Want and Por Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance ♦ ♦ CASH PAID for Junk econo­ ♦ mise, save your PAPER, RAGS, ♦ RUBBER, IRON and METAL of + all kinds and bring them to Jerry L. A. Chapman Estacada ♦ Me Junk, The Junk Man. Licensed Embalmer + Pool Room, Estacada. + Phone Operating WANTED Good fresh dairy ♦ Store or Residence Hearse and Morgue cows. Durham preferred. Will ♦ call and look at offerings. Address 751 E. Ash St. Portland. Oregon City Wants Explanation Notice For Publication Continued from front page FOR SALE 5 H. P. Gasoline Department o f the Interior, U. S. : Engine, F.-M. Floor Scale (will the attention o f the public at Land Offiee at Portland, Oregon, June weigh up to 1700W»), and Feed large. 29, 1917, As time was the essence o f the Roller. J. Krieger, Estacada. NOTICE ia hereby given that R ob ert, contract and Eastern Clackamas Richard Oskar Muller, o f Colton, j WANTED Sealed bids on 130 wanted to do its full share, it Clackamas County, Oregon, who; on 1 cords o f first class, four foot, yel­ was decided to raise the money March 8, 1912, made Homestead Entry, i first, and scrap it out afterwards, low fir wood. Fuel to he deliver­ if there was any scrap coming, No. 03404, for Lot 7 and SE 1-4 of SW ed not later than September 1st. for the Red Cross cause was too 1-4, Section 6, Township 5 South, Bids to he opened August 0th. important a one to be held up by Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice o f intention to make fi-1 I Address all bids to Mrs. Myrtle sectional differences. nal five-year Proof, to establish claim In Mr. McBain’s letter, he to the land above described, before the Belfils, (Jerk, Estacada School states, “ Miss Mary Cronin o f Register and Receiver o f the United Board. Portland, a Red Cross nurse was States Land Office, at Portland, Ore­ sent to Estacada at the request gon, on the 10th day of August, 1917. FOR SALE Team, 6 yr. olds, o f Mgr. Sullivan. But this claim Claimant names as witnesses: mare and horse, guaranteed true. is ref uted by Miss Cronin herself, William Werner, Charles W. Swan, Fair Harness. 2 ii Watson Wag­ who was in Estacada again a day William Sehiefer, Rex Gordon, all o f on with double bed and spring or so ago. Colton, Clackamas County, Oregon. seat, practically new. One horse The letter furthermore states, Proof made according to law under sold alone if wanted. Price is “ campaign literature was also which entry was made. sent from the county headquar­ N. Campbell right for a good outfit. ters to Postmaster Heylman.“ — Register. F. E. Kirk, Rural carrier R. 3, which, while probably received Estacada. by Mr. Heylman, apparently did not get into the hands o f the lo­ R eport O f T he C ondition O f LOST Ladies Hand Bag con­ cal Red Cross enthusiasts. taining gold watch and chain, on Mr. Devore, who it also alleges ESTACADA STATE BANK July 4th. Reward. was asked about the campaign at Estacada, in the State o f Oregon, at here, came before the local com­ the close of business, June 20. 1917. Earl Day, Kstncndo mittee on the 23rd and asked if RESOURCES the drive then underway, could Loans and discounts 1 9 7 00 6 i 5 | FOR SALE Five small pigs. Bonds and warrants ........................... ?4 lOtvfea not be handled under the direc­ J. A. Somer, Estacada Stocks and other securities ........ 339.48 tion of the county organization, Banking house 3 4 5 0.00 FOR SALE 3 Buck Lambs, 75 but as it seemed 'ike a matter of Furniture and fixtures ............................ I 750.00 small importance, who handled Other Real Estate owned ....................... i 97 9.25 to 90 pounds. Send in your order the campaign, the work went 1 Due from approved reserve hanks ..... 17 684 34 and other cash Item s................. 2 1 0 .6 3 or you will get left. right along and the money came Checks Cash on hand............................................. 7 4 4 0 .4 8 0. M. Folsom, Springwater. pouring in. T ota l..................................................... SI 54 0 0 6 97 Clackamas County is credited 50 Angora Goats. with over $14,(KM), raised for LIABILITIES WANTED .$15 0 0 0 .0 0 Capital stock paid In W. G. Kerns. 153G Grand Ave. the Red Cross and in this amount Surplus fund ...................................... 2 0 0 0 .0 0 is the sum of $1,081.16 raised by Undivided profits less expenses and Portland, Or. the Estacada community, except­ taxea paid ..................... ......................... I 357 5 I ing the Viola district, which re­ Postal savings bank deposits ....... .......... 1 785.37 FOR SALE or SERVICE Individual deposits sublect Shadeland Kruger, No. 224375, mitted directly to Oregon City. to check ......................... 105 852.57 Had Mgr. Sullivan o f the coun­ Demand certificates of deposit ...... 3 3 7 7 .b8 I )uroc Jersey Boar. 4 68 0.10 ty committee, carefully followed Cashier checks outstanding W. K. Corbin, R. 1. Estacada Certified check» ..................................... 112.35 up his instructions sent to the Time and Savings Deposits 19 8 4 1.39 school clerks in this district, he $154 0 0 6 .9 7 FOR SALE Durham heifer, would have discovered that noth­ Total ......................... coming fresh 4th or 5th of July. ing was being done, but as he State of Oregon, County rtf Clackamas, ss: I, Irwin 1». Wright, cashier of the did not do so. the local people I*. Mal/.ininni. River Mill. got busy for themselves and con- j above named bank,