r ► i Wells Succeeds Standish certain improvements, forced .to take the consequences from the structed during the mushroom opposition and receiving little or upspringing o f the town. no praise or encouragement from Now Estacada must begin re­ the other side. building and rebuilding better Right now. a strong plea is be­ the city must be built on a firm­ ing made by certain citizens to er foundation—must throw out have the council insist on a herd new and stronger roots, if it e x ­ law governing poultry and to do pects to hold its own or surpass away with the keeping o f swine the hundreds o f other young1 within the city ’ s limits. These towns, villages and cities in the are minor matters, but before grow in g Northwest. they are settled will end by the The city ’ s sidewalks are an out­ officials making enemies o f the ward and easily seen example o f poultry and hog owners, with lit­ this condition, with the city offic­ tle encouragement or thanks ials in the course o f their public from those asking for such law work, able to see a similar condi­ enforcement. tion in sewer and water systems. Estacada has outgrown its Estacada is sufficiently handi­ boom days, when it was receiv­ capped by the neglected proper­ ing a reflected glory and profit ty within its boundaries, owned from the building o f the River by non-resident and disinterested Mill dam, or the exploiting o f its property holders, but a small pro­ fruit and farm lands. It has portion o f whom will make im­ provements, unless legally forc­ passed the day when it should be satisfied to be a peaceful, quiet, ed to do so. Add to this a strong disposi­ homelike, rural trading center, tion on the part o f the resident and today with a few industries owners and renters, to disregard here and more in sight, its schools the c it y ’s ordinances, even mak­ keeping abreast o f the times, it ing it necessary for the council must wake up, build up and hold to take legal action in their cas­ its rightful position as the com­ es, with the incident personal mercial and municipal center o f hard feelings engendered, and it Eastern Clackamas County. is little wonder that the duties o f We have all been too willing to a city official are too often un­ expend our energies in extolling pleasant and that the city itself our virtues to our neighbors, es­ suffers. pecially in inducing our rural, No city o f the size o f Estacada nearby friends to make Estacada can afford to pay its officials for their trading center and shipping their services, nor would any o f ­ point, but we must not forget to ficial feel that he should receive at least keep our Estacada up to, remuneration but when the o f ­ and i f possible, a little ahead o f ficials are compelled to break the growth and development that friendly relations with their is current in the rural centers neighbors, and in many instances adjoining. even stand a financial loss in In resigning from the council, their businesses, in order to do “ ye editor’ ’ did so, not to escape their duty and enforce the city’ s his full share o f the work, al­ laws, it is too much to expect o f though he will admit that he the average citizen. hopes to escape losing all o f his Before the present important friends, which was the prospect, ordinances in the city charter i f legal action became necessary are put in force and the needed in enforcing the city ’ s ordinances. improvements inaugurated, it There are dozens o f good inert now looks as though legal action in Estacada, who are ably quali­ would have to be taken by the fied to act as city officials, but officials, w i t h their personal many o f them have taken their friends, neighbors and business turn and returned to private life, associates in many instances, as with the avow'ed intention o f the defendants. never again accepting the thank- The city ’s officials are today less responsibilities involved, working with their hands tied, Yet, these men and “ ye edi- working for the public good, tor’ ’ having sat in the “ seats o f with the public either apathetic j the m ighty” should now be bet- or antagonistic. These officials ter citizens and more willing to are too often called upon to take fully cooperate in the work now a decided stand for or against facing the city fathers. Miiitarv Tournament Continued from front page y W ar Census Registration Numbers Continued from front page Barton Precinct A. S. Ackerson 206, J. H. Ackerson 207, G. V. Anderson 208, C. Buckman 209, Harry Barlow 210, B. Calderwood 211, H. Chris­ tiansen 212, J. M. Cahill 213, Z. Coop 214, A. Despotovisch 215, P. Douglass 216, W. Erickson 217, D. Fosberg 218, R. Gibson 219, R. Githens 220, H. Hanson 221. G. Hanson 222, G. Hallman 223, G. Judd 224, M. Koraman 225, E. McMurrav 226, W. Miller 227, C. McMurray 228. E. Odell 229, W. Odell 230, H. Richards 231, L. Rivers 232, M. Richey 233, E. Richards 234, J. Stone 235, N. Shimick 236. 