Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 12, 1917, Image 3

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    ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
To Be Without a Bank Account?
This question has no reference
to your financial condition, but
from a strictly business point of
view can you afford to forego the
many advantages that accrue to
owners of growing bank ac­
counts? This is a competitive
age— competition to accumulate
is becoming keener a 1 the time.
Your competitor has a bank ac­
count to systematize his affairs
and takes advantage of all its
privileges. Can YOU afford to
let him have this advantage
over you?
Why not start an account with
us and take advantage of the con­
venience and facilities afforded
for the better protection of
YOUK income.
E stacada State Bank
Second Officers Reserve Camp
The second camp for the West­
ern Department for the Officers’
Reserve will be held at the Pre
sidio Reservation, San Francisco
and will open Aug. 27, 1917 and
close Nov. 2fi. 1917.
Since the special obje“t of
these camps is to train a body of
men fitted to fill the more res­
ponsible positions of command in
the new armies, every effort will
be made to select men of excep­
tional character and proved abil­
ity in their various occupations.
Every candidate must file his
application in person with the
Local Committee of the nearest
Military Training Camps Associ­
ation. These associations will be
appointed in every town having
a population of not less than 2500,
within the eight states from
which the candidates are to be
drawn for the Presidio Camp.
From these Committees applica­
tion blanks can be secured
formation as to the identity and
address of your nearest local
Committee can be had from the
cashier of anv bank. The head­
quarters of the Military Training
Camps Association for the West­
ern Department <van he addres­
sed at 201 Pine St., San Fran­
cisco. Calif.
George Goings On
Cont ributfil
The date of the George Com­
munity Fair has been changed to
Friday, September 7, 1917.
The usual good time was hud
by all who attended the July 4th
celebration at the Club. Walter
Givens of Estacada was the
speaker of the day and delivered
a most interesting address. The
Lins brothers furnished the music
for the afternoon dance and Mr.
and Mrs. Roberts of Dover play­
ed for the dance that night.
Mrs. J H. Wourms and chil­
dren of Portland are spending a
few days at the home of her
brother, Leo Rath.
Mrs. Jessie Barney and son
Bobby of Portland spent a few
days at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joyner.
A. Wiederhold came out from
Portland and spent the day with
his family on the 4th.
Mrs. Croner and children of
Portland are spending a couple
of weeks at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Lins.
Mrs. Peter Ruhl enjoyed a vis­
it from her brother and sister
and their families of Portland
on the 4th.
Mrs. Schrameck has returned
to her home in Portland after-
spending a week with her daugh­
ter. Mrs. Henry Smith.
: Contributed
Lee of Knappa, Wash,
is visiting at the home of her
mother, Mrs. S. A. Updegrave.
Miss Ruth Brown of Portland,
who has been quite ill, is spend­
ing a much needed vacation wiih
the Newton Schminky family.
Many of the local boys, includ­
ing Irwin Updegrave, William
Laniper. Ralph DeShazer and
Bruce Schminky spent the 4th
in Estacada or Portland.
M rs. M.
Leroy D. Walker. President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
I r w i n I). W r i g h t . C a s h i e r
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Regular $3.00
Saturday the 14th only
$ 2.70
Wide Mouth Mason Jars
Half Gallons
10c a dozen
3 dozen for 25c
25c a dozen
Estacada Feed & Lumber Co.
E Beals D
The baseball game of last Sun­
day afternoon in Estacada. be­
tween the crack regimental nines
of Company D and Company E
was played under good weather-
conditions and with a fair sized
audience in attendance.
The company E boys won the
game and until next Sunday,
when another game will be play­
ed between the same teams, Co.
E is singing the song of victory.
With the rivalry as strong as
it now is between these teams, a
good game is promised for next
The Test That Tells
Driving the Chevrolet Special,
R. C. Durant, vice president and
sales manager of the Chevrolet
factory, won second place in the
annual speed carnival on the Ta­
coma Speedway July 4th. Dur­
ant was beaten out for first hon­
ors by a narrow margin by Pat­
terson. the California speed king.
In order to defeat Durant, who
suffered from tire trouble during
the contest, it was necessary for
Patterson to average better than
ninety miles per hour for the en­
tire distance. The public was
more interested in the Chevrolet
entry and its driver than any
other contestant and although
Durant was forced back to sec­
ond place on account of ti**e trou­
ble, he \vas a popular favorite
throughout the race.
Paid Adv.
Soldiers Prove Delightful Hosts
Circle-Two Steps a n d T a g
Waltzes never were so popular
as at last Saturday evening's
dance at the Estacada PaWliion,
when the soldiers of Company 1).
were hosts to the people of this
Close to one hundred couples
participated in the good time,
with probably one half of the
crowd made up of the uniformed
hosts, many of whom had invit­
ed their girl friends from Port­
land to enjoy the affair.
The Bronson-Erickson orches­
tra furnished the music, which
was first class and to add to the
true hospitality of the ounce,
punch and wafers were served
throughout the evening, with a
dainty punch and cake supper
at midnight, the cakes having
been donated by the local ladies.
Those fortunate enough to
have been present, as well as the
people of this community, join
in heartily thanking the soldiers
for their hospitality and assure
them that any imagined obliga­
tion. which they may have felt
under to the local people, has
been more than wiped out and an
even closer friendship formed.
Guv E. LaFollette. editor of
the Helena (Mont.) Independent,
was an Estacada visitor last Sat­
urday afternoon, leaving that
night for Helena, where he has
enlisted in the Administrative
Corps of the IJ. S. Armv.
A bstract« exam ined. C orporation L av .
F inancial A gents. T ru s ts , I sc row s an d
A ccounts. E sta te s p ro b a te d . Collec­
tions, D eeds, M ortgages.
practice in all c o u rts. C orrespondence
solicited. P ro m p t a tte n tio n . B aa*
references. Fouri«*n/Ai y a r .
loams placid on pontlanb p a t r o n
Mosessohn & Mosessohn
n s . J i . / It t l i « i s l * r e l C v tfu a e rt#
e o < i L A N I> . O A K t t O M