he suffered a week ville last S u n d a y afternoon, .. . , .s . . or 80 ago, incident to his too rap- when, as u s u a l , their many SlItAYLil A black Poland ;id recovery from a had aUack friends were invited to join in China Sow, named roily, hinder a. . . , . please notify W. R. Reid. ; ot pneumonia, sustained while in despoiling the fruit from th e ir ! Garfield. camp with his company at Clack­ famous old cherry tre e s -w h ic h amas. While Otis fears he may the guests proceeded to do and, FOR S A L K A good Durham- not be able to stand the rigors o f as usual, despoiled or spoiled a Jersey milk cow. regular military training, he few shirt waists and collars, dur- Mrs. T. J. Smith, R. 1, Garfield. hopes to be able to enlist in a | ing the cherry fight following, FOR S A L K or TRADE Set of hospital corps, for he is bound to light double harness, good saddle. enlist again and as soon as able i The Givens fam ily o f Estacada cart, light hack, top buggy, span show that an attack o f pneumon-: and M r* and M rs- Frar,k Ew ing good work mares, fresh cow. GO ¡a cannot dampen his patriotism. !and their * uests’ M r- and Mrs- f i h wire cable. What have you . i Irwin Passmore of Chico, Cali- W. Domm, Eagle Creek Falls. About tw o thousand persons | fornia are leaving this week for K O IIN I) A child’ s tan leather are expected to join in the big ia motor trip to N e ta rt’ s on the sandal — owner call at N ew s picnic at Kstacada Park, on Au- Oregon coast, where they will office. gust Bill, when the employes o f camp for a week. P R. L. & P. Co. and their I /VJ'P cvivw I/M u/ I i the P. LOS I or S TO LE N Wednes- .. ... , ^ . , Notice For Publication day afternoon at Kstacada, throe Emilies, a ie d u e tot then annual Department o f the Interior. II. S. $10 gold pieces. Reward offered outing, Land Office at Portland, Oregon. July to finder. R. B. G. Barton, Or. 12, till". Traffic Manager F. 1). Hunt Notice is hereby given that James FO U ND Wednesday evening I and 1). C. Zink o f the P. R. L. & W. Creighton, o f Welches, Oregon, who. at Barton, three $10 gold pieces I p Co., were Kstacada visitors j on February 21, 1913 made Homestead in mv host Sunday trousers. Tuesday, having S top p ed at Cur- entry, No. 03755, f.»r SW1-4 SW l-4 NE; R. B. G. Barton, Or, rinsville, where with Road Sup- j 1' 1, SWl-4 SEl-4 SWi-4 NE1-4, Ni-2| - To Whom it May Concern ervisor A lbert Kitcidng, they ar- ^ * 4l n w h nki 4 s e m ! All property owners in Esta- ranged lor the extension of the n i -2 s w i -4 NEl 4 SEl-4. Sections, cada are hereby notified to at loading spur at M iller’s Siding, j Township 3 South, Range 7 East, Wil- once cut all tllist’es grow in g on , lamette Meridian, has filed notice o f in- their property. By order o f tin* Mr. and M rs. Irwin 1). W right tention ti» make three-year Proof, to Kstacada City Council. o f Kstacada are leaving the lat- estaMish to th«* land abovt* de"- I. M. Park, Marshal. ler * part ot this week tor a tew cetver o f .. the . •. , United States Land ()f- weeks sacation, making a motor at Portland, Oregon, on the 4th Dover Doings | trip to Denio, Oregon, where day o f September. 1917. Contributed Mrs. W righ t’s father has a large I Claimant names as witnesses: Rev. Brackenbury o f Gresham. 1 ru n ch W. H. Creighton, o f Zig Zag, Ore- Rev. Spiessof Estacada and Rev. ' gon; Mrs. Jennie Chapman, of Zig Zag, Miner o f Sandy will occupy the A family picnic was held at ? re* on: M; r - v ■rhapm.n, of pulpits at Firwood, Dover and the Sevier home in Viola last Oregon; John Malcomson, o f Wel- ehes, Oregon. Douglass Sunday, August 5th.! Sunday, with Charles Hicinboth- Services will be held at Firwood am and family o f River Mill and at 11 A. M.: at Dover at J P. M. Will Hicinbotham and fam ily o f and at the Douglass School at 8 Cherry Grove in attendance. P. M. Everyone should take ad­ Miss June Oakley o f Seattle is vantage o f these meetings, for the spiritual help that may be oh- a guest at the home o f her sister, ruined, for such help is needed Mrs. J. W. Reed of Kstacada. during these trying times. -------------------------------------------- Miss Mollie Ahnert o f C orval­ lis, who has attended (). A. C. is spending her vacation at the par- eival home. WANTED Charles U pdegrave is splitting logs these days to be used on the North Eagle Creek Road. Advise us what vegetables You have for sale. YOUR Vei n Pitts o f Cottrell i,,nt Loganberries the week-end visiting among Red Raspberries friends in this locality. Black Caps John Atfolter, Jr. and cousin motored to -M t. Hood Sunday. Blackberries ( ’apt. .1, W. Exon is busy haul­ Prunes ing the material for a new silo, Green Gages which he will soon build. Estacada Cannery Pr»wf made umler Act June 6 ,19 12 , June 11 , I 90 ti. ____ N. Campbell Register. Notice For Publication Department o f the Interior, U. S. ! Land Office at Portland, Oregon, Junej 29. 1917, NOTICE ia hereby given that Robert Richard Oskar Muller, o f Colton, Clackamas County, Oregon, who; on March 8, 1912, made Homestead Entry, j No. 03404. for Lot 7 and SE 1-4 o f SW 1-4, Section fi, Township 5 South, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, has file«! notice o f intention to make fi­ nal five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver o f the United States Land Office, at Portland, Ore­ gon, on the 10th day of August, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: William Werner, Charles W. Swan, William Schiefer, Rex Gordon, all o f Colton. Clackamas County, Oregon. Proof mad»* according to law under which entry was made. N. Campbell Register. Dr. L. A. Wells Oentbt Associated with Dr. H. V. Adiv Dr. R, Morse P h y s ic i a n and S urgeon Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. betv’een 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Claude W. Devore Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. JO H N BRO W N The Insurance Man O re g o n F ire R e lie f Ass’ n O f McMinnville, Oregon. Also First Class O LD L IN K Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty Phone 518 - Gresham Chester Womer o f Estacada, who is now doing guard duty w i t h his company near La- Grande, in a letter to the New s this week, says that he hopes to soon be stationed in the W ill­ amette Valley and so be able to visit home occasionally. Wilbur Looney, the eight year old son o f Jake Looney o f Cur- rinsville, last week received a broken arm, as a result o f a fall from a fence. John Osborn, Estacada’s pio­ neer berry grower, reports that while the present crop o f small fruits is below average and sub­ ject to harm from the present drought, that all berries are bringing top prices in the eastern Oregon market. The demand there is so great that the dealers are even sending their checks in advance to the growers, to assure receiving the fruits, which this year have !>een paid for f. o, b. Kstacada at a price o f $2. per case for blackcaps, $1.50 for raspberries and $1.25 for logan­ berries. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lilburn o f Roseburg, are to visit with their daughter. Mrs. L. A. Wells o f Kstacada. next week. 4