EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas V olume 10, N umber 46 BELOVED PIONEER MOTHER PASSES Mrs. Sarah Palmateer Dies Sunday Morning Funeral Held Monday At eleven o’clock Sunday morn­ ing, July 29th. Mrs. Sarah Pal­ mateer of Garfield passed away peacefully at the fam^y home, following an illness incident to her advanced years. The sad news of the death of “Aunt Sarah’’, as she ,vas lov­ ingly known by her many friends, while not unexpected, cast a cloud of sorrow over this community, where her friends were number­ ed in every home and where many of her children and relatives reside. In charge of Pastor Spiess of the Estacada M. E. Church, im- p essive funeral services were held at the Mt. Zion Church in Garfield on Monday afternoon, with athrongof relatives, friends and neighbors paying final trib­ ute to the remains ot that be- lov'ed pioneer mother. Following the services, inter­ ment in charge of undertaker Chapman of Estacada, occured in the cemeterv adjoining the church, where floral offerings in abundance were strewn upon the grave. The deceased, who was prob­ ably as well known a pioneer as any in this part of Oregon, was the mother of nine children, five of whom survive her, being L. J. Palmateer and sister. Mrs. Lou- rena Duncan of Garfield; Mrs. Sadie Wade of Currinsville; J. H. Palmateer of Silverton, Oregon and W. F. Palmateer of Morgan, Oregon. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Snuffin and Mrs. Mary Bruce of Port­ land and seventeen grand-chil­ dren and ten great-grand-chil­ dren, living. Mrs. Sarah Palmateer was born in Clark County, Illinois in the year 1843, coming to Oregon with her parents in 1852, where, in 1857, at the age of -fourteen years, she was married to J. W. Palmateer, whose death occured in September 1898. Mrs. Palma- teer’s maiden name was Sarah Pierce, her father, Franklin Pierce having taken up the Do­ nation Land Claim, where the City of Estacada now stands, the family home having been located at about the spot where the A. Morrow home now is, near the corner of 5th and Currin Sts. Concluded on page ♦> E stacada , O regon . T hursday , A ugust 2, HUT Cattle Die Of Hemorrhagic Septicemia Two yearling steers belonging to H. C. Stephens of George died Monday from hemorrhagic sep­ ticemia and another animal be­ longing to Peter Ruhl is reported to have succumbed. As two other young animals of Mr. Stephens were sick with the same symptoms on Tuesday, he immediately sent for State Vet­ erinarian Lytle. Apparently the disease found by Mr. Lytle is not a new one, although not heretofore preva­ lent in this district, although in the past week or two, herds of animals at Cherryville. Anderson and at other points along the Clackamas Multnomah Count y line have been stricken and it was at first reported the animals were the victims of intentional poisoning. Mr. Lytle says that the trouble is caused by the animals grazing over land, that under ordinary conditions is wet find marshy, but which now is dry and con­ tains a bacillus knowm as hem­ orrhagic septicemia, causing a form of blood poisoning. Mr. Lytle immediately vacci­ nated the remaining stock of Mr. Stephens and offers to vaccinate any and all stock in this commu­ nity, if the owners desire. As there is no charge for this vaccination applied by the State Veterinarian, parties desiring same are asked to notify the News office and as soon as a suffi­ cient number have signified a de­ sire for this treatment, Mr. Lytle will gladly come to Estacada and from here make a trip into all nearby districts. To Enlarge Garage Facilities In order to accomodate the growth and demand for more space in their rapidly expanding business, the Estacada Garage has had the grading and excava- ing completed on the north side of their building, preparatory to the laying of the foundations for a fire proof annex. In this annex will be housed the mechanical and repair de­ partments, the new space being planned to occupy aboutone half as much ground as the present building. It is possible that after the work gets under way. Mgr. Reed will decide to rebuild the entire garage and of fire-proof­ ed, tile material. Rain Badly Needed Unless a good rain is forth­ coming in this section within the next few days, the farmers of this community will suffer a great loss, especially in grain, potatoes and berries. The present drought is work­ ing a hardship and financial loss on the R. C. Deming Packing Company of Estacada and on the growers of small fruits and pro­ duce, as the loganberries and raspberries at this time on the bushes are drying up. As the cannery is under contract to fur­ nish a number of carloads of these canned fruits this season, it is proving a serious condition. Rains were reported last week from places -nearby, with Hood River have received a good one ten days ago. In as much as heavy clouds have hung over this district several times in the past twm weeks, there is still hopes of relief, although it will be too late to help certain grain crops. An unusually early frost was experienced here the latter part of last w'eek, with reports receiv­ ed from George. Currinsville. Garfield, Morrow ami Estacada of harm done to beans and po­ tatoes. Official Draft Numbers Published In the Morning Oregonian of August 1st is reproduced a com­ plete list of the official draft num­ bers, taken page for page from the government pamphlet. Men desiring , to ascertain whether or not they are drafted and in which draft, may depend upon the above mentioned list as official. Annual Country Club Picnic The 1917 annual picnic of the Garfield Country Club will occur all day, Saturday, August 11th at the club and everyone is cor­ dially invited to come prepared to spend the day. The usual games and sports w ill lie enjoyed and on the pro­ gram it is expected will appear such speakers as H. C. Stephens, Ed. Shearer and Walter Givens of the home talent, County Sch(*ol Superintendent Calavan of Oregon City and a Miss Mar­ ion Bennett of Portland who w ill sing. $1.50 P er Y ear DEATH FRIDAY OF MRS. J. 0. KRIEGER Mother Of Krieger Boys Of Garfield, Victim Of Heart Dropsy Friday At the home of her son Julius Krieger in Estacada, Mrs. Jessie Krieger of Garfield died last Fri­ day, July 27th. after a lingering illness ending in a fatal attack of heart-dropsy. During the funeral services, held Sunday afternoon, at the Estacada Christian Church, in the presence of the family and a host of friends and neighbors. Pastor Guy Drill paid a loving tribute to the departed. Special musical selections were rendered by the members of the church choir at both the church and grave, the interment being in charge of undertaker Chapman at Lone O ik Cemetery. The deceased wras the mother of eleven children, six of w'hom survive, beingJulius, Albert. Wil­ liam and Charles of Estacada and Garfield and two (laughters, Mrs. Bertha Willey and Mrs. Oussie Ennis of Portland. Mrs. Krieger was in her 61st year, having l»een born in Ger­ many in 1855. She was married in 1873 to John 1). Krieger and came with her husband in 1889 directly to Portland, where they resided until 1901, when they moved to upper Garfield, where Mr. Krieger died in 1911 and where Mrs. Krieger resided up to shortly before her death. The deep felt sympathy of all is extended to the sons and daughters in this hour of sorrow and in this dispensation of a Higher Power. Die* At Age Of 89 At the age of 89 years. 5 months and 20 days. Win. Bolton, father of Mrs. Jennie McKenzie of Currinsville died Tuesday morning, July 31st. The remains were taken charge of by undertaker Chapman of Estacada and were shipped to Rock wood, Oregon, where fune­ ral services and interment were held Thursday at the Mt. View Cemetefy. The deceased was horn in 1828 and had for several years made his home with his daughter, who with a b r o th e r . Danl. G. Bolton of Portland survive him.