0 . Stulke 237, W. Stingley 238, E. Thompson 239, R. White 240. And Dance The military tournament and field day, which had been sched­ uled by the soldiers o f Company 1). for July 4th and which was postponed, will take place next Saturday afternoon, the 14th, on the athletic field adjoining the Estacada Schools. That evening at the Pavilion, a second delightful dance will be given by the soldiers, with re­ freshments served, to which all are invited. An admission o f 50c will be charged in the evening, the pro­ ceeds to defray in part the e x ­ penses o f the company ball team, although no charge will he made the ladies, with the afternoon sports free to all. # El wood Items Contributed Mrs. Wentz o f Portland, visit­ ed her son George Harrison and family, for a few days. Orel Vullen, is slowly recover­ ing from his serious illness. Mrs. M. M. Surface is spend­ ing a few weeks with her daugh­ ter Mrs. Ona Stahlriecker, at Wil­ son ville, helping care for her new grandson, born July 4th. Earnest and Nellie Vallen, are spending a few days in Portland attending the Educational Asso­ ciation. ' R. Morgan, who has been working for L. N. Vallen the past 5 weeks has moved to Teni- no, Washington. During his short stay at home, a party and picnic were held in honor o f Willie Freeman, o f Van­ couver, Washington. I Garfield Band Thanks The Public Despite the damp weather on the morning o f the 4th, the cele­ bration at the Garfield Country Club was a success from begin­ ning to end. The band feels very grateful to James Park o f Park & Closner, who not only donated his lal>or but also confectioneries at whole­ sale prices and they also wish to sincerely thank the general pub­ lic for their help in making the celebration a success. Signed H. B. Davis Secy. Garfield Band. Mrs. Rulo Jacobs and son of Aberdeen are visiting relatives and friends in Garfield this week Morris Bullard o f Currinsville, while playing at Wilhoit Friday, fell and broke his right arm. Springwater New» Item» ('on tribunal Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Christen­ sen were pleasantly surprised by a number o f their Portland friends July 4th. Those present were - Mr. and Mrs. Downs, Mrs. Sorensen, Mrs. W. Moyer, and Mrs. L. S. Turner. The party motored back to Portland in the evening. A party o f young people from Springwater motored up the Col­ umbia Highway July 4th. The Misses Emma and Gene- vive Weller o f Portland spent the past week with friends in Springwater. A number o f relatives and friends spent a very enjoyable Sunday, at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lawrence. ('has. Bard o f Wardner, Idaho, formerly o f Spring water, is here harvesting the crops on his farm. Sidney Smith had the misfor­ tune to get a small piece o f steel in his eye Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Smedlev o f Port­ land spent Sunday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. E. Shibley. Estacada Cannery Under Full Blast Manager Denting o f the Esta- cada Cannery states that his plant had capacity and orders in advance for over 50 tons o f goose­ berries, but was only able to oh tain from the local growers this year less than two tons, which have now been eannned and will be delivered to Portland whole­ sale grocers. A price o f 3c per pound was paid for this fruit, which should yield close to 4 tons to the acre in this country. The cannery will soon be opera­ ting to capacity on loganberries and raspberries, with the Refu­ gee string beans following. Over 60 tons o f the berries are already contracted for from the growers, with over 200 tons o f beans to be delivered. The Government is this year in the market for all kinds o f hy­ drated or dried vegetables, such as carrots, turnips and other gar­ den products. Advise the can­ nery at once as to the amount o f surplus vegetables you will have for sale this year, as the hydrat­ ing w’ill I k * done there. Club Meeting Postponed As less than a score o f reser­ vations were made for Monday night’ s Farmers’ & Merchants’ Club meeting, the dinner and meeting was given up, although several matters o f importance should have come up for discus­ sion this week. Announcement will be made later o f the date o f the next din­ ner-meeting, when it is hoped a larger attendance will be prom­ ised.