Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 26, 1917, Image 5

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Brush At Road
Should Be Cut
At several places on the turns
in the highways in this district
there is a constant danger o f ac­
cidents to autoists and drivers of
other vehicles, due to thv heavy
brush obscuring the road ahead.
On the South side of the Eagle
Creek bridge, this condition is
present and as it is necessary for
autoists to put on full speed in
ascending the graded turn to­
wards Alspaugh, a collision is
possible, unless a clear view of
the road is permitted.
The high brush needs cutting
at the railroad crossing on the
Heiple Road in Currinsville,
where a view of the track to­
wards Alspaugh is impossible to
the driver coming from the west.
There are many other similar
turns and brush obscured grades
in this section, known best to
the auto drivers, which should
he safeguarded.
Per* Year*
w ill be the
Subscription Price
si We
Eastern Clackamas
on and a fter
C_y4.ugust 1st 1917
County Dairy Picnic
Renewal of any Subscription, regardless
of the date of expiration, may be made
before August 1st at the old $1. price.
So Look at the Yellow Address Label on the Front of this
Paper and See When Your Subscription Expires, and Con­
sider Saving 50c by Renewing now and Extending it One
Year from your expiration date.
Yourself, family and friends
are invited to attend a dairy pic­
nic to be held July 28th at N. H.
Smith’s “ Cedar Hill Farm” ,
near Fisher’s Mill.
The purpose of this picnic is
for the dairymen to become bet­
ter acquainted, to inspect record
cows and to listen to talks by
prominent dairymen and experts
from the O. A. C.
Transportation by auto will be
furnished by the Oregon City
Commercial Club to the farm
and return, leaving Oregon City
not later than 11 A. M.
(Signed) — A. 1. Hughes. Secy.
Card O f Thanks
P aige And B u ick Cars
The “ Paige” , the “ most beautiful car in America”
has achieved a reputation in artistic appearance of motor cars,
in addition to being recognized as the
The “ Buick” , speaks for itself.
Nothing is lacking
to make this car ideal and complete from every possible viewpoint.
Robert Jonsrud
Boring Oregon.
W e are the A g e n ts for theWorld’s
Largest Line
and our Sample Books displajr a vast
variety^ of Artistic Designs and Colors
The William Dale Company
W® herewith wish to thank
our many friends for their sin­
cere sympathy, shown to us in
our recent bereavement in the
loss of our father and brother.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Beers.Ir.
Church Services
All the regular services of the
churches will be resumed next
Lord’s day.
Bible school at 10
o’clock and preaching at 11
o’clock. The date of the Bible
school picnic will be decided
upon at the study hour.
In the evening the union ser­
vices will In* held in the Church
of Christ.
Brother Spiess will
C. L. Drill.
Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Adix of
Estacada are expected home to­
day, following a ten days auto
tour of Washington and the Ca­
nadian border, in company with
Portland friends.
Board To Notify Drafted Men
ContimitH! from front pair«*
The following communication
from the Adjutant General's O f­
fice in Portland explains the steps
which will be taken from now on
in carrying forth the provisions
of the U. S. Army Draft:-
“ Within a few days official
lists of the draft serial numbers,
showing tne order in which they
were drawn in the lottery at
Washington, will reach the vari­
ous county exemption Intards.
Following receipt o f these lists,
the board will notify the men
called up on the first draft.
Until then it will not be neces­
sary for those subject to call on
the first draft to report. But as
soon as they receive notification
from their boards, they must re­
port promptly on the day desig­
The first step taken by each
board will be to post in a con
spicuous place a list containing
the names of all the men regis­
tered in its county or district, in
the exact order in which they
will be called on the first and
all succeeding drafts. A copy of
this lisi will also bt> given the
press for publication.
Let it be emphasized again that
this list will have not only the
names of the men to be called out
on the first draft, but of every
man registered, in the order in
which he must be called. No
person whatsoever has any au­
thority to change this order.
Having posted this list and
given a copy to the press, the
boar«! uid then notify by letter
every man called up on the first
draft. Each man will be direct­
ed to, appear before the board
for physical examination on a
specified «late, which will be with­
in seven days of the mailing of
the notice.
Failure to receive this notice
will not be accepted as an excuse
for not appearing on the date
set. The burden of appearing
when he is called is on the man
himself; there is a heavy penalty
for failure to answer the call.
Remember, that regardless of
whether a man intends to apply
fo** exemption or discharge, lie
must appear for physical exami­
nation on the day set. He has
seven days from the posting of
the list and the mailing of the
notice to him by the hoard in
which to file application for ex­
emption, and 10 more days in
which to file proof.
And, remember again, that no
claims for exemption because of
employment in necessary indus­
tries, including agriculture, can
be considered by your county ex­
emption board.
Such a claim must be made to
one of the three district appeal
boards, at Portland, Eugene, or
Latirande. It can only lie made
then after the man has passed
his physical examination and
been certified hy the county
hoard as called for military ser­
vice and not exempt.
After you have appeared be­
fore your c o u n t y exemption
Isiard and passed the phys eal
examination, it will still be some
time before you will actually be
called out to join the army. You
will l>e notified when it is time
for you to report for service. ”