Walter Givens Harry C. Reid Fred Bartholomew Editor in Chief Advertising Mgr. Bouncer THE WEEKLY O O S TIN G Voi. 1 No. 31 PIRI July 5, 1917 LOCAL DEPARTMENT I Devoted to the stimulation of civic and community pride • the patronizing of home industries - and the boosting of the W. Givens Company, incorporated. Aside* from the managing edi­ tors husky voice, we all came through the s a f e and sane fourth without any casualties. Before the cow kicks over the milk pail get a spray gun and a can of “fly knocker” it will insure her comfort as well as your own. That squeak you heard at twelve o’clock last Friday was the whistle on the new cheeserv ' since then they have been so busy they have not had time to blow it. Wo tilled the pantry '.for a bride and groom, again this week. This store is headquarters for bee supplies. Next Wednesday will I k * stock day we ship a carload on that date. A hoy came into a local con- fentionary just before the fourth and offered to buy a pennys worth of caps if he could hor- row a gun to shoot them in. Talk alnmt a business head “he was there”. We are not going to write any long editorial this week, on mail order houses or on why you should trade with us but just a word on our prices. A travelling man last Saturday offered to buy all of our stock, of a certain household necessity at our retail price. The wholesale price to­ day is greater than what you pay i s for it. Ask us and we will tell you what this article is. Estacada, Or. Free Jar Rubbers For a week only we are including one dozen jar rubbers F R E E of charge wi t h every d o z e n of Mason jars we sell. W e call your attention to the following prices on Fruit Jars. Atlas Mason pints $ .65 a dozen quarts .75 ,, ,, ,, Vz gallon 1.00 Kerr Self-Sealing pints $ .65 a dozen quarts .75 ,, V-z gallon 1.00 * Drey Mason pints $ .60 a dozen quarts .70 ,, .. V .• gallon .95 Economy pints $ .95 a dozen ,, quarts 1.10 ,, '/t gallon 1.50 Ball Mason pints $ .65 a dozen Sehram Wide Mouth quarts $1.00 a dozen Sugar Special Before the last raise in price, we bought long on S U G A R and are this week giving our regular customers the advan­ tage of our f o r e - s i g h t The price, $8.75 is on sugar bought for cash with other groceries With the canning season at its height, this opportunity should be doubly welcome Remember our 2 '- Cash Discount tickets are redeemable at any time. We believe that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement. The Walter Givens Company