An + + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + CAN YOU AFFORD To Be Without a Bank Account? This question has no reference to your financial condition, but from a strictly business point of view can you afford to forego the many advantages that accrue to owners of growing bank ac­ counts? This is a competitive age competition to accumulate is becoming keener all the time. Your competitor has a bank ac­ count to systematize his affairs and takes advantage of all its privileges. Can YOU afford to let him have this advantage over you? Why not start an account with us and take advantage of the con­ venience and facilities afforded for the better protection of YOUR income. •r + + + ♦ * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Contributed I H l ’g ItCCt.S Leroy 1). Walker, President Thomas Yocum, Vice President I r w i n I). W r i g h t , C a s h i e r + + ♦ + + ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + + + See Us For Sidewalk Planks Wide Mouth Mason Jars Pints - 90c Q uarts - $ 1 .0 0 H alf G allons R ubbers 10c a d ozen C aps - $ 1 .2 5 3 d ozen for 2 5 c 2 5 c a d o zen Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. I L. S. BRONSON M. D. EVANS Estacada, - O. C. S. GERBER O regon. Having in the past few weeks given publicity to several enter­ tainments, dances and athletic stunts, which were to have been given under the auspices of the soldiers of Company D. and which at the last minute were postponed or cancelled, tin1 News wishes to apologize for its part in having mislead or dissapointed the public, although it was in no ways to blame. In each instance, including the dance scheduled for last Satur­ day evening, the affair was call­ ed off after the paper had gone to press. As the lives and plans of soldiers are matters over which they have little control, they too should not be too severe­ ly criticised, for they were as sorely disappointed at having to go without a dance, as was any of the public. E a g }e C reek Note* E stacad a State B ank it A pology I I W. F. Reeder, a Christian min­ ister of Portland, will be out Sunday July 29, and hold preach­ ing services at the Douglass school house at 11 A. M. Every­ body is invited to attend. Miss Veroo Beckett was the Sunday guest of her mother, Mrs. Annie Beckett. Dr. G. W. Pardey, proprietor of the Hizz Remedy Company, was in Eagle Creek last Friday afternoon, to see some of his patients. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass a n d Carl Douglass attended Chautaqua Saturday. J. P. Woodle and son Rav have installed a water system and now will have water in the house. H. S. Gibson sold a horse to Thomas Eaden last Friday. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Morgan, of Wasco, who are down on a visit, with Mrs. U. S. Morgan, of Estacada spent Monday after­ noon with Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Woodle. Mrs. Flora Benson and chil­ dren were visiting at the home of Roy Douglass recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and children motored to Glad­ stone Park Friday, to attend Chautauqua. Quite a number of the resi­ dents of Eagle ('reek were Chau­ tauqua visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. (’lias. Masson were up on the hill last Thurs­ day, looking for cherries, but as cherries are very scarce this year, they found none. Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Brower, spent Sunday, at Fern (’amp with Mr. and Mrs. Cahill. A. N. Orke is building a new barn Tor himself. S pringw ater N ew s Items Contribute«) A party was given at the Sea- quest home last Wednesday eve ning in honor of Miss Ernby of Portland, who is spending a cou­ ple of days with Miss Seaquest. The evening was enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson. Rev. R. A. Weld, the Misses Adele Schenk and Mable Strunk tire attending the Presbyterian Synod at Eugene this week. Mrs. Grable and her father Mr. Cooper spent several days in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. Shibley a n d daughter, spent Sunday with her parents in Portland. Miss Katherine Tannler of Hillsdale, and Mr. John Bailer of Portland spent Sunday at ih«* Schenk home. O. N. Holmen and son Oscar motored to Tillamook Beach last week, going by way of Wood burn where they were joined by another son of Mr. Holmen. Nels Christensen has built a new porch on his house and has no prospects of a partner either. Canning Dem onstrations J u ly 30 Miss Helen Cowgill of the Ex- tention Department of the O. A. C. will b«* in Estacada. all day, July doth at the school house, where she will give canning dem­ onstrations and organize canning clubs, a club consisting of three boys or three girls, All mothers and daughters are urged to attend these valuable and highly instructive demon­ strations and as Miss Cowgill is well known to many of the local people, through her work at the last East Clackamas County Fair, a good attendance should be on hand to spend the day. Dover Doings Contributed The John Affolter, Sr. sawmill is humming away these days sawing planks for the roads. Granville Cooper of Portland, who is a farmer resident of Do­ ver, motored out Sunday. Roy Woodle of Portland, after helping with the haying at the Evans’ place has gone to Eagle Creek to work. Bruce Schminkey is ill will) tonsilitis, necessitating the c a ll­ ing of a physician. The A. J. Morrison and A. Koennaman houses are now be­ ing improved with fresh coats of paint. LAWYERS At*!itracts exam ined. C orporation Law. F inancial A gents. T ru s ts , Escrows an d A ccounts. E s ta te s p ro b ate d . Collec­ tio n s, D eeds, M ortgages. G eneral practice in all c o u rts . C orrespondence solicited. P ro m p t a tte n tio n . Bank references, F o u r te e n th ye a r. I CANS PLA C ED OH PO A TLA N O P « 0 f E « n Nlosessohn & Mosessohn n « -m MS C h .im b » r C o m m e re * B M » POM I LAND. O R E G O N