M * % * * (« * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Music And Lectures Attract Local P ople + If all portions of Clackamas County are as well represented at the Gladstone Chautauqua as this eastern part, it indicates clearly that the home oeople ap­ preciate the unusual attractions offered. From twenty to one hundred residents of Estacada and near­ by sections have been in attend­ ance at the Chautauqua each day, with many of them making their tent homes on the grounds. The evening band c o n c e r t s have drawn well from the ranks of those owning autos, many of whom have made the cool ride in the early evening, returning late at night. CAN YOj) A FFORD * To Be Without a Bank Account? This question has no reference to your financial condition, but from a strictly business point of view can you afford to forego the many advantages that accrue to owners of growing bank ac­ counts?- This is a competitive age competition to accumulate is becoming keener all the time. Your competitor has a bank ac­ count to systematize his affairs and takes advantage of all its privileges. Can YOU afford to let him have this advantage over you? Why not start an account with us and take advantage of the con­ venience and facilities afforded for the better protection of YOUR income. + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + i Dodge Raised Its Share For The Red Cross i E stacad a State B ank f t Leroy I). Walker, President Thomas Yocum. Vice President I r w i n 1). W r i g h t . C a s h i e r • • . , f t i Clerk, David Horner of the Dodge Schools this week report­ ed to the News, that he and his neighbors felt that they and their home district had been over­ looked. especially as far as the publicity was concerned, in the recent Red Cross drive. Mr. Horner reports that im­ mediately on receipt of the Red Cross literature from the county manager, he an J his neighbors had raised the sum of $13.50, which was duly remitted through the regular county channels. Dover Do i n g s Contributed The Dover School Board has hired Miss Eleanor Hews of Soda Springs, Idaho to take charge of the school for the coming term. Miss Rews is a graduate of the Estacada High School. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahnert entertained friends from Hills­ boro this week. John Affolter, Jr. is spending a few weeks at the coast. John Roberts and wife of Hub­ bard are visiting among relatives in Uover. The illumination on Mt. Hood Saturday night, caused by the burning of 200 pounds of red powder, was witnessed by man/ people in Dover. H. H. Udell entertained his brother-in-law William Palmateer of Morgan, Oregon on Monday. See Us For Sidewalk Planks Wide Mouth Mason Jars Pint* - Quarts 90c - $1.00 Half Gallons - $1.25 10c a dozen 3 dozen for 25c Caps 25c a dozen Rubbers i i i Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. L. S. BRONSON M. D. EVANS Estacada, - O. C. S. GERBER Oregon. i Card Of Thanks We wish-to sincerely thank our many kind friends in this com­ munity, for their expressions of of sympathy and the help given us in our recent bereavement. Signed J. A. Inglish, Miss Belle Inglish, Mrs. Blanche Jenkins. Mrs. J. F. Standish and daugh­ ter, Margaret and Miss Martha Standish of Portland were week­ end guests at the Standish ranch in Garfield. Glare On Wind-shield Causes Bad Smash “ While the glare of the setting sun on the wind-shield, was pri­ marily to blame, it was careless­ ness in driving on the left side of the road, that caused the col­ lision." so says Alf Drill of Faraday, whose son Ray, a week ago Wednesday evening, at­ tempted to ram his little Regal car through an Oakland Six. Rav, who was alone and en- route to Estacada from Bull Run. while rounding a curve near Ori­ ent, swung to the left side of the road, when the red glare of the setting sun flashed on his wind-shield a n d temporarily blinded him. Unfortunately at that moment, a new Oakland machine, containing four passen gers and driven by its owner. Win. E. Ruepell of Portland was m the way. with tin* two cars meeting head on. badly smash ing both cars, but luckily not seriously injuring anyone. As the' fault was entirely bis son’s, Mr. Drill rep'accd the broken Oakland with a new cat and expects for a few hundred dollars to repair the damages to the two machines. Mr. Drill wishes to emphatical­ ly warn autoists against swing­ ing to tin* left side of a road under any conditions, except in passing a vehicle going the s a m e direction. New Sidewalks Being Laid Work in the lowering to grade and rebuilding of the sidewalks on Main Street, Estacada be­ tween 1st and 2nd Streets is now underway. Unless some of the other side­ walks in Estacada receive im­ mediate attention, the city is lia­ ble to find itself with a law-suit ou its hands, as several bad falls were taken by adults and chil­ dren last week, d ie to loose and missing planks. Even the sidewalk on the Main Street side o f the Estacada Schools is in had conditiqn and should receive prompt attention, as the traffic is heavy along that portion of Main Street. — Leroy D. Walker of Portland and a party of friends spent Sunday in Estacada. picnicing in the park. LAWYERS Abstracts eiam lned. Corporation Law. Financial Agents. T rusts, Escrows and Accounts. E states probated. C ollec­ tions. Deeds, Mortgages. Oeneral practice In all courts. Correspondence ■elicited. Prom pt atten tion . Ban* references. Fourteenth year. LO A N S P L A C E D O K P 0 K T IA H 0 P R O P E iT H Moi.essohn & Mosessohn m m .a « , C h tn .b « r ef C o m m erce PORT! OHCOUN