Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 12, 1917, Image 8

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    Want and For Sale Colum n
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
+ ♦
+ + + + + +
i cents per line, ('ash in advance
Undertaking and Embalming
CASH PAID for .Junk Econo*
mise, save vour PAPER, RAGS,
all kin<ls and bring them to Jerry ♦
Me Junk, The Junk Man.
Pool Room, Estacada.
FOR SALE Team, 6 yr. olds, *
Store or Residence
Hearse and Morgue
mare and horse, guaranteed true. ♦
Fair Harness. 2 34 Watson Wag-
on with double bed and spring
What Have You To Swap?
seat, practically new. O n e horse
Notice For Publication
Continued from front page
sold alone if wanted. Price is
Department o f the Interior, II. S.
gether oftener and where more
right for a good outfit.
Land Office at Portland, Oregon, June
F. E. Kirk, Rural carrier R. 3, sport is in sight.
29, 1917,
There is not a farm or town
NOTICE is hereby given that Robert
home in this district that does Richard Oskar Muller, of Colton,
FOR SALE 3 Buck Lambs, 75 not contain from one article to a Clackamas County, Oregon, who; on
to 90 pounds. Send in your order full carload of discarded, yet use­ March 8, 1912, made Homestead Entry,
No. 03404, for Lot 7 and SE 1 4 o f SW
or you will get left.
f u l furniture, from outgrown 1-4, Section 6, Townahip 5 South,
C. M. Folsom, Spring water.
cribs and perambulators, to ice- Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian,
| boxes, ranges, lamps, chairs, has filed notice o f intention to make fi­
50 Angora Goats.
musical instruments and fishing nal five-year Proof, to establish claim
W. (i. Kerns, 153 Vi Grand Ave.
tackle. Our rural barns all carry to the land above described, before the
Portland, Or.
Register and Receiver of the United
their full quota of dust covered States Land Office, at Portland, Ore­
implements, wheels, grindstones, gon, on the 10th day o f August, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Shadeland Kruger, No. 224375, harnesses, separators, buggies,
William Werner, Charles W. Swan,
wagon boxes and other used but
Duroc Jersey Boar.
far from useless articles. Each William Schiefer, Rex Gordon, all of
W. K. Corbin, R. 1, Estacada
Colton, Clackamas County, Oregon, j
barn also houses its share of live­
Proof made according to law under J
FOR SALE Durham heifer, stock for sale or trade, w ith the which entry was made.
coming fresh 4th or 5th of July. latter method offering a better
N. Campbell
P. Malzininni, River Mill.
opportunity for making a profit­
able deal.
FOR SALE 1 Deering Ideal
Whether it is an old marble
At The Family Theatre
Mower and 1 Deering Rake, first
clock, a broken fiddle or a rusty
Saturday evening’s program
class condition.
Phone or write
bicycle, a lame duck or a string- July 14th will comprise the 5th
C. M. Davis, Springwater.
halted mare, there is someone in episode of “ Pearl o f the Army” ,
LOST Ladies Hand Bag con­ this community that wants it, w'ith both the Hoarst’s Pathe
New s and the Ford Weekly show- j
taining gold watch ami chain, on either paying cash or trading ing the current events of the day
something that the other fellow
July 4th. Reward.
and a laugh making comedy en­
Earl Day, Estacada
titled “ Luke the ChafTeur” to
There are thousands and thou­ round out an evening’s enter­
FOR SALE 4 hole Perfection sands o f dollars worth of useful tainment.
Kerosene Range in first class articles in this community, now
On Thursdav evening, July
the feature film, called
lying idle, slowly covering with
Flower o f Faith” will he
Mrs. E. J. Shank land,
rust or decaying from age, that
shown w’ith such Pathe photo
R. 1, Estacada
should be resurrected, cleaned dramas as “ The Image Maker” ,
up and sold or traded to someone, “ Her Life and His” . “ A Modern
LOST July 5th, Light colored !
who wants and can use them, Monte Cristo” and “ Tw in Kid­
man’s coat, on Garfield-Estacada
and a Swqp Day would offer the dies” scheduled for the Thurs­
contained pipe, file and j
day evenings following.
note book. Kinder please notify
The block of hardsurfaced
John Winter, adjoining N. M. pavement on Broadway in Esta­ Union Services Postponed I
Owing to the special attrac­
Tracy place in Garfield.
cada would be an ideal spot for
staging such a Swap Day and it tions at the Chautauqua at Glad­
FOR SALE Two fresh Jersey would prove a profitable move stone, it was thought wise to dis­
Cows. Will trade one for bull for all concerned, as the mer­ miss our evening union services
calf, must be past yearling, eith­ chant would do a full share of for the next two Sunday even­
er Hereford or Durham.
business in the sale o f bis staples ings, thus giving all a chance to
Elmer Davis, Garfield.
ami new merchandise, from the attend the services at Gladstone.
There will he no Bible school
cash received by the buyer, who
Good bad disposed o f some of his sec­ or preaching services at the
woolen overcoat
Phone W. W. ond hand material.
Church of Christ next lo r d ’s
t 'hristensen, S p r i n g w a ter.
day. Those o f the congregation
who do not wish to go to Glad­
stone are urged to visit the Meth­
Farm Land«
odist Bible school and morning
The Government needs Karrn-
The evening union services
h ;- s as well as fighters.
be taken up again after the I
million three hundred thousand
Chautauqua closes.
acres of Oregon & California Loganberries
Pastors- Speias and Drill.
Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title
revested in United States.
be opened for homesteads and
sale. Contains some o f l>est land
left in United States.
copyrighted map. showing land
by sections and description of
soil, climate, rainfall, elevation«, i
temperature, etc., by counties, j
Postpaid One Dollar.
Grant Lands Lwating Co.,
Box 610, Portland. Or.
Red Raspberries
Black Caps
Green Gages
Advise us w hat vegetables
You have for sale.
Estacada Cannery
Miss Merle Givens o f Seneca,
Kansas arrived in Estacada last
week, where she will make a
summer’s visit at the home o f
her brother. Walter Givens.
The Garfield Dorcas Society
will meet Thursday afternoon.
July 19th, at the home o f Mrs.
W. R. Reid, with all members
and friends invited.
Henry V. Adix,
P h y s ic ia n
M. D.
S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’ s phone can be connected with vour
home phone at night if requested. One long rim»
D r. L . A . W e l l.
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adir
Dr. R. Morse
P h y s ic ia n
S urgeon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd
Residence: Main and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
AttorneyatLaw and Notary Public
The Insurance Man
Oregon Fire Relief Ass'n
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Phone 513
Notice For Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Portland, Oregon. June
8, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that Carl M.
Raithel, o f Wemme, Oregon, who, on
June 30, 1911 made Homestead entry,
No. 03127. for S 1-2 SE 1-4 NE 1-4,
N 1-2 NE 1-4 SE 1-4, and NW 1-4 SE
1-4, Section 24, Township 2 South,
Range 7 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make fi­
nal five-year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before the
Register and Receiver of the United
States Land Office, at Portland, Ore­
gon, on the 25th ijay o f July, 1917,
Claimant names as witnesses:
John S. Malcomson, of Welches. Ore­
gon; Andrew Oks, of Welches, Oregon;
George Oks. of Cherryville, Oregon;
John P. Marrug, o f Wemme, Oregon.
Proof made under the Act o f June
11. 1906 and Act of July 6. 1912.
N. Campbell
Estacada to Portland
Via Springwater
Car leaves Estacada 7:30 every
morning except Sundays; return­
ing leaves 1st and Alder, Port­
land, 4 P. M.
Reservations may
be made by phone for regular
trips, special, night or Sunday
Theodore A. Reid.
Estacada. Or.