Eastern Clackamas News Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon It. iM. Standish, Eiiitor and Manager Kntered at the postoffice in F^stacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. S u b s c r ip t io n One year Six months - - - K a tks - - $1.50 .75 ■ Thursday, August 2, 1917 A fter the driver of the seven ton Standard Oil motortruck and tlie driver of a local lumber truck had called at the News office and vehemently cussed the condition of the Estacada bridge, crossing the Clackamas River, the editor last Saturday took it upon him­ self to notify County Judge An­ derson personally of the danger­ ous condition of that structure. As to who should have attend­ ed to that matter, before the bridge had gotten into that dan­ gerous condition, is still a ques­ tion; but as the News office is the headquarters for all community complaints and a few bouquets, il felt justified in spending 25c for a phone call to the .Judge. As a result by Sunday noon the dangerous spots in the bridge were patched with three inch planking, which temporarily will accomodate the traffic. During the general discussion of this matter, the majority of well informed men claim that the decking on that bridge should be of four inch planking, instead of two inch and should be securely laid lengthwise of the bridge, in­ stead of crosswise. Other bridges in the county are being planked lengthwise and with the heavy teaming, auto and motor truck traffic now centering in Estacada, this bridge should be permanently repaired in tin* same manner. The county court is to In* com­ plimented on the immediate res- ponee which this phone message brought forth, for no red tape or other formalities were allowed to interfere with the rushing of temporary repairs for the struc­ ture. I. A. Marchbank of Hoot I River is now in Estacada. having lately s »Id the remains of his confec­ tioners business to t ’lyde Hav­ ens. formerly of this place. A f­ ter concluding tin* «leal with Mr. Havens and lie lore turning over tin* business to him, Mr. March- bank's store was destroyed by tire, with luckily sufficient insur­ ance in force to cover the loss. In the grove adjoining the family home in Viola on Sunday last, occured an enjoyable com­ bination family reunion and sur­ prise party, with Mr. and Mrs. l hos. Kaden as the hosts. There were twenty-tight relatives and friends present and a pleasant day w as spent by all. Eagle C reek Notes Contributed Mrs. (Jrace Girt very pleasant­ ly entertained the Helping Hand last Wednesday. The la d ie s spent the afternoon in making bandages for the soldiers. A fter the serving of a dainty luncheon, all adjourned. The Club will meet with Mrs. Lewis Rivers on August St h, and all members and friends arc invited to be present. W e Strive To Please Li can he made and our service the best we know how* to give. j > I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass. Mrs. Viola Douglass and the Misses Mildred. Florice and Reva Douglass motored to the Bid w ell Farm near Vancouver, Washing­ ton, Sunday, to call on Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Jones. Miss Iva Bluhm and Mr. Aus­ tin Fairchild, of Oregon City, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass recently, and on Sunday motored to Mt. Hood. Mrs. A. Beckett and daughter, Miss Mahle Beckett, were calling on Mrs. Viola Douglass last Tuesday afternoon. Pastor Saves Machine From Fire Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson, Rev. Weld and the Misses Adele Schenk and Mahle Strunk of Springw ate»\ who last week mo­ tored to Eugene to attend the Presbyterian Synod, had an ex­ citing experience on their return trip. Tlu* party left Eugene late on the closing day of the meetings and arrived in Albany that eve­ ning, where, about one o’clock in the morning they were awak­ ened by the cry of lire. The Springw-aterites found themselves in the midst of the most disastrous tire that has vis­ ited Albany in years, a block of buildings being ultimately con­ sumed. with the conflagration reaching the building adjoining their quarters. As Mr. Peterson's Dodge car was one of sixty-three machines in a nearby burning garage, there was some excitement be­ fore they succeeded in rescuing it. with Rev. Weld, the first upon the scene, proving a hero. 1 here will be an ice cream so­ cial held at the Viola Church, Friday evening, August 3rd, to which all are invited. The pro­ ceeds will go towards the regu­ lar church expenses. We can get cheaper merchan­ i:i 5 • • i 1 > s i in dise but we do not believe in sacrificing quality for quantity but try to live up to our motto Miss Mary Wood I e, who has been attending Summer Normal at Monmouth, returned home last Friday. W. F. Reeder came out from Portland Sunday, and held ser­ vices at the Douglass School house. Mr. Reeder will return here in two weeks, August 12th, and will preach both morning and evening. Our prices are kept as low as h “ The Best Is None Too Good For You” L. A. Chapman Estacada, ill Oregon /T\ 'T* When considering the twelve improvements in The New / chevrolet 7 At $ 710 . Sloping wind-shield, improve«! radiator, water-pump, new type oil-pump, dust-pan, (front and rear.) one man top, foot ami robe rail, protecting pad at each of front seats, demountable rims, extra rim and carrier. 'Th«» car is really less in price considering these improvements. The same wonderful engine. C A S C A D E G A R A G E "T h e place for expert service" S. P. Pesznecker - W. C. T. U. To Make Bandages - Estacada, Oregon Beloved Pioneer Mothei Passes Continued from front page The W. C. T. U. w ill meet In 1853 her husband took up a with Mrs. Woodle at Barton, Thursday, August 8th at 3 P. M. Donation Land Claim in Garfield, which community was for many to make surgical bandages. Bring Hour or sugar sacks as years known as the Palmateer these are what the bandages are ! Settlement, and in this Garfield made of. home Mrs. Palmaieer had resided Our boys will soon be in the since, having cheerfully w ith­ trenches and they ask especially stood the hardships of the early from across the water, that we pioneers and always unselfishly send bandages. doing her share in all religious. Grange and so«.ial activities. Luetta McWillis (Secy.) This entire community joins in Card O f T h anks sympathy with the bereaved We take this means to express family in this passing of the be­ our gratitude and thanks to the loved mother, a woman of ster­ many friends for the kindnesses ling character, of Christian for­ and help extended us before and titude, a woman w ho had uncom­ after the «leath of «nir dear moth­ plainingly and unselfishly done er. Mrs. Sarah Palmateer. her share in making this commu­ Win. F. Palmateer nity a better one, and whose Henry J. Palmateer memory will always be one true Lewis ,1. Palmateer to the traditions, love and res­ Lourena 0. Duncan pect due our early pioneer wo­ Sadie E. Wade men.