1 Dr. Harry E. Morgan and wife of Wasco, Oregon, are spending Saturday evening, J: Iv 2Sth a few lavvacation at the home 7th Episode of Pear! of the of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Army. H*arst’s-Pathe News. U. S. Morgan of Estacada and Luke’s Speedy Club Life. Ford Mr. and Mrs. ,J. P. Woodle of Eagle Creek. Weekiy. At T he Family T h eatre Announcement Thursday ev< niour, August 2nd i The Gold Rooster Five Part Virginia Scott of Estacada re­ turned last .veek from a two Feature A Modern Monte Chris­ to. with Vincent Serrano in the week’s outing at the Chautauqua, where she was a guest of Prof, leading part. and Mrs. Wilson of Estacada. to the LADIES f / Estacada Bridge Needs Replanking Charley Bard, after a tew Numerous complaints have been weeks at his Springwater ranch, received here lately of the condi­ attending to harvesting, return­ tion of the Estacada bridge, ed this week to Ward net1, Idal » , crossing the Clackamas. where lie has made his home for The decking and planks both the past two years. on the bridge and the approach­ es are badly worn and loose, and I holes large enough for a horse’s The new telephone line run­ hoof to go through are present ning from Estacada through Cer- in one or two spots. rinsville, to he used as a com­ Whoever is responsible for the munity line for several rural upkeep of this bridge should get ’phone companies in that dis­ busy at once or the county offic­ trict is now nearly completed, ials should be notified. with the best of sawed cedar A fine piece of crushed rock poles being installed. road is now being completed in Garfield, on the road running through the woods near t h e SOLDIERS O.J THE MARCH. Thomas Yocum place, which T h a t T ra in e d , H a rd e n e d Men when finished will connect with D istance* C an Cover in a Cay. the good roads at both ends. T h e A rm y J trill ltook tolls iliut t r a i n ­ Much good road work is being ed a n d hurut-nod in fu u try t u n out r done in the upper Eagle Creek from t w e n ty to tw en ty -liv e uiiios a uny w hen in sm all hot lies As t h e sire o f district, with long stretches of th e coin mu ml iuc-iea .os th e d ls ta n o the main hill road having been covered becomes loss, a s th e r u le is lowered a n d tu n e is needed t * get mi graded and covered with gravel. th e u n its in to a n d out of euiup. It is reported that the count/ W ith a r e g im e u t or less of a v e r a g e court has ar ranged for a liberal tro o p s — r e g u la r s — inuicliin g o v e r a v e r ­ g e n>uds. I he r a t e should he from I w o supply of planking to he placed a ami three-quurtOiN to t h r e e m iles a n on the main road in Dodge, hour, w hile u d iv isio n euniioi l-e e x ­ thereby assuring a firm highway pected to accom plish m ore tliun tw eive a n d a h a l f m iles u day. v during the winter season. O f course, all th e s e linures will v a ry Wt* have arranged to show at OIJR STOKE within a short time, an Elaborate Display of a Sample Line of Ladies’ D resses Domprising a Variety of Beautiful Designs and Latest Styles in N< w Yor k Made Satins Serges and Taffetas P r ic e s f r o m $ 1 2 to $ 2 5 . We believe there is a demand in this community for such extra I'ne g< ods and we request that all ladies in­ terested NOTIFY US AT ONCE, so that we may phone them of the date set for the display. Such a notification in no ways obligates the ladies to purchase, but will aid us in ascertaining whether the local ladies are interested in such a display. “ Your Satisfaction is Our Success” East Clackamas Supply Co. I Estacada, Oregon. i ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + k i are not in our line + + + ♦ + + A eroplanes but All signs of a mild epidemic of new cement sidewalks is now present in Estacada, with con­ tractor Snook, who is building the Estacada High School, also building cement walks in front of the Boner and Hotel Adams property on Broadway. Other property owners are also figuring with Mr. Snook for similar work. ♦ Plumbing, Water Systems and Lighting Plants I ♦ are all w ing up. ♦ C. C. Miller We can save you money. Plum bing Steam F ittin g —Tinning OIL COOK STOVES NEW H A R TFO R D and T OP w ith difl'ereut conn tio n s of ro a d s a n d w e a th e r. C n tra in e d tro o p s could not a p p ro a c h th em u n til burdened. T h o u g h (hey m ig h t on b e t t e r fo r u day or two. they could not keep up th e steudy |>uoe of t h e seasoned r e g u la rs for a long d i s ­ tance. M a rc h in g w ith full e q u ip m e n t is h a rd physical work. a n d . like e v e ry o th e r form o f labor, re q u ir e s a proi*er |ieriod of tr a in in g . Tin* seasoned force will keep u p a s tead y pace, w ith te n m in u te h a lts ev ery hour, a fifteen m i n u te stop being m a d e a t t h e end of t h e first h a lf or th r e e - q u a r te r s of au hour. G reen troops a r e a p t to s t r a g g l e budly. O u t­ ing M agazine. ano CLEAN UP FLORENCE with Sherm an-W illiam s or Acme ready mixed a r c fa st b ecom ing th e f a v o r i t e w ith t h e H o u s e w if e F o r a Quick Hot F ire, th e y a r e eq u a l It* (la s . H ouse Paint, D ekoratos and Enam els LAWN MOWERS • GRASS SCYTHES for the Walls and Ceilings. W e c a r r y m stock th e c e le b r a t e d S uperior Quick B oulevard R u ttin g \i C hinam el, V arnishes and Floor Oil N orthern King for the F urniture, Woodwork and Floors. M ow ers anti S c y th e s BERT H a r d w a r e H. FINCH H a r n e s s — E s t a c a d a , - I m p l e m e n t s O r e g o n ;