Eastern Clackam as News Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon K. M. Standish, Editor and .Manager Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. One year S u b s c r ip t io n R atios Six months - . - . . • $1.00 .fifl Thursday; .July 2f>. li>17 Hilly Sunday, the well known evangelist, in the course of his remarks last Sunday at the (¡lad- stone Chautauqua, handed one of his characteristic, scathing hot­ shots at the small town practice of gossiping, even suggesting all manners of extreme punishments for the man or woman who joins in that supposed small town di­ version. While we do not disagree with Mr. Sunday’s condemnation of the gossip habit, we wonder if he has ever lived in a small town; for small towns and gossip go hand in hand. Our city neighbors deserve no special credit for not practicing the gossip habit, for in the larger communities, that close, personal, social and business relation does not exist among the inhabitants, as in the small town or country district, where every man knows his neighbor, his neighbor’s fam­ ily, his neighbor’s business and bis neighbor’s faults and virtues. In the larger cities there are hundreds of outside diversions to occupy the mind and conversa­ tion, out in the small town the tendency towards gossip is ten fold greater ami tin* man or wo­ man in the latter who refrains from gossip, deserves more credit than Hilly Sunday or any of our Ing city neighbors imagine. While gossip is a pernicious and dangerous habit and one to be shunned, it is that ever pres­ ent danger of being the victim of gossip, that often keeps all of us following a straighter path than we might pursue, if we lived in the congested districts, where no man cares or is interested in our business or our morals. The tanner should not find un­ due fault with the present ten­ dency towards the high-cost-of- living. for he is one of a very few classes w ho is not solely de­ pendant on outside markets for his food supplies, nor is he di­ rectly subject to the big increas­ ed »»»si of production at tin* same time that his products are com­ manding top prices. While farm labor is from 20"» to 40"» higher than a year or two ago and farm machinery and livestock cost more, those vital elements of agriculture; namely the plant food in the soil, the rain and the sunshine are as free as ever. This enviable condition is not apparent in most lines of manu- faeture or merchandizing, for in the manufacture of goods, de­ pendant upon materials man­ ufactured by others, every fea­ ture of the production is subject to increased cost, with the ulti­ mate p r o f i t proportionately lowered. The merchant today is making no greater profit on the sale of his flour, sugar, hardware or other supplies than during ordin­ ary times, when he bought and sold at lower prices and the newspaper publisher likewise is making no bigger if as big a pro­ fit on the sale of his manufac tured product, when every arti­ cle entering into that manufac­ ture is costing him from 25% to 400 "6 more. If newspapers could be pro­ duced from the free use of the soil, sunshine and rain, with but an added element of increased labor hire, the publishers would still be maintaining their former subscription rates and the News would remain at $1. per year but it cant be done and so after August 1st, 1917 the subscription price has to lie increased to $1.50 per year and we hope our read­ ers will realize that this move is an honest and necessary one, be­ fore accusing us of boosting the price without good and sufficient reasons. Mad fire started in any build­ ing in Estacada within the last two weeks, or even up to date, it is very doubtful if it could have been extinguished or controlled, owing to lack of pressure in the city’s water mains. This lack of water pressure at this time of the year is due to two causes, one of which can be controlled to a large extent, pro­ viding the water users will un­ selfishly economize in their water eoiTsumpt ion. At this time last year, investi­ gations undertaken by the city council showed that it was the custom of many water users to keep the water running 24 hours of each day. This practise being employed largely inside of the houses, where milk, butter and o her foods needing refrigerating were kept under a running stream. It is this practise, along with a disregard of the ordinances gov­ erning sprinkling and other wat­ er uses, that has brought about the present scarcity in the city’s mains. At times last week, there was not sufficient force to ha ve thrown a stream from a fire hose, to a second story window, with some faucets refusing to even trickle. This condition can only be rec­ tified by each individual water consumer exe r c i s i ng a fair amount of unselfishness for the common good: even suffering the « W e Strive To Please Our prices are kept as low as can be made and our service the best we know how to give. 'n } i i i h! We can get cheaper merchan­ dise but we do not believe in sacrificing quality for quantity but try to live up to our motto !U L. A. Chapman “ The Best Is None To Good For You" Estacada, Oregon When you considering the twelve improvements in The New CHEVROLET At $ 710 . Sloping wind-shield, improved radiator, water-pump, new type oil-pump, dust-pan, (front and rear.) one man top, foot and robe rail, protecting pad at each of front seats, demountable rims, extra rim ami carrier. The car is really less in price considering these improvements. The same wonderful engine. C A S C A "The D place E for expert G service" A R A G E S. P. Pesznecker - - Estacada, Oregon iTVIarvel Junior Vulcanizer No flame to burn your tube. Small enough to put in your pocket. Large enough to quickly and permanently vulcanize any puncture. No gasoline or alcohol. Light a match to the chemicalized disc anti in 5 minutes you have a permanent repair. Cascade Garage • Estacada, Oregon loss of having the milk sour or the butter melting, which incon- venience is slight as compared with the loss that will result from exhausting the city’s water sup- ply at this dry time of year, when danger from fire is great. Naturally the city’s water sup- ply. from the creek Mowing from (iarfield. is low during these hot days and add to this a waste of the supply and it proves a dan- gerous condition. Furthermore, from a drinking standpoint, the using of a maximum amount of the water at this time results in roiling up the sediment in the stream and reservoir and good drinking water is vitally essen- tial during these summer days, Ken Bartlett of Estacada, w ho for the past few weeks has been daily expecting a call to join his ambulance corps, has temporari- ly quit waiting and is leaving for Eastern Oregon to work in the harvest fields.