Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 02, 1917, Image 2

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    Ames Kills Oak Grove Butte Cougar
Assortment of latest styles
50c to $1.25
Middies and Sport Shirts
Variety of colors and styles
It remained for A. G. Ames ot Clouds of smoke were visible
Estacada, local Federal Hunter, from Estacada Wednesday after­
to kill the famous old outlaw, noon. originating from a lo » t
known as the Oak Grove Butte tire, which started in an old 1> ? -
cougar, which for six or seven ging camp east of Boring, near
years has defied all trappers and Deep Creek.
At last reports the fire was un­
Ames killed the brute last der control, being confined to
week, after it hud been caught brush and down timber.
in a trap and then only after the
animal had carried the trap with
its heavy togg for several miles
At The Family Theatre
and had climbed several big
On Thursday evening August
The cougar measured over nine 9th will be shown the 5 reel fea­
feet from tip to tip and allowing ture “ A Modern Monte Cristo” ,
for the time of year, the hide \ 'which by mistake was advertised
for August 2nd.
was in good condition.
Ames also killed three bob cats On Saturday evening, August
and almost caught a timber wolf, 4th the program will consist of
the latter animal having pulled the 8th episode of “ Pearl of the
his leg out of the trap after sac­ Army ” - “Hearst-Pathe News”
rificing considerable skin, hair - “ Luke and the Bang Tails” arid
“ Ford Weekly” .
and a couple of toes.
After spending a few days in Come and bring the children.
Estacada, Ames left for the Admission 10c for adults, 5c for
mountains Thursday, where he children.
is making his headquarters at
Austin Meadows.
New concrete foundations are
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang of being placed under the Estacada
Portland were week-end guests ! Feed & Lumber Company’s store,
at the Henry Githens home in the work being "'one by Messrs
John Page and E. E. Boner.
White Cape Collars
50c to $2.
Redfern & Warner's
Rustproof Corsets
All sizes and styles
$1.25 and up
Dont forget we carry a full line of
Economy" £&» -JTVlason Fruit Jars
Caps and Rubbers
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eschelman
and children, Mrs, Annie K. Mor­
ton and Miss Florence Kendall of
Estacada are leaving this week
for a short vacation on Roaring
River, where they will occupy a
new ranger cabin that has lately
been built there.
“ Your Satisfaction is Our Success“
East Clackamas Supply Co.
Estacada, Oregon.
+ + + + + +
: Aeroplanes
<♦• +
A party comprising Mr. and
Mrs. N. L. S. Lauryy, Mrs. W.
A. and Miss Eva Wash. Mrs. All.
Drill, Mrs. A. E. Sparks and
Mrs. E. S. Womer of Estacada,
made a motor trip to Sandy Wed­
Miss Tousley of Portland is a nesday evening, where they par­
guest at the Schrepel home in ticipated in an Eastern Star in­
Estacada this week.
arc not in our line
C. C. Miller
\Ye can save von money.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lasswell
of Estacada entertained Friday
evening with a “ kitchen shower”
in honor of Miss Elva Adams and
Theodore A hi berg.
Mrs. M. H. Evans of Estacada,
during the absence-of Mrs. A.
K. Morton, will be in charge of
the Estacada Public Library.
S. A. Gorrell of Estacada left
Wednesday, f o r Vancouver,
Mrs. B. G. Sigsbee of Heppner
Washington, where he is engag- spent a few davs as the guest of
ed in railway work, having for Mrs. E. E. Saling ot Currinsville
years previous to his locating in I last week, after being in attend-
Estacada been employed in simi- ance at the N. E. A. convention
lar work.
in Portland.
Plum bing, Water Systems and Lighting Plants!
arc all going up.
Fire Near Deep Creek
Steam Fitting—Tinning
with Sherman-Williams or Acme ready mixed
:»r«* fast becoming the favorite with the Housewife
For a Quick Hot Fire, they are equal to (.«as.
House Paint, Dekoratos and Enamels
for the Walls and Ceilings.
We carry in st»»ck the celebrated
Chinamel, Varnishes and Floor Oil
Northern King
for the Furniture, Woodwork and Floors.
Quick knrtmg Mowers and Scythe»
Il a k n w a k k
H a r n e s s
E s t a c a d a ,
I m p l e m e n t s
O r e g